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λ "Functions all the way down" data validation for JavaScript and TypeScript.
// `ok-computer/parser` is a loosely related module, allowing you to write// a parser function in a similar style to OK Computer validators.
throw new Error('WIP');
import { isPlainObject } from './utils.ts';
export type Parser = (value: any) => any;
export const trim = (value: string) => value.trim();export const trimEnd = (value: string) => value.trimEnd();export const trimStart = (value: string) => value.trimStart();export const uppercase = (value: string) => value.toUpperCase();export const lowercase = (value: string) => value.toLowerCase();export const padStart = (padding: number) => (value: string) => value.padStart(padding);export const padEnd = (padding: number) => (value: string) => value.padEnd(padding);export const split = (...args: Parameters<typeof String.prototype.split>) => (value: string) => value.split(...args);export const nullWhen = <T>(nullValue: T) => (value: any): T | null => value === nullValue ? null : value;export const undefinedWhen = <T>(nullValue: T) => (value: any): T | undefined => value === nullValue ? undefined : value;
export type ObjParserResult< Parsers extends Record<keyof Parsers, (value: any) => any>, Value extends Partial<Record<keyof Parsers, any>>> = { // The property could be the successfully parsed value, the original value (in cases where it failed) // or undefined (in cases where no value was passed). [P in keyof Parsers]: | ReturnType<Parsers[P]> | (Value extends {} ? Value[P] extends {} ? Value[P] : undefined : undefined);};
export interface ObjectOptions { readonly keepUnknown?: boolean;}
export const object = <Parsers extends Record<keyof Parsers, Parser>>( parsers: Parsers, { keepUnknown = false }: ObjectOptions = {} ) => <Value extends Partial<Record<keyof Parsers, any>> | any>( value: Value ): Value extends Partial<Record<keyof Parsers, any>> ? ObjParserResult<Parsers, Value> : Value => { if (!isPlainObject(value)) { // @ts-ignore return value; } const result = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(parsers).map(([prop, parser]) => { const val = (value as { [key: string]: any })?.[prop]; try { return [prop, (parser as Parser)(val)]; } catch (ex) { return [prop, val]; } }, []) );
if (keepUnknown) { // @ts-ignore return { ...value, ...result }; }
// @ts-ignore return result; };
export const array = <Parser extends (value: any) => any>(parser: Parser) => <Value>( value: Value ): Value extends any[] ? (ReturnType<Parser> | Value[0])[] : Value => { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { // @ts-ignore return value; } const result = => { try { return parser(val); } catch (ex) { return val; } }); // @ts-ignore return result; };