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OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
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// OpenPGP.js - An OpenPGP implementation in javascript// Copyright (C) 2016 Tankred Hase//// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either// version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.//// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU// Lesser General Public License for more details.//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import * as stream from '@openpgp/web-stream-tools';import { Message } from './message';import { CleartextMessage } from './cleartext';import { generate, reformat, getPreferredAlgo } from './key';import defaultConfig from './config';import util from './util';import { checkKeyRequirements } from './key/helper';

//////////////////////// //// Key handling //// ////////////////////////

/** * Generates a new OpenPGP key pair. Supports RSA and ECC keys. By default, primary and subkeys will be of same type. * The generated primary key will have signing capabilities. By default, one subkey with encryption capabilities is also generated. * @param {Object} options * @param {Object|Array<Object>} options.userIDs - User IDs as objects: `{ name: 'Jo Doe', email: '' }` * @param {'ecc'|'rsa'} [options.type='ecc'] - The primary key algorithm type: ECC (default) or RSA * @param {String} [options.passphrase=(not protected)] - The passphrase used to encrypt the generated private key. If omitted, the key won't be encrypted. * @param {Number} [options.rsaBits=4096] - Number of bits for RSA keys * @param {String} [options.curve='curve25519'] - Elliptic curve for ECC keys: * curve25519 (default), p256, p384, p521, secp256k1, * brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP384r1, or brainpoolP512r1 * @param {Date} [ date] - Override the creation date of the key and the key signatures * @param {Number} [options.keyExpirationTime=0 (never expires)] - Number of seconds from the key creation time after which the key expires * @param {Array<Object>} [options.subkeys=a single encryption subkey] - Options for each subkey e.g. `[{sign: true, passphrase: '123'}]` * default to main key options, except for `sign` parameter that defaults to false, and indicates whether the subkey should sign rather than encrypt * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} [options.format='armored'] - format of the output keys * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object>} The generated key object in the form: * { privateKey:PrivateKey|Uint8Array|String, publicKey:PublicKey|Uint8Array|String, revocationCertificate:String } * @async * @static */export async function generateKey({ userIDs = [], passphrase = '', type = 'ecc', rsaBits = 4096, curve = 'curve25519', keyExpirationTime = 0, date = new Date(), subkeys = [{}], format = 'armored', config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); userIDs = toArray(userIDs); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (userIDs.length === 0) { throw new Error('UserIDs are required for key generation'); } if (type === 'rsa' && rsaBits < config.minRSABits) { throw new Error(`rsaBits should be at least ${config.minRSABits}, got: ${rsaBits}`); }
const options = { userIDs, passphrase, type, rsaBits, curve, keyExpirationTime, date, subkeys };
try { const { key, revocationCertificate } = await generate(options, config); key.getKeys().forEach(({ keyPacket }) => checkKeyRequirements(keyPacket, config));
return { privateKey: formatObject(key, format, config), publicKey: formatObject(key.toPublic(), format, config), revocationCertificate }; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error generating keypair', err); }}
/** * Reformats signature packets for a key and rewraps key object. * @param {Object} options * @param {PrivateKey} options.privateKey - Private key to reformat * @param {Object|Array<Object>} options.userIDs - User IDs as objects: `{ name: 'Jo Doe', email: '' }` * @param {String} [options.passphrase=(not protected)] - The passphrase used to encrypt the reformatted private key. If omitted, the key won't be encrypted. * @param {Number} [options.keyExpirationTime=0 (never expires)] - Number of seconds from the key creation time after which the key expires * @param {Date} [] - Override the creation date of the key signatures. If the key was previously used to sign messages, it is recommended * to set the same date as the key creation time to ensure that old message signatures will still be verifiable using the reformatted key. * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} [options.format='armored'] - format of the output keys * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object>} The generated key object in the form: * { privateKey:PrivateKey|Uint8Array|String, publicKey:PublicKey|Uint8Array|String, revocationCertificate:String } * @async * @static */export async function reformatKey({ privateKey, userIDs = [], passphrase = '', keyExpirationTime = 0, date, format = 'armored', config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); userIDs = toArray(userIDs); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (userIDs.length === 0) { throw new Error('UserIDs are required for key reformat'); } const options = { privateKey, userIDs, passphrase, keyExpirationTime, date };
try { const { key: reformattedKey, revocationCertificate } = await reformat(options, config);
return { privateKey: formatObject(reformattedKey, format, config), publicKey: formatObject(reformattedKey.toPublic(), format, config), revocationCertificate }; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error reformatting keypair', err); }}
/** * Revokes a key. Requires either a private key or a revocation certificate. * If a revocation certificate is passed, the reasonForRevocation parameter will be ignored. * @param {Object} options * @param {Key} options.key - Public or private key to revoke * @param {String} [options.revocationCertificate] - Revocation certificate to revoke the key with * @param {Object} [options.reasonForRevocation] - Object indicating the reason for revocation * @param {module:enums.reasonForRevocation} [options.reasonForRevocation.flag=[noReason]{@link module:enums.reasonForRevocation}] - Flag indicating the reason for revocation * @param {String} [options.reasonForRevocation.string=""] - String explaining the reason for revocation * @param {Date} [] - Use the given date instead of the current time to verify validity of revocation certificate (if provided), or as creation time of the revocation signature * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} [options.format='armored'] - format of the output key(s) * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object>} The revoked key in the form: * { privateKey:PrivateKey|Uint8Array|String, publicKey:PublicKey|Uint8Array|String } if private key is passed, or * { privateKey: null, publicKey:PublicKey|Uint8Array|String } otherwise * @async * @static */export async function revokeKey({ key, revocationCertificate, reasonForRevocation, date = new Date(), format = 'armored', config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
try { const revokedKey = revocationCertificate ? await key.applyRevocationCertificate(revocationCertificate, date, config) : await key.revoke(reasonForRevocation, date, config);
return revokedKey.isPrivate() ? { privateKey: formatObject(revokedKey, format, config), publicKey: formatObject(revokedKey.toPublic(), format, config) } : { privateKey: null, publicKey: formatObject(revokedKey, format, config) }; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error revoking key', err); }}
/** * Unlock a private key with the given passphrase. * This method does not change the original key. * @param {Object} options * @param {PrivateKey} options.privateKey - The private key to decrypt * @param {String|Array<String>} options.passphrase - The user's passphrase(s) * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<PrivateKey>} The unlocked key object. * @async */export async function decryptKey({ privateKey, passphrase, config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (!privateKey.isPrivate()) { throw new Error('Cannot decrypt a public key'); } const clonedPrivateKey = privateKey.clone(true); const passphrases = util.isArray(passphrase) ? passphrase : [passphrase];
try { await Promise.all(clonedPrivateKey.getKeys().map(key => ( // try to decrypt each key with any of the given passphrases util.anyPromise( => key.keyPacket.decrypt(passphrase))) )));
await clonedPrivateKey.validate(config); return clonedPrivateKey; } catch (err) { clonedPrivateKey.clearPrivateParams(); throw util.wrapError('Error decrypting private key', err); }}
/** * Lock a private key with the given passphrase. * This method does not change the original key. * @param {Object} options * @param {PrivateKey} options.privateKey - The private key to encrypt * @param {String|Array<String>} options.passphrase - If multiple passphrases, they should be in the same order as the packets each should encrypt * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<PrivateKey>} The locked key object. * @async */export async function encryptKey({ privateKey, passphrase, config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (!privateKey.isPrivate()) { throw new Error('Cannot encrypt a public key'); } const clonedPrivateKey = privateKey.clone(true);
const keys = clonedPrivateKey.getKeys(); const passphrases = util.isArray(passphrase) ? passphrase : new Array(keys.length).fill(passphrase); if (passphrases.length !== keys.length) { throw new Error('Invalid number of passphrases given for key encryption'); }
try { await Promise.all( (key, i) => { const { keyPacket } = key; await keyPacket.encrypt(passphrases[i], config); keyPacket.clearPrivateParams(); })); return clonedPrivateKey; } catch (err) { clonedPrivateKey.clearPrivateParams(); throw util.wrapError('Error encrypting private key', err); }}

///////////////////////////////////////////// //// Message encryption and decryption //// /////////////////////////////////////////////

/** * Encrypts a message using public keys, passwords or both at once. At least one of `encryptionKeys` or `passwords` * must be specified. If signing keys are specified, those will be used to sign the message. * @param {Object} options * @param {Message} options.message - Message to be encrypted as created by {@link createMessage} * @param {PublicKey|PublicKey[]} [options.encryptionKeys] - Array of keys or single key, used to encrypt the message * @param {PrivateKey|PrivateKey[]} [options.signingKeys] - Private keys for signing. If omitted message will not be signed * @param {String|String[]} [options.passwords] - Array of passwords or a single password to encrypt the message * @param {Object} [options.sessionKey] - Session key in the form: `{ data:Uint8Array, algorithm:String }` * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} [options.format='armored'] - Format of the returned message * @param {Signature} [options.signature] - A detached signature to add to the encrypted message * @param {Boolean} [options.wildcard=false] - Use a key ID of 0 instead of the public key IDs * @param {KeyID|KeyID[]} [options.signingKeyIDs=latest-created valid signing (sub)keys] - Array of key IDs to use for signing. Each `signingKeyIDs[i]` corresponds to `signingKeys[i]` * @param {KeyID|KeyID[]} [options.encryptionKeyIDs=latest-created valid encryption (sub)keys] - Array of key IDs to use for encryption. Each `encryptionKeyIDs[i]` corresponds to `encryptionKeys[i]` * @param {Date} [ date] - Override the creation date of the message signature * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.signingUserIDs=primary user IDs] - Array of user IDs to sign with, one per key in `signingKeys`, e.g. `[{ name: 'Steve Sender', email: '' }]` * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.encryptionUserIDs=primary user IDs] - Array of user IDs to encrypt for, one per key in `encryptionKeys`, e.g. `[{ name: 'Robert Receiver', email: '' }]` * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<MaybeStream<String>|MaybeStream<Uint8Array>>} Encrypted message (string if `armor` was true, the default; Uint8Array if `armor` was false). * @async * @static */export async function encrypt({ message, encryptionKeys, signingKeys, passwords, sessionKey, format = 'armored', signature = null, wildcard = false, signingKeyIDs = [], encryptionKeyIDs = [], date = new Date(), signingUserIDs = [], encryptionUserIDs = [], config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkMessage(message); checkOutputMessageFormat(format); encryptionKeys = toArray(encryptionKeys); signingKeys = toArray(signingKeys); passwords = toArray(passwords); signingKeyIDs = toArray(signingKeyIDs); encryptionKeyIDs = toArray(encryptionKeyIDs); signingUserIDs = toArray(signingUserIDs); encryptionUserIDs = toArray(encryptionUserIDs); if (rest.detached) { throw new Error("The `detached` option has been removed from openpgp.encrypt, separately call openpgp.sign instead. Don't forget to remove the `privateKeys` option as well."); } if (rest.publicKeys) throw new Error('The `publicKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.encrypt, pass `encryptionKeys` instead'); if (rest.privateKeys) throw new Error('The `privateKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.encrypt, pass `signingKeys` instead'); if (rest.armor !== undefined) throw new Error('The `armor` option has been removed from openpgp.encrypt, pass `format` instead.'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (!signingKeys) { signingKeys = []; } const streaming = message.fromStream; try { if (signingKeys.length || signature) { // sign the message only if signing keys or signature is specified message = await message.sign(signingKeys, signature, signingKeyIDs, date, signingUserIDs, config); } message = message.compress( await getPreferredAlgo('compression', encryptionKeys, date, encryptionUserIDs, config), config ); message = await message.encrypt(encryptionKeys, passwords, sessionKey, wildcard, encryptionKeyIDs, date, encryptionUserIDs, config); if (format === 'object') return message; // serialize data const armor = format === 'armored'; const data = armor ? message.armor(config) : message.write(); return convertStream(data, streaming, armor ? 'utf8' : 'binary'); } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error encrypting message', err); }}
/** * Decrypts a message with the user's private key, a session key or a password. * One of `decryptionKeys`, `sessionkeys` or `passwords` must be specified (passing a combination of these options is not supported). * @param {Object} options * @param {Message} options.message - The message object with the encrypted data * @param {PrivateKey|PrivateKey[]} [options.decryptionKeys] - Private keys with decrypted secret key data or session key * @param {String|String[]} [options.passwords] - Passwords to decrypt the message * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.sessionKeys] - Session keys in the form: { data:Uint8Array, algorithm:String } * @param {PublicKey|PublicKey[]} [options.verificationKeys] - Array of public keys or single key, to verify signatures * @param {Boolean} [options.expectSigned=false] - If true, data decryption fails if the message is not signed with the provided publicKeys * @param {'utf8'|'binary'} [options.format='utf8'] - Whether to return data as a string(Stream) or Uint8Array(Stream). If 'utf8' (the default), also normalize newlines. * @param {Signature} [options.signature] - Detached signature for verification * @param {Date} [ date] - Use the given date for verification instead of the current time * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object>} Object containing decrypted and verified message in the form: * * { * data: MaybeStream<String>, (if format was 'utf8', the default) * data: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>, (if format was 'binary') * filename: String, * signatures: [ * { * keyID: module:type/keyid~KeyID, * verified: Promise<true>, * signature: Promise<Signature> * }, ... * ] * } * * where `signatures` contains a separate entry for each signature packet found in the input message. * @async * @static */export async function decrypt({ message, decryptionKeys, passwords, sessionKeys, verificationKeys, expectSigned = false, format = 'utf8', signature = null, date = new Date(), config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkMessage(message); verificationKeys = toArray(verificationKeys); decryptionKeys = toArray(decryptionKeys); passwords = toArray(passwords); sessionKeys = toArray(sessionKeys); if (rest.privateKeys) throw new Error('The `privateKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.decrypt, pass `decryptionKeys` instead'); if (rest.publicKeys) throw new Error('The `publicKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.decrypt, pass `verificationKeys` instead'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
try { const decrypted = await message.decrypt(decryptionKeys, passwords, sessionKeys, date, config); if (!verificationKeys) { verificationKeys = []; }
const result = {}; result.signatures = signature ? await decrypted.verifyDetached(signature, verificationKeys, date, config) : await decrypted.verify(verificationKeys, date, config); = format === 'binary' ? decrypted.getLiteralData() : decrypted.getText(); result.filename = decrypted.getFilename(); linkStreams(result, message); if (expectSigned) { if (verificationKeys.length === 0) { throw new Error('Verification keys are required to verify message signatures'); } if (result.signatures.length === 0) { throw new Error('Message is not signed'); } = stream.concat([, stream.fromAsync(async () => { await util.anyPromise( => sig.verified)); }) ]); } = await convertStream(, message.fromStream, format); return result; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error decrypting message', err); }}

//////////////////////////////////////////// //// Message signing and verification //// ////////////////////////////////////////////

/** * Signs a message. * @param {Object} options * @param {CleartextMessage|Message} options.message - (cleartext) message to be signed * @param {PrivateKey|PrivateKey[]} options.signingKeys - Array of keys or single key with decrypted secret key data to sign cleartext * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} [options.format='armored'] - Format of the returned message * @param {Boolean} [options.detached=false] - If the return value should contain a detached signature * @param {KeyID|KeyID[]} [options.signingKeyIDs=latest-created valid signing (sub)keys] - Array of key IDs to use for signing. Each signingKeyIDs[i] corresponds to signingKeys[i] * @param {Date} [ date] - Override the creation date of the signature * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.signingUserIDs=primary user IDs] - Array of user IDs to sign with, one per key in `signingKeys`, e.g. `[{ name: 'Steve Sender', email: '' }]` * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<MaybeStream<String|Uint8Array>>} Signed message (string if `armor` was true, the default; Uint8Array if `armor` was false). * @async * @static */export async function sign({ message, signingKeys, format = 'armored', detached = false, signingKeyIDs = [], date = new Date(), signingUserIDs = [], config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkCleartextOrMessage(message); checkOutputMessageFormat(format); signingKeys = toArray(signingKeys); signingKeyIDs = toArray(signingKeyIDs); signingUserIDs = toArray(signingUserIDs);
if (rest.privateKeys) throw new Error('The `privateKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.sign, pass `signingKeys` instead'); if (rest.armor !== undefined) throw new Error('The `armor` option has been removed from openpgp.sign, pass `format` instead.'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (message instanceof CleartextMessage && format === 'binary') throw new Error('Cannot return signed cleartext message in binary format'); if (message instanceof CleartextMessage && detached) throw new Error('Cannot detach-sign a cleartext message');
if (!signingKeys || signingKeys.length === 0) { throw new Error('No signing keys provided'); }
try { let signature; if (detached) { signature = await message.signDetached(signingKeys, undefined, signingKeyIDs, date, signingUserIDs, config); } else { signature = await message.sign(signingKeys, undefined, signingKeyIDs, date, signingUserIDs, config); } if (format === 'object') return signature;
const armor = format === 'armored'; signature = armor ? signature.armor(config) : signature.write(); if (detached) { signature = stream.transformPair(message.packets.write(), async (readable, writable) => { await Promise.all([ stream.pipe(signature, writable), stream.readToEnd(readable).catch(() => {}) ]); }); } return convertStream(signature, message.fromStream, armor ? 'utf8' : 'binary'); } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error signing message', err); }}
/** * Verifies signatures of cleartext signed message * @param {Object} options * @param {CleartextMessage|Message} options.message - (cleartext) message object with signatures * @param {PublicKey|PublicKey[]} options.verificationKeys - Array of publicKeys or single key, to verify signatures * @param {Boolean} [options.expectSigned=false] - If true, verification throws if the message is not signed with the provided publicKeys * @param {'utf8'|'binary'} [options.format='utf8'] - Whether to return data as a string(Stream) or Uint8Array(Stream). If 'utf8' (the default), also normalize newlines. * @param {Signature} [options.signature] - Detached signature for verification * @param {Date} [ date] - Use the given date for verification instead of the current time * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object>} Object containing verified message in the form: * * { * data: MaybeStream<String>, (if `message` was a CleartextMessage) * data: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>, (if `message` was a Message) * signatures: [ * { * keyID: module:type/keyid~KeyID, * verified: Promise<true>, * signature: Promise<Signature> * }, ... * ] * } * * where `signatures` contains a separate entry for each signature packet found in the input message. * @async * @static */export async function verify({ message, verificationKeys, expectSigned = false, format = 'utf8', signature = null, date = new Date(), config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkCleartextOrMessage(message); verificationKeys = toArray(verificationKeys); if (rest.publicKeys) throw new Error('The `publicKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.verify, pass `verificationKeys` instead'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
if (message instanceof CleartextMessage && format === 'binary') throw new Error("Can't return cleartext message data as binary"); if (message instanceof CleartextMessage && signature) throw new Error("Can't verify detached cleartext signature");
try { const result = {}; if (signature) { result.signatures = await message.verifyDetached(signature, verificationKeys, date, config); } else { result.signatures = await message.verify(verificationKeys, date, config); } = format === 'binary' ? message.getLiteralData() : message.getText(); if (message.fromStream) linkStreams(result, message); if (expectSigned) { if (result.signatures.length === 0) { throw new Error('Message is not signed'); } = stream.concat([, stream.fromAsync(async () => { await util.anyPromise( => sig.verified)); }) ]); } = await convertStream(, message.fromStream, format); return result; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error verifying signed message', err); }}

///////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Session key encryption and decryption //// /////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * Generate a new session key object, taking the algorithm preferences of the passed public keys into account. * @param {Object} options * @param {PublicKey|PublicKey[]} options.encryptionKeys - Array of public keys or single key used to select algorithm preferences for * @param {Date} [ date] - Date to select algorithm preferences at * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.encryptionUserIDs=primary user IDs] - User IDs to select algorithm preferences for * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<{ data: Uint8Array, algorithm: String }>} Object with session key data and algorithm. * @async * @static */export async function generateSessionKey({ encryptionKeys, date = new Date(), encryptionUserIDs = [], config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); encryptionKeys = toArray(encryptionKeys); encryptionUserIDs = toArray(encryptionUserIDs); if (rest.publicKeys) throw new Error('The `publicKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.generateSessionKey, pass `encryptionKeys` instead'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
try { const sessionKeys = await Message.generateSessionKey(encryptionKeys, date, encryptionUserIDs, config); return sessionKeys; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error generating session key', err); }}
/** * Encrypt a symmetric session key with public keys, passwords, or both at once. * At least one of `encryptionKeys` or `passwords` must be specified. * @param {Object} options * @param {Uint8Array} - The session key to be encrypted e.g. 16 random bytes (for aes128) * @param {String} options.algorithm - Algorithm of the symmetric session key e.g. 'aes128' or 'aes256' * @param {String} [options.aeadAlgorithm] - AEAD algorithm, e.g. 'eax' or 'ocb' * @param {PublicKey|PublicKey[]} [options.encryptionKeys] - Array of public keys or single key, used to encrypt the key * @param {String|String[]} [options.passwords] - Passwords for the message * @param {'armored'|'binary'} [options.format='armored'] - Format of the returned value * @param {Boolean} [options.wildcard=false] - Use a key ID of 0 instead of the public key IDs * @param {KeyID|KeyID[]} [options.encryptionKeyIDs=latest-created valid encryption (sub)keys] - Array of key IDs to use for encryption. Each encryptionKeyIDs[i] corresponds to encryptionKeys[i] * @param {Date} [ date] - Override the date * @param {Object|Object[]} [options.encryptionUserIDs=primary user IDs] - Array of user IDs to encrypt for, one per key in `encryptionKeys`, e.g. `[{ name: 'Phil Zimmermann', email: '' }]` * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<String|Uint8Array>} Encrypted session keys (string if `armor` was true, the default; Uint8Array if `armor` was false). * @async * @static */export async function encryptSessionKey({ data, algorithm, aeadAlgorithm, encryptionKeys, passwords, format = 'armored', wildcard = false, encryptionKeyIDs = [], date = new Date(), encryptionUserIDs = [], config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkBinary(data); checkString(algorithm, 'algorithm'); checkOutputMessageFormat(format); encryptionKeys = toArray(encryptionKeys); passwords = toArray(passwords); encryptionKeyIDs = toArray(encryptionKeyIDs); encryptionUserIDs = toArray(encryptionUserIDs); if (rest.publicKeys) throw new Error('The `publicKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.encryptSessionKey, pass `encryptionKeys` instead'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
try { const message = await Message.encryptSessionKey(data, algorithm, aeadAlgorithm, encryptionKeys, passwords, wildcard, encryptionKeyIDs, date, encryptionUserIDs, config); return formatObject(message, format, config); } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error encrypting session key', err); }}
/** * Decrypt symmetric session keys using private keys or passwords (not both). * One of `decryptionKeys` or `passwords` must be specified. * @param {Object} options * @param {Message} options.message - A message object containing the encrypted session key packets * @param {PrivateKey|PrivateKey[]} [options.decryptionKeys] - Private keys with decrypted secret key data * @param {String|String[]} [options.passwords] - Passwords to decrypt the session key * @param {Date} [] - Date to use for key verification instead of the current time * @param {Object} [options.config] - Custom configuration settings to overwrite those in [config]{@link module:config} * @returns {Promise<Object[]>} Array of decrypted session key, algorithm pairs in the form: * { data:Uint8Array, algorithm:String } * @throws if no session key could be found or decrypted * @async * @static */export async function decryptSessionKeys({ message, decryptionKeys, passwords, date = new Date(), config, }) { config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; checkConfig(config); checkMessage(message); decryptionKeys = toArray(decryptionKeys); passwords = toArray(passwords); if (rest.privateKeys) throw new Error('The `privateKeys` option has been removed from openpgp.decryptSessionKeys, pass `decryptionKeys` instead'); const unknownOptions = Object.keys(rest); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) throw new Error(`Unknown option: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}`);
try { const sessionKeys = await message.decryptSessionKeys(decryptionKeys, passwords, date, config); return sessionKeys; } catch (err) { throw util.wrapError('Error decrypting session keys', err); }}

//////////////////////////// //// Helper functions //// ////////////////////////////

/** * Input validation * @private */function checkString(data, name) { if (!util.isString(data)) { throw new Error('Parameter [' + (name || 'data') + '] must be of type String'); }}function checkBinary(data, name) { if (!util.isUint8Array(data)) { throw new Error('Parameter [' + (name || 'data') + '] must be of type Uint8Array'); }}function checkMessage(message) { if (!(message instanceof Message)) { throw new Error('Parameter [message] needs to be of type Message'); }}function checkCleartextOrMessage(message) { if (!(message instanceof CleartextMessage) && !(message instanceof Message)) { throw new Error('Parameter [message] needs to be of type Message or CleartextMessage'); }}function checkOutputMessageFormat(format) { if (format !== 'armored' && format !== 'binary' && format !== 'object') { throw new Error(`Unsupported format ${format}`); }}const defaultConfigPropsCount = Object.keys(defaultConfig).length;function checkConfig(config) { const inputConfigProps = Object.keys(config); if (inputConfigProps.length !== defaultConfigPropsCount) { for (const inputProp of inputConfigProps) { if (defaultConfig[inputProp] === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unknown config property: ${inputProp}`); } } }}
/** * Normalize parameter to an array if it is not undefined. * @param {Object} param - the parameter to be normalized * @returns {Array<Object>|undefined} The resulting array or undefined. * @private */function toArray(param) { if (param && !util.isArray(param)) { param = [param]; } return param;}
/** * Convert data to or from Stream * @param {Object} data - the data to convert * @param {'web'|'ponyfill'|'node'|false} streaming - Whether to return a ReadableStream, and of what type * @param {'utf8'|'binary'} [encoding] - How to return data in Node Readable streams * @returns {Promise<Object>} The data in the respective format. * @async * @private */async function convertStream(data, streaming, encoding = 'utf8') { const streamType = util.isStream(data); if (streamType === 'array') { return stream.readToEnd(data); } if (streaming === 'node') { data = stream.webToNode(data); if (encoding !== 'binary') data.setEncoding(encoding); return data; } if (streaming === 'web' && streamType === 'ponyfill') { return stream.toNativeReadable(data); } return data;}
/** * Link to the message stream for cancellation. * Also, forward errors in the message to * @param {Object} result - the data to convert * @param {Message} message - message object * @returns {Object} * @private */function linkStreams(result, message) { = stream.transformPair(, async (readable, writable) => { await stream.pipe(, writable, { preventClose: true }); const writer = stream.getWriter(writable); try { // Forward errors in the message stream to await stream.readToEnd(readable, _ => _); await writer.close(); } catch (e) { await writer.abort(e); } });}
/** * Convert the object to the given format * @param {Key|Message} object * @param {'armored'|'binary'|'object'} format * @param {Object} config - Full configuration * @returns {String|Uint8Array|Object} */function formatObject(object, format, config) { switch (format) { case 'object': return object; case 'armored': return object.armor(config); case 'binary': return object.write(); default: throw new Error(`Unsupported format ${format}`); }}