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Orange is a testing framework for Deno which was originally created for Mandarine.
import { bold, yellow } from "";import { Table } from "./table.ts";import { CoreUtils } from "./utils/core.utils.ts";export namespace Orange {
export const AsyncFunction = (async () => {}).constructor;
export interface TestOptions { name?: string, description?: string, ignore?: boolean }
export interface OrangeTest extends TestOptions { test: void; }
export interface TestStatus extends TestOptions { testSuiteClass: any; testSuiteName: string; passed: boolean; error: Error; time: string; }
export interface TestStatusForTable { ["Name"]?: string; ["Description"]?: string; ["Status"]?: "Ignored" | "FAILED" | "Ok"; ["Error Class"]?: string; ["Error Message"]?: string; ["Suite Name"]?: string; ["Time"]?: string; }
export interface OrangeConfiguration { testsFolder?: string; showExceptions?: boolean;
export interface Options { testSuiteName?: string; ignore?: boolean; generateReport?: boolean; hooks?: { beforeAll?: Function; afterAll?: Function; beforeEach?: Function; afterEach?: Function; } }
export interface TestSuiteStats { numberOfTests: number, numberOfTestsRan: number, numberOfTestsIgnored: number }
export namespace Defaults {
export const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: Options = { ignore: false, generateReport: true }
export const DEFAULT_ORANGE_CONFIG: OrangeConfiguration = { testsFolder: "./tests/[date]/", showExceptions: false } }
export class Core {
public static orangeConfiguration: OrangeConfiguration;
public static testsMetadata: TestSuiteStats = { numberOfTests: 0, numberOfTestsRan: 0, numberOfTestsIgnored: 0 };
public static testSuitesMetadata: Map<any, TestSuiteStats> = new Map<any, TestSuiteStats>(); public static tests: Map<Function, TestStatus> = new Map<Function, TestStatus>(); public static testSuites: Map<any, any> = new Map<any, any>();
public static addTest(testMethod: Function, status: TestStatus) { if(!this.tests.has(testMethod)) this.tests.set(testMethod, status); }
public static addTestSuite(classSource: any) { try { let instance = new classSource.constructor(); if(!this.testSuites.has(classSource)) this.testSuites.set(classSource, instance); } catch(error) { throw error; } }
public static getTestSuite(classSource: any) { return this.testSuites.get(classSource); }
public static setTestSuiteConfig(options: Options, classSource: any) { if(options == undefined) options = Orange.Defaults.DEFAULT_OPTIONS; if(options.testSuiteName == undefined) options.testSuiteName = CoreUtils.getClassName(classSource); if(options.ignore == undefined) options.ignore = Orange.Defaults.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.ignore; if(options.generateReport == undefined) options.generateReport = Orange.Defaults.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.generateReport;
if(options?.hooks?.afterAll instanceof AsyncFunction || options?.hooks?.afterEach instanceof AsyncFunction || options?.hooks?.beforeAll instanceof AsyncFunction || options?.hooks?.beforeEach instanceof AsyncFunction) throw "\n\nTesting Hooks cannot be `async`\nMake sure your hooks do not have the keyworkd `async`\n"; return options; } public static updateTestSuiteStats(testSuiteClass: any, statToUpdate: "NumTests" | "NumTestsRan" | "NumTestsIgnored") { if(!this.testSuitesMetadata.has(testSuiteClass)) { this.testSuitesMetadata.set(testSuiteClass, { numberOfTests: 0, numberOfTestsRan: 0, numberOfTestsIgnored: 0 }); }
const testSuiteMetadata = this.testSuitesMetadata.get(testSuiteClass); if(testSuiteMetadata) { switch(statToUpdate) { case "NumTests": testSuiteMetadata.numberOfTests++; break; case "NumTestsRan": testSuiteMetadata.numberOfTestsRan++; break; case "NumTestsIgnored": testSuiteMetadata.numberOfTestsIgnored++; break; } this.testSuitesMetadata.set(testSuiteClass, testSuiteMetadata); } }
public static getTestSuiteStats(testSuiteClass: any): TestSuiteStats { return this.testSuitesMetadata.get(testSuiteClass) || <any><unknown>undefined; }
public static getTestSuiteConfig(classSource: any): Options { let options = this.testSuites.get(classSource)[TEST_SUITE_CLASS_KEY]; let configFromClass: Options = Object.assign({}, options); if(!options) { configFromClass = this.setTestSuiteConfig(configFromClass, classSource); } return configFromClass; }
public static getTableContent(classSource?: any) { let testStatuses: Array<TestStatusForTable> = new Array<TestStatusForTable>();
Array.from(this.tests.values()).filter(item => (classSource == undefined) ? true : item.testSuiteClass == classSource).forEach((item) => { const description = item.description; const suiteName = item.testSuiteName; const errorClassName = item.error?.constructor?.name; const errorMessage = item.error?.message;
let testStatusTable: TestStatusForTable = {}; testStatusTable["Name"] =; testStatusTable["Description"] = (description) ? description : "-"; testStatusTable["Status"] = (item.ignore) ? "Ignored" : (item.passed) ? "Ok" : "FAILED"; testStatusTable["Suite Name"] = (suiteName) ? suiteName : "-"; testStatusTable["Error Class"] = (errorClassName) ? errorClassName : "-"; testStatusTable["Error Message"] = (errorMessage) ? errorMessage : "-"; testStatusTable["Time"] = item.time; testStatuses.push(testStatusTable); }); return testStatuses; }
public static generateTable(): Array<string> { const availableTestSuites: Array<any> = Array.from(this.testSuites.keys());
let tables: Array<string> = new Array<string>(); availableTestSuites.forEach((item) => { let testSuiteConfig = this.getTestSuiteConfig(item); if(!testSuiteConfig.generateReport) return; let tableContent = this.getTableContent(item); tableContent = => { item["Error Message"] = (<any>item)["Error Message"].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); return item; }) let table = Table(tableContent, true, false, "Test ID"); table = (<string>table).replace(/[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g, ""); tables.push(`${testSuiteConfig.testSuiteName}\n${(tableContent.length == 0) ? " - No tests were found or they were ignored" : table}\n`); });
tables.push(`\n`); let tests = Array.from(this.tests.values()); tables.push(`| Total Tests: ${this.testsMetadata.numberOfTests} | Ran: ${this.testsMetadata.numberOfTestsRan} | Ignored: ${this.testsMetadata.numberOfTestsIgnored} | Passed: ${tests.filter((item) => item.passed).length} | Failed: ${tests.filter((item) => !item.passed).length} |`)
Deno.writeTextFileSync(`${this.getTestingFolder()}/test-result.txt`, <string>tables.join(`\n`));
return tables; }
public static getOrangeConfig(): OrangeConfiguration { if(this.orangeConfiguration == undefined) { if(CoreUtils.fileDirExists(`orange-test.json`)) { let config; try { config = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(Deno.readFileSync('orange-test.json')));
if(config.testsFolder == undefined) config.testsFolder = Defaults.DEFAULT_ORANGE_CONFIG.testsFolder; if(config.showExceptions == undefined) config.showExceptions = Defaults.DEFAULT_ORANGE_CONFIG.showExceptions; } catch(error) { console.log(yellow(`${bold("Warning: `orange-test.json`")} could not be read. Default values are now used`)); config = Defaults.DEFAULT_ORANGE_CONFIG; } this.orangeConfiguration = config; } else { this.orangeConfiguration = Defaults.DEFAULT_ORANGE_CONFIG; } return this.orangeConfiguration; } else { return this.orangeConfiguration; } }
public static getTestingFolder() { let config = this.getOrangeConfig(); let testFolder = this.parseKeywords(<string>config.testsFolder); if(!CoreUtils.fileDirExists(testFolder)) Deno.mkdirSync(testFolder, { recursive: true }); return testFolder; }
public static parseKeywords(input: string) { input = input.replace("[date]", CoreUtils.getStandardDate()); input = input.replace("[timestamp]", new Date().valueOf().toString()); return input; }
public static isLastTest(totalTests: number, testsIgnored: number, testsRan: number): boolean { return (totalTests - testsIgnored) == testsRan; }
export const setOptions = (sourceClass: any, options: Options) => { Core.setTestSuiteConfig(options, sourceClass); //console.log(options); sourceClass[TEST_SUITE_CLASS_KEY] = options; }}