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Minimalist web framework for Deno ported from ExpressJS.
/** * Run this example using: * * deno run --allow-net --allow-read ./examples/error/index.ts * * if have the repo cloned locally _OR_ * * deno run --allow-net --allow-read * * if you don't! */
import opine from "../../mod.ts";import type { NextFunction, OpineRequest, OpineResponse,} from "../../src/types.ts";
const app = opine();
// error handling middleware have an arity of 4// instead of the typical (req, res, next),// otherwise they behave exactly like regular// middleware, you may have several of them,// in different orders etc.
function error( err: any, _req: OpineRequest, res: OpineResponse, _next: NextFunction,) { // respond with custom 500 "Internal Server Error". res.setStatus(500); res.json({ message: "Internal Server Error", error: err.message });}
app.get("/", function () { // Caught and passed down to the errorHandler middleware throw new Error("sync error");});
app.get("/next", function (_req, _res, next) { // We can also pass exceptions to next() // The reason for setTimeout() is to show that // next() can be called inside an async operation, // in real life it can be a DB read or HTTP request. setTimeout(function () { next(new Error("async error")); });});
// the error handler is placed after routes// if it were above it would not receive errors// from app.get() etcapp.use(error);
if (import.meta.main) { // You can call listen the same as Express with just // a port: `app.listen(3000)`, or with any arguments // that the Deno `http.serve` methods accept. Namely // an address string, HttpOptions or HttpsOptions // objects. app.listen({ port: 3000 }); console.log("Opine started on port 3000");}
export { app };