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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
import fs from 'fs';import test from 'ava';import {makeGrammar} from './helpers/testUtil.js';
import * as ohm from '../index.mjs';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Private stuff// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function pluckMemoProp(result, propName) { return => { const result = {}; if (info == null) return {}; if (propName === 'examinedLength') { result.maxExaminedLength = info.maxExaminedLength; } else if (propName === 'rightmostFailureOffset') { result.maxRightmostFailureOffset = info.maxRightmostFailureOffset; } Object.keys(info.memo).forEach(ruleName => { const memoRec = info.memo[ruleName]; result[ruleName] = memoRec[propName]; }); return result; });}
const checkOffsetActions = { _nonterminal(...children) { const desc = this._node.ctorName + ' @ ' + this.source.startIdx;, this.args.startIdx, desc); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { const childStartIdx = this.args.startIdx + this._node.childOffsets[i]; children[i].checkOffsets(this.args.t, childStartIdx); } }, _terminal() { const desc = '"' + this.sourceString + '" @ ' + this.source.startIdx;, this.args.startIdx, desc); }, _iter(...children) { return => c.checkOffsets(this.args.t, this.args.childStartIdx)); },};
const ctorTreeActions = { _default(...children) { return [this.ctorName].concat( => c.ctorTree)); },};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests// --------------------------------------------------------------------
test('basic incremental parsing', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = notLastLetter* letter', ' notLastLetter = letter &letter', '}', ]);
// Create an operation which reconstructs the matched based on the offsets // stored for each node. This can be compared to the input stored in the matcher. const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('reconstructInput(input)', { start(letters, lastLetter) { const lastLetterOffset = this._node.childOffsets[1]; return ( letters.reconstructInput(this.args.input) + lastLetter.reconstructInput(this.args.input.slice(lastLetterOffset)) ); }, notLastLetter(letter, _) { return letter.reconstructInput(this.args.input); }, _iter(...children) { return this._node.childOffsets .map((offset, i) => { const c = children[i].reconstructInput(this.args.input.slice(offset)); return c; }) .join(''); }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, });
const im = g.matcher(); let result;
im.replaceInputRange(0, 0, 'helloworld');, 'helloworld'); im.replaceInputRange(3, 5, 'X');, 'helXworld');
result = im.match();, 'helXworld');
t.truthy(im.match('start').succeeded()); t.truthy(im.match().succeeded());, 'helXworld');
im.replaceInputRange(0, 4, '');, 'world');
result = im.match();, 'world');
im.replaceInputRange(3, 4, ' ');, 'wor d'); t.truthy(im.match().failed());
im.replaceInputRange(0, 4, 'aa');, 'aad');
result = im.match();, 'aad');
im.replaceInputRange(1, 2, '9'); t.truthy(im.match().failed());});
test('trickier incremental parsing', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = start letter -- rec', ' | lookahead', ' | "a"', ' lookahead = &"ac" "a"', '}', ]); const s = g.createSemantics().addAttribute('ctorTree', ctorTreeActions); const im = g.matcher(); let result;
im.replaceInputRange(0, 0, 'ab'); result = im.match(); t.truthy(result.succeeded()); t.deepEqual(s(result).ctorTree, [ 'start', ['start_rec', ['start', ['_terminal']], ['letter', ['lower', ['_terminal']]]], ]);
// When the input is 'ac', the lookahead rule should now succeed. im.replaceInputRange(1, 2, 'c'); result = im.match(); t.truthy(result.succeeded()); t.deepEqual(s(result).ctorTree, [ 'start', [ 'start_rec', ['start', ['lookahead', ['_terminal'], ['_terminal']]], ['letter', ['lower', ['_terminal']]], ], ]);});
test('examinedLength - no LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = notLastLetter* letter', ' notLastLetter = letter &letter', '}', ]); const result = g.match('yip'); const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'examinedLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxExaminedLength: 4, letter: 1, lower: 1, notLastLetter: 2, start: 4}, {maxExaminedLength: 2, letter: 1, lower: 1, notLastLetter: 2}, {maxExaminedLength: 2, letter: 1, lower: 1, notLastLetter: 2}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1, upper: 1, unicodeLtmo: 1}, ]);});
test('examinedLength - no LR, but non-monotonic', t => { const g = makeGrammar(['G {', ' start = "a" "b" "c" | letter letter letter', '}']); const result = g.match('abd'); const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'examinedLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxExaminedLength: 3, letter: 1, lower: 1, start: 3}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1}, ]);});
test('examinedLength - simple LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar(['G {', ' start = start letter -- rec', ' | letter', '}']); const result = g.match('yo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'examinedLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxExaminedLength: 3, letter: 1, lower: 1, start: 3}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1, upper: 1, unicodeLtmo: 1}, ]);});
test('examinedLength - complicated LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = start foo -- rec', ' | foo', ' foo = foo letter -- rec', ' | any', '}', ]); const result = g.match('yo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'examinedLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxExaminedLength: 3, any: 1, foo: 3, start: 3}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1}, {maxExaminedLength: 1, letter: 1, lower: 1, upper: 1, unicodeLtmo: 1, any: 1, foo: 1}, ]);});
test('rightmostFailureOffset - no LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = notLastLetter* letter', ' notLastLetter = letter &letter', '}', ]); const result = g.match('yip'); const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'rightmostFailureOffset'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 3, letter: -1, lower: -1, notLastLetter: -1, start: 3}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: -1, letter: -1, lower: -1, notLastLetter: -1}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 1, letter: -1, lower: -1, notLastLetter: 1}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 0, letter: 0, lower: 0, upper: 0, unicodeLtmo: 0}, ]);});
test('rightmostFailureOffset - simple LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar(['G {', ' start = start letter -- rec', ' | letter', '}']); const result = g.match('yo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'rightmostFailureOffset'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 2, letter: -1, lower: -1, start: 2}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: -1, letter: -1, lower: -1}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 0, letter: 0, lower: 0, upper: 0, unicodeLtmo: 0}, ]);});
test('rightmostFailureOffset - complicated LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = start foo -- rec', ' | foo', ' foo = foo letter -- rec', ' | any', '}', ]); const result = g.match('yo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'rightmostFailureOffset'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {maxRightmostFailureOffset: 2, any: -1, foo: 2, start: 2}, {maxRightmostFailureOffset: -1, letter: -1, lower: -1}, { maxRightmostFailureOffset: 0, letter: 0, lower: 0, upper: 0, unicodeLtmo: 0, any: 0, foo: 0, }, ]);});
test('matchLength', t => { const g = makeGrammar(['G {', ' start = notLast* any', ' notLast = any &any', '}']); const result = g.match('woo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'matchLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {any: 1, notLast: 1, start: 3}, {any: 1, notLast: 1}, {any: 1, notLast: 0}, {any: 0}, ]);});
test('matchLength - complicated LR', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = start foo -- rec', ' | foo', ' foo = foo letter -- rec', ' | any', '}', ]); const result = g.match('yo');, true);
const values = pluckMemoProp(result, 'matchLength'); t.deepEqual(values, [ {any: 1, foo: 2, start: 2}, {letter: 1, lower: 1}, {letter: 0, lower: 0, upper: 0, unicodeLtmo: 0, any: 0, foo: 0}, ]);});
test('binding offsets - lexical rules', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' start = start foo -- rec', ' | foo', ' foo = foo letter -- rec', ' | "oo"', '}', ]); let result = g.match('oolong');, true);
const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('checkOffsets(t, startIdx)', checkOffsetActions); s(result).checkOffsets(t, 0);
result = g.match('oo'); s(result).checkOffsets(t, 0);});
test('binding offsets - syntactic rules', t => { const g = makeGrammar([ ' G {', ' Start = letter NotLast* any', ' NotLast = any &any', '}', ]); let result = g.match(' a 4'); t.truthy(result.succeeded());
const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('checkOffsets(t, startIdx)', checkOffsetActions); s(result).checkOffsets(t, result._cstOffset);
result = g.match('a 4 '); t.truthy(result.succeeded()); s(result).checkOffsets(t, result._cstOffset);});
test('incremental parsing + attributes = incremental computation', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(fs.readFileSync('test/arithmetic.ohm'));
let freshlyEvaluated; const s = g.createSemantics().addAttribute('value', { addExp_plus(x, _op, y) { const ans = x.value + y.value; freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, addExp_minus(x, _op, y) { const ans = x.value - y.value; freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, mulExp_times(x, _op, y) { const ans = x.value * y.value; freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, mulExp_divide(x, _op, y) { const ans = x.value / y.value; freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, priExp_paren(_open, x, _close) { const ans = x.value; freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, number(_) { const ans = parseInt(this.sourceString); freshlyEvaluated.push(this.sourceString); return ans; }, });
const m = g.matcher();
freshlyEvaluated = []; m.replaceInputRange(0, 0, '(1+2)*3-4');, 5); t.deepEqual(freshlyEvaluated, ['1', '2', '1+2', '(1+2)', '3', '(1+2)*3', '4', '(1+2)*3-4']);
freshlyEvaluated = []; m.replaceInputRange(8, 9, '9');, '(1+2)*3-9');, 0); t.deepEqual(freshlyEvaluated, ['9', '(1+2)*3-9']);
freshlyEvaluated = []; m.replaceInputRange(2, 3, '-');, '(1-2)*3-9');, -12); t.deepEqual(freshlyEvaluated, [ '1', // why? because its 'examinedLength' property is 2 // (you have to read the next character to know that you're done parsing a number) // and we changed that character from '+' to '-' '1-2', '(1-2)', '(1-2)*3', '(1-2)*3-9', ]);});