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OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
/* OpenPGP radix-64/base64 string encoding/decoding * Copyright 2005 Herbert Hanewinkel, * version 1.0, check for the latest version * * This software is provided as-is, without express or implied warranty. * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute or sell this software, with or * without fee, for any purpose and by any individual or organization, is hereby * granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear * in all copies. Distribution as a part of an application or binary must * include the above copyright notice in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the application or distribution. */
/** * @module encoding/base64 */
import * as stream from '@openpgp/web-stream-tools';import util from '../util';
const Buffer = util.getNodeBuffer();
let encodeChunk;let decodeChunk;if (Buffer) { encodeChunk = buf => Buffer.from(buf).toString('base64'); decodeChunk = str => { const b = Buffer.from(str, 'base64'); return new Uint8Array(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength); };} else { encodeChunk = buf => btoa(util.uint8ArrayToString(buf)); decodeChunk = str => util.stringToUint8Array(atob(str));}
/** * Convert binary array to radix-64 * @param {Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>} data - Uint8Array to convert * @returns {String | ReadableStream<String>} Radix-64 version of input string. * @static */export function encode(data) { let buf = new Uint8Array(); return stream.transform(data, value => { buf = util.concatUint8Array([buf, value]); const r = []; const bytesPerLine = 45; // 60 chars per line * (3 bytes / 4 chars of base64). const lines = Math.floor(buf.length / bytesPerLine); const bytes = lines * bytesPerLine; const encoded = encodeChunk(buf.subarray(0, bytes)); for (let i = 0; i < lines; i++) { r.push(encoded.substr(i * 60, 60)); r.push('\n'); } buf = buf.subarray(bytes); return r.join(''); }, () => (buf.length ? encodeChunk(buf) + '\n' : ''));}
/** * Convert radix-64 to binary array * @param {String | ReadableStream<String>} data - Radix-64 string to convert * @returns {Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>} Binary array version of input string. * @static */export function decode(data) { let buf = ''; return stream.transform(data, value => { buf += value;
// Count how many whitespace characters there are in buf let spaces = 0; const spacechars = [' ', '\t', '\r', '\n']; for (let i = 0; i < spacechars.length; i++) { const spacechar = spacechars[i]; for (let pos = buf.indexOf(spacechar); pos !== -1; pos = buf.indexOf(spacechar, pos + 1)) { spaces++; } }
// Backtrack until we have 4n non-whitespace characters // that we can safely base64-decode let length = buf.length; for (; length > 0 && (length - spaces) % 4 !== 0; length--) { if (spacechars.includes(buf[length])) spaces--; }
const decoded = decodeChunk(buf.substr(0, length)); buf = buf.substr(length); return decoded; }, () => decodeChunk(buf));}
/** * Convert a Base-64 encoded string an array of 8-bit integer * * Note: accepts both Radix-64 and URL-safe strings * @param {String} base64 - Base-64 encoded string to convert * @returns {Uint8Array} An array of 8-bit integers. */export function b64ToUint8Array(base64) { return decode(base64.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'));}
/** * Convert an array of 8-bit integer to a Base-64 encoded string * @param {Uint8Array} bytes - An array of 8-bit integers to convert * @param {bool} url - If true, output is URL-safe * @returns {String} Base-64 encoded string. */export function uint8ArrayToB64(bytes, url) { let encoded = encode(bytes).replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); if (url) { encoded = encoded.replace(/[+]/g, '-').replace(/[/]/g, '_').replace(/[=]/g, ''); } return encoded;}