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OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
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// GPG4Browsers - An OpenPGP implementation in javascript// Copyright (C) 2011 Recurity Labs GmbH//// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either// version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.//// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU// Lesser General Public License for more details.//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import { armor, unarmor } from './encoding/armor';import enums from './enums';import util from './util';import { PacketList, LiteralDataPacket, SignaturePacket } from './packet';import { Signature } from './signature';import { createVerificationObjects, createSignaturePackets } from './message';import defaultConfig from './config';
// A Cleartext message can contain the following packetsconst allowedPackets = /*#__PURE__*/ util.constructAllowedPackets([SignaturePacket]);
/** * Class that represents an OpenPGP cleartext signed message. * See {@link} */export class CleartextMessage { /** * @param {String} text - The cleartext of the signed message * @param {Signature} signature - The detached signature or an empty signature for unsigned messages */ constructor(text, signature) { // normalize EOL to canonical form <CR><LF> this.text = util.removeTrailingSpaces(text).replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'); if (signature && !(signature instanceof Signature)) { throw new Error('Invalid signature input'); } this.signature = signature || new Signature(new PacketList()); }
/** * Returns the key IDs of the keys that signed the cleartext message * @returns {Array<module:type/keyid~KeyID>} Array of keyID objects. */ getSigningKeyIDs() { const keyIDs = []; const signatureList = this.signature.packets; signatureList.forEach(function(packet) { keyIDs.push(packet.issuerKeyID); }); return keyIDs; }
/** * Sign the cleartext message * @param {Array<Key>} privateKeys - private keys with decrypted secret key data for signing * @param {Signature} [signature] - Any existing detached signature * @param {Array<module:type/keyid~KeyID>} [signingKeyIDs] - Array of key IDs to use for signing. Each signingKeyIDs[i] corresponds to privateKeys[i] * @param {Date} [date] - The creation time of the signature that should be created * @param {Array} [userIDs] - User IDs to sign with, e.g. [{ name:'Steve Sender', email:'' }] * @param {Object} [config] - Full configuration, defaults to openpgp.config * @returns {Promise<CleartextMessage>} New cleartext message with signed content. * @async */ async sign(privateKeys, signature = null, signingKeyIDs = [], date = new Date(), userIDs = [], config = defaultConfig) { const literalDataPacket = new LiteralDataPacket(); literalDataPacket.setText(this.text); const newSignature = new Signature(await createSignaturePackets(literalDataPacket, privateKeys, signature, signingKeyIDs, date, userIDs, true, config)); return new CleartextMessage(this.text, newSignature); }
/** * Verify signatures of cleartext signed message * @param {Array<Key>} keys - Array of keys to verify signatures * @param {Date} [date] - Verify the signature against the given date, i.e. check signature creation time < date < expiration time * @param {Object} [config] - Full configuration, defaults to openpgp.config * @returns {Promise<Array<{ * keyID: module:type/keyid~KeyID, * signature: Promise<Signature>, * verified: Promise<true> * }>>} List of signer's keyID and validity of signature. * @async */ verify(keys, date = new Date(), config = defaultConfig) { const signatureList = this.signature.packets; const literalDataPacket = new LiteralDataPacket(); // we assume that cleartext signature is generated based on UTF8 cleartext literalDataPacket.setText(this.text); return createVerificationObjects(signatureList, [literalDataPacket], keys, date, true, config); }
/** * Get cleartext * @returns {String} Cleartext of message. */ getText() { // normalize end of line to \n return this.text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); }
/** * Returns ASCII armored text of cleartext signed message * @param {Object} [config] - Full configuration, defaults to openpgp.config * @returns {String | ReadableStream<String>} ASCII armor. */ armor(config = defaultConfig) { let hashes = { return, packet.hashAlgorithm).toUpperCase(); }); hashes = hashes.filter(function(item, i, ar) { return ar.indexOf(item) === i; }); const body = { hash: hashes.join(), text: this.text, data: this.signature.packets.write() }; return armor(enums.armor.signed, body, undefined, undefined, undefined, config); }}
/** * Reads an OpenPGP cleartext signed message and returns a CleartextMessage object * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.cleartextMessage - Text to be parsed * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<CleartextMessage>} New cleartext message object. * @async * @static */export async function readCleartextMessage({ cleartextMessage, config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; if (!cleartextMessage) { throw new Error('readCleartextMessage: must pass options object containing `cleartextMessage`'); } if (!util.isString(cleartextMessage)) { throw new Error('readCleartextMessage: options.cleartextMessage must be a string'); } const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
const input = await unarmor(cleartextMessage); if (input.type !== enums.armor.signed) { throw new Error('No cleartext signed message.'); } const packetlist = await PacketList.fromBinary(, allowedPackets, config); verifyHeaders(input.headers, packetlist); const signature = new Signature(packetlist); return new CleartextMessage(input.text, signature);}
/** * Compare hash algorithm specified in the armor header with signatures * @param {Array<String>} headers - Armor headers * @param {PacketList} packetlist - The packetlist with signature packets * @private */function verifyHeaders(headers, packetlist) { const checkHashAlgos = function(hashAlgos) { const check = packet => algo => packet.hashAlgorithm === algo;
for (let i = 0; i < packetlist.length; i++) { if (packetlist[i].constructor.tag === enums.packet.signature && !hashAlgos.some(check(packetlist[i]))) { return false; } } return true; };
let oneHeader = null; let hashAlgos = []; headers.forEach(function(header) { oneHeader = header.match(/Hash: (.+)/); // get header value if (oneHeader) { oneHeader = oneHeader[1].replace(/\s/g, ''); // remove whitespace oneHeader = oneHeader.split(','); oneHeader = { hash = hash.toLowerCase(); try { return enums.write(enums.hash, hash); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Unknown hash algorithm in armor header: ' + hash); } }); hashAlgos = hashAlgos.concat(oneHeader); } else { throw new Error('Only "Hash" header allowed in cleartext signed message'); } });
if (!hashAlgos.length && !checkHashAlgos([enums.hash.md5])) { throw new Error('If no "Hash" header in cleartext signed message, then only MD5 signatures allowed'); } else if (hashAlgos.length && !checkHashAlgos(hashAlgos)) { throw new Error('Hash algorithm mismatch in armor header and signature'); }}
/** * Creates a new CleartextMessage object from text * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.text * @static * @async */export async function createCleartextMessage({ text, }) { if (!text) { throw new Error('createCleartextMessage: must pass options object containing `text`'); } if (!util.isString(text)) { throw new Error('createCleartextMessage: options.text must be a string'); } const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
return new CleartextMessage(text);}