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OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
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// GPG4Browsers - An OpenPGP implementation in javascript// Copyright (C) 2011 Recurity Labs GmbH//// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either// version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.//// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU// Lesser General Public License for more details.//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import * as stream from '@openpgp/web-stream-tools';import * as base64 from './base64';import enums from '../enums';import util from '../util';import defaultConfig from '../config';
/** * Finds out which Ascii Armoring type is used. Throws error if unknown type. * @param {String} text - ascii armored text * @returns {Integer} 0 = MESSAGE PART n of m. * 1 = MESSAGE PART n * 2 = SIGNED MESSAGE * 3 = PGP MESSAGE * 4 = PUBLIC KEY BLOCK * 5 = PRIVATE KEY BLOCK * 6 = SIGNATURE * @private */function getType(text) { const reHeader = /^-----BEGIN PGP (MESSAGE, PART \d+\/\d+|MESSAGE, PART \d+|SIGNED MESSAGE|MESSAGE|PUBLIC KEY BLOCK|PRIVATE KEY BLOCK|SIGNATURE)-----$/m;
const header = text.match(reHeader);
if (!header) { throw new Error('Unknown ASCII armor type'); }
// BEGIN PGP MESSAGE, PART X/Y // Used for multi-part messages, where the armor is split amongst Y // parts, and this is the Xth part out of Y. if (/MESSAGE, PART \d+\/\d+/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.multipartSection; } else // BEGIN PGP MESSAGE, PART X // Used for multi-part messages, where this is the Xth part of an // unspecified number of parts. Requires the MESSAGE-ID Armor // Header to be used. if (/MESSAGE, PART \d+/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.multipartLast; } else // BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE if (/SIGNED MESSAGE/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.signed; } else // BEGIN PGP MESSAGE // Used for signed, encrypted, or compressed files. if (/MESSAGE/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.message; } else // BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK // Used for armoring public keys. if (/PUBLIC KEY BLOCK/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.publicKey; } else // BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK // Used for armoring private keys. if (/PRIVATE KEY BLOCK/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.privateKey; } else // BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE // Used for detached signatures, OpenPGP/MIME signatures, and // cleartext signatures. Note that PGP 2.x uses BEGIN PGP MESSAGE // for detached signatures. if (/SIGNATURE/.test(header[1])) { return enums.armor.signature; }}
/** * Add additional information to the armor version of an OpenPGP binary * packet block. * @author Alex * @version 2011-12-16 * @param {String} [customComment] - Additional comment to add to the armored string * @returns {String} The header information. * @private */function addheader(customComment, config) { let result = ''; if (config.showVersion) { result += 'Version: ' + config.versionString + '\n'; } if (config.showComment) { result += 'Comment: ' + config.commentString + '\n'; } if (customComment) { result += 'Comment: ' + customComment + '\n'; } result += '\n'; return result;}

/** * Calculates a checksum over the given data and returns it base64 encoded * @param {String | ReadableStream<String>} data - Data to create a CRC-24 checksum for * @returns {String | ReadableStream<String>} Base64 encoded checksum. * @private */function getCheckSum(data) { const crc = createcrc24(data); return base64.encode(crc);}
const crc_table = [ new Array(0xFF), new Array(0xFF), new Array(0xFF), new Array(0xFF)];
for (let i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { let crc = i << 16; for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) { crc = (crc << 1) ^ ((crc & 0x800000) !== 0 ? 0x864CFB : 0); } crc_table[0][i] = ((crc & 0xFF0000) >> 16) | (crc & 0x00FF00) | ((crc & 0x0000FF) << 16);}for (let i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { crc_table[1][i] = (crc_table[0][i] >> 8) ^ crc_table[0][crc_table[0][i] & 0xFF];}for (let i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { crc_table[2][i] = (crc_table[1][i] >> 8) ^ crc_table[0][crc_table[1][i] & 0xFF];}for (let i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { crc_table[3][i] = (crc_table[2][i] >> 8) ^ crc_table[0][crc_table[2][i] & 0xFF];}
// isLittleEndian = (function() { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2); new DataView(buffer).setInt16(0, 0xFF, true /* littleEndian */); // Int16Array uses the platform's endianness. return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 0xFF;}());
/** * Internal function to calculate a CRC-24 checksum over a given string (data) * @param {String | ReadableStream<String>} input - Data to create a CRC-24 checksum for * @returns {Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>} The CRC-24 checksum. * @private */function createcrc24(input) { let crc = 0xCE04B7; return stream.transform(input, value => { const len32 = isLittleEndian ? Math.floor(value.length / 4) : 0; const arr32 = new Uint32Array(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, len32); for (let i = 0; i < len32; i++) { crc ^= arr32[i]; crc = crc_table[0][(crc >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ crc_table[1][(crc >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ crc_table[2][(crc >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ crc_table[3][(crc >> 0) & 0xFF]; } for (let i = len32 * 4; i < value.length; i++) { crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ value[i]]; } }, () => new Uint8Array([crc, crc >> 8, crc >> 16]));}
/** * Verify armored headers. RFC4880, section 6.3: "OpenPGP should consider improperly formatted * Armor Headers to be corruption of the ASCII Armor." * @private * @param {Array<String>} headers - Armor headers */function verifyHeaders(headers) { for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { if (!/^([^\s:]|[^\s:][^:]*[^\s:]): .+$/.test(headers[i])) { throw new Error('Improperly formatted armor header: ' + headers[i]); } if (!/^(Version|Comment|MessageID|Hash|Charset): .+$/.test(headers[i])) { util.printDebugError(new Error('Unknown header: ' + headers[i])); } }}
/** * Splits a message into two parts, the body and the checksum. This is an internal function * @param {String} text - OpenPGP armored message part * @returns {Object} An object with attribute "body" containing the body. * and an attribute "checksum" containing the checksum. * @private */function splitChecksum(text) { let body = text; let checksum = '';
const lastEquals = text.lastIndexOf('=');
if (lastEquals >= 0 && lastEquals !== text.length - 1) { // '=' as the last char means no checksum body = text.slice(0, lastEquals); checksum = text.slice(lastEquals + 1).substr(0, 4); }
return { body: body, checksum: checksum };}
/** * Dearmor an OpenPGP armored message; verify the checksum and return * the encoded bytes * @param {String} input - OpenPGP armored message * @returns {Promise<Object>} An object with attribute "text" containing the message text, * an attribute "data" containing a stream of bytes and "type" for the ASCII armor type * @async * @static */export function unarmor(input, config = defaultConfig) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const reSplit = /^-----[^-]+-----$/m; const reEmptyLine = /^[ \f\r\t\u00a0\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000]*$/;
let type; const headers = []; let lastHeaders = headers; let headersDone; let text = []; let textDone; let checksum; let data = base64.decode(stream.transformPair(input, async (readable, writable) => { const reader = stream.getReader(readable); try { while (true) { let line = await reader.readLine(); if (line === undefined) { throw new Error('Misformed armored text'); } // remove trailing whitespace at end of lines line = util.removeTrailingSpaces(line.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '')); if (!type) { if (reSplit.test(line)) { type = getType(line); } } else if (!headersDone) { if (reSplit.test(line)) { reject(new Error('Mandatory blank line missing between armor headers and armor data')); } if (!reEmptyLine.test(line)) { lastHeaders.push(line); } else { verifyHeaders(lastHeaders); headersDone = true; if (textDone || type !== 2) { resolve({ text, data, headers, type }); break; } } } else if (!textDone && type === 2) { if (!reSplit.test(line)) { // Reverse dash-escaping for msg text.push(line.replace(/^- /, '')); } else { text = text.join('\r\n'); textDone = true; verifyHeaders(lastHeaders); lastHeaders = []; headersDone = false; } } } } catch (e) { reject(e); return; } const writer = stream.getWriter(writable); try { while (true) { await writer.ready; const { done, value } = await; if (done) { throw new Error('Misformed armored text'); } const line = value + ''; if (line.indexOf('=') === -1 && line.indexOf('-') === -1) { await writer.write(line); } else { let remainder = await reader.readToEnd(); if (!remainder.length) remainder = ''; remainder = line + remainder; remainder = util.removeTrailingSpaces(remainder.replace(/\r/g, '')); const parts = remainder.split(reSplit); if (parts.length === 1) { throw new Error('Misformed armored text'); } const split = splitChecksum(parts[0].slice(0, -1)); checksum = split.checksum; await writer.write(split.body); break; } } await writer.ready; await writer.close(); } catch (e) { await writer.abort(e); } })); data = stream.transformPair(data, async (readable, writable) => { const checksumVerified = stream.readToEnd(getCheckSum(stream.passiveClone(readable))); checksumVerified.catch(() => {}); await stream.pipe(readable, writable, { preventClose: true }); const writer = stream.getWriter(writable); try { const checksumVerifiedString = (await checksumVerified).replace('\n', ''); if (checksum !== checksumVerifiedString && (checksum || config.checksumRequired)) { throw new Error('Ascii armor integrity check failed'); } await writer.ready; await writer.close(); } catch (e) { await writer.abort(e); } }); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }).then(async result => { if (stream.isArrayStream( { = await stream.readToEnd(; } return result; });}

/** * Armor an OpenPGP binary packet block * @param {module:enums.armor} messageType - Type of the message * @param {Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>} body - The message body to armor * @param {Integer} [partIndex] * @param {Integer} [partTotal] * @param {String} [customComment] - Additional comment to add to the armored string * @returns {String | ReadableStream<String>} Armored text. * @static */export function armor(messageType, body, partIndex, partTotal, customComment, config = defaultConfig) { let text; let hash; if (messageType === enums.armor.signed) { text = body.text; hash = body.hash; body =; } const bodyClone = stream.passiveClone(body); const result = []; switch (messageType) { case enums.armor.multipartSection: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE, PART ' + partIndex + '/' + partTotal + '-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP MESSAGE, PART ' + partIndex + '/' + partTotal + '-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.multipartLast: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE, PART ' + partIndex + '-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP MESSAGE, PART ' + partIndex + '-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.signed: result.push('\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n'); result.push('Hash: ' + hash + '\n\n'); result.push(text.replace(/^-/mg, '- -')); result.push('\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.message: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.publicKey: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.privateKey: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n'); break; case enums.armor.signature: result.push('-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'); result.push(addheader(customComment, config)); result.push(base64.encode(body)); result.push('=', getCheckSum(bodyClone)); result.push('-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'); break; }
return util.concat(result);}