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Create beautiful 2D content for the web with a fast lightweight 2D library that works across a lot of devices using HTML5 canvas for the most compatibility.
(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global));}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';// Values exports.still = "still";exports.update = "update";
exports.mesh = "mesh";exports.customMesh = "customMesh";exports.canvasShape = mesh;exports.sprite = "sprite";exports.lineRndr = "lineRenderer";exports.line = lineRndr;exports.text = "text";
exports.texture = "texture";exports.rect = "rect"; = "circle";exports.paths = "paths";exports.plainText = "plainText";
exports.hitbox = "hitbox";
exports.down = "down";exports.up = "up";exports.left = "left";exports.right = "right";// = "top"exports.bottom = "bottom";exports.drag = "drag";
exports.nill = null;
exports.yes = true; = false;
exports.Arrow = { left, up, right, down };exports.keys = { left: "ArrowLeft", up: "ArrowUp", right: "ArrowRight", down: "ArrowDown",};
exports.defaultFont = "30px Arial";exports.error = { noSupport: "Your browser dose not support canvas",};

// CaveRenderEngine /** * @typedef {Object} CaveRendererOption * @property {JSON} bgColor - background colour * @property {JSON} canvasId - the canvasId */
/** * A Rendering Engine that can be used render to canvas * @param {CaveRendererOptions} options - {@link CaveRendererOption} object * containing all components for rendering * @returns {renderer} */class CaveRenderEngine { constructor(opts) { this.bgColor = opts.bgColor; this.canvasId = opts.canvasId; this._drawers = this._theDrawers(); this.campos = [0, 0]; this.lastUpdate = null; this.deltaTime = 0; this.noUpdate = {}; } setUpImageCacher() { let store = document.createElement("div"); = "none"; = "caveImageCache" + Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999) + 1000); document.body.append(store); return; } zeroToCenter(is) { let canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvasId); if (canvas.getContext) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); } else { return [false, error.noSupport]; } if (is === true) { ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2); } else if (is === false) { ctx.translate(0, 0); } else { return [false, "no given boolen"]; } } draw(scene,fps,antiAliasing,campos,imgStore,shader,renderer,canvasObj,beforeRender,afterRender,keyboardEvent) { if (this.lastUpdate == null) { this.lastUpdate =; } let now =; this.fps = fps; this.scene = scene; let canvas = canvasObj() || document.getElementById(this.canvasId); if (canvas.getContext) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); } else { return [false, error.noSupport]; } //TODO: on events system, key events beforeRender({ scene, fps, antiAliasing, campos, imgStore, shader, renderer, canvasObj, }); let key = keyboardEvent.event.keyStroke; keyboardEvent.callback({ key, event: keyboardEvent.event, delta: this.deltaTime, scene, onDirection: (arrow) => { let k = keyEvent(key); if (k.indexOf(left) > -1 && arrow == left) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf(right) > -1 && arrow == right) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf(down) > -1 && arrow == down) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf(up) > -1 && arrow == up) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf("a") > -1 && arrow == left) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf("d") > -1 && arrow == right) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf("s") > -1 && arrow == down) { return true; } else if (k.indexOf("w") > -1 && arrow == up) { return true; } else { return false; } }, }); //defaults ctx.font = defaultFont; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = antiAliasing; //background render code ctx.fillStyle = this.bgColor; ctx.clearRect(-50, -50, canvas.width + 100, canvas.height + 100); ctx.fillRect(-50, -50, canvas.width + 100, canvas.height + 100); let ccampos = [campos.x, campos.y]; if (ccampos[0] != this.campos[0] || ccampos[1] != this.campos[1]) { ctx.translate(ccampos[0] - this.campos[0], ccampos[1] - this.campos[1]); this.campos = ccampos; } //shaders if (shader != null || shader != undefined) { shader(ctx, { fps: this.fps, screen: canvas, camera: this.campos }); } for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { let obj = scene.vScene[i]; //collisions if (obj.collisionLayer) { if (scene.layers.collision[obj.collisionLayer]) { //TODO: circle hitbox if (obj.hitbox.shape == rect) { var rect1 = { x: obj.x - (obj.width * obj.scale) / 2 +[0], y: obj.y - (obj.height * obj.scale) / 2 +[1], width: obj.hitbox.width, height: obj.hitbox.height, }; obj.collision = []; for ( let num = 0; num < scene.layers.collision[obj.collisionLayer].length; num++ ) { let curObj = scene.getObj( scene.layers.collision[obj.collisionLayer][num] ); if ( != { if (curObj.hitbox.shape == rect) { let rect2 = {x:curObj.x -(curObj.width * curObj.scale) / 2[0],y:curObj.y -(curObj.height * curObj.scale) / 2[1],width: curObj.hitbox.width,height: curObj.hitbox.height,}; //Left if ( rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width/4 && rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x && rect1.x + rect1.width < rect2.x + rect2.width/4 && rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height && rect1.y + rect1.height > rect2.y && !(rect1.x == rect2.x) ) { obj.collision.push(left); if (obj.collideReact == true) { obj.x -= rect1.x+rect1.width-rect2.x } } //Right if ( rect1.x > rect2.x + rect2.width*0.75 && rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x + rect2.width && rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width && rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height && rect1.y + rect1.height > rect2.y && !(rect1.x == rect2.x) ) { obj.collision.push(right); if (obj.collideReact == true) { obj.x += rect2.x+rect2.width-rect1.x } } //Top if ( rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height / 2 && rect1.y + rect1.height > rect2.y && rect1.y + rect1.height < rect2.y + rect2.height/4 && rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width && rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x && !(rect1.y == rect2.y) ) { obj.collision.push(up); if (obj.collideReact == true) { obj.y -= rect1.y+rect1.height-rect2.y } } //Bottom if ( rect1.y > rect2.y + rect2.height*0.75 && rect1.y + rect1.height > rect2.y + rect2.height && rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height && rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width && rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x && !(rect1.y == rect2.y) ) { obj.collision.push(down); if (obj.collideReact == true) { obj.y += rect2.y+rect2.height-rect1.y } } } } } } } } //scripts if (obj.scripts != null) { let sc = obj.scripts; let res; for (var j = 0; j < sc.length; j++) { let importing = sc[j].importScript || function () { return null; }; let s = sc[j].script; importing = importing(); res = s(obj, importing, {fps: this.fps,delta: this.deltaTime,screen: canvas,camera: this.campos,renderer: renderer, }); } } // move scripts if (obj.dx || obj.dy) { if (obj.dx) { obj.x += obj.dx; } if (obj.dy) { obj.y += obj.dy; } } //drawing if (obj.type == mesh) { if (obj.drawType == rect) { let response = this._drawers.rect(ctx, [ obj.x - (obj.width * obj.scale) / 2, obj.y - (obj.height * obj.scale) / 2, obj.width * obj.scale, obj.height * obj.scale, obj.color, ]); } else if (obj.drawType == circle) { let response =, [ obj.x - (obj.width * obj.scale) / 2, obj.y - (obj.height * obj.scale) / 2, obj.width * obj.scale, obj.color, ]); } } else if (obj.type == sprite) { if (obj.drawType == texture) { let response = this._drawers.texture(ctx, [ obj.x - (obj.width * obj.scale) / 2, obj.y - (obj.height * obj.scale) / 2, obj.width * obj.scale, obj.height * obj.scale, obj.sprite, ]); } } else if (obj.type == text) { if (obj.drawType == plainText) { let response = this._drawers.plainText(ctx, [ obj.x - (obj.width * obj.scale) / 2, obj.y - (obj.height * obj.scale) / 2, obj.txt, obj.font, obj.color, ]); } } else if (obj.type == line) { let response = this._drawers.lineRndr(ctx, [ obj.start, obj.end, obj.width, obj.color, ]); } else if (obj.type == customMesh) { let response = this._drawers.customMesh( ctx, obj.meshShader, { fps: this.fps, delta: this.deltaTime, screen: canvas, camera: this.campos, renderer: renderer, }, obj.meshShader.importScript || function () { return null; } ); } } let dt = now - this.lastUpdate; this.lastUpdate = now; this.deltaTime = dt / 100; afterRender({ scene, fps, antiAliasing, campos, imgStore, shader, renderer, canvasObj, }); return [true]; } _theDrawers() { let drawers = { rect: function (ctx, opts) { ctx.fillStyle = opts[4]; ctx.fillRect(opts[0], opts[1], opts[2], opts[3]); return true; }, circle: function (ctx, opts) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(opts[0], opts[1], opts[2], 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = opts[3]; ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); return true; }, texture: function (ctx, opts) { ctx.drawImage(opts[4].img, opts[0], opts[1], opts[2], opts[3]); return true; }, plainText: function (ctx, opts) { ctx.font = opts[3]; ctx.fillStyle = opts[4]; ctx.fillText(opts[2], opts[0], opts[1]); return true; }, lineRndr: function (ctx, opts) { ctx.strokeStyle = opts[3]; ctx.lineWidth = opts[2]; ctx.beginPath(); if ((opts[0].isVectObj = true)) { ctx.moveTo(opts[0].x, opts[0].y); } else { ctx.moveTo(opts[0][0], opts[0][1]); } if ((opts[1].isVectObj = true)) { ctx.lineTo(opts[1].x, opts[1].y); } else { ctx.lineTo(opts[1][0], opts[1][1]); } ctx.stroke(); return true; }, customMesh: function (ctx, shader, others, imps) { let s = shader.script; imps = imps(); s(ctx, imps, others); return true; }, }; return drawers; }}
// newOrbsScene class newOrbsScene { constructor() { this.vScene = []; this.layers = {}; this.layers.collision = {}; } add(obj) { this.vScene.push(obj); if (obj.collisionLayer) { if (scene.layers.collision[obj.collisionLayer]) { scene.layers.collision[obj.collisionLayer].push(; } } } scene() { return this.vScene; } moveObj(old, newI) { this.vScene = array_move(this.vScene, old, newI); } getObj(name) { for (var i = 0; i < this.vScene.length; i++) { if (this.vScene[i].name == name) { return this.vScene[i]; } } } exportSelf() { return this; } collisionLayerSet(name) { this.layers.collision[name] = []; }}
// newOrbsRenderer //TODO: finish and polish cameraclass newOrbsRenderer { constructor(opts) { if (opts.canvas) { this.canvas = opts.canvas; } else { this.canvas = newCanvas(); } this.antiAliasing = opts.antiAliasing || true; this.canvasId =; this.canvasObj = opts.canvasObj || null; = { hoverOver: false, mouse: { x: 0, y: 0, primaryBtn: up, drag: false, }, keyBoard: { key: "", ctrlKey: false, shiftKey: false, altKey: false, keyStroke: "", keysDown: up }, }; this.onRender = () => null; this.onBeforeRender = () => null; this.onAfterRender = () => null; this.onKeyboardEvent = () => null; this.imgStore = {}; this.bgColor = opts.bgColor || "#ffffff"; this.fps = opts.fps || 30; this.loop = () => null; this.renderState = opts.renderState || still; this.dynamicCamera = opts.dynamicCamera || false; this.cameraPos = opts.camPos || { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.shader = null; if (this.renderState == still) { this.updater = false; } else if (this.renderState == update) { this.updater = true; } else { console.error("no proper given renderState.\noptions:( update | still )"); } this.scene = opts.scene || new newOrbsScene();
this.cave = new CaveRenderEngine({ bgColor: this.bgColor, canvasId: this.canvasId, }); if (opts.disableImageCache == true) { } else { this.storeId = this.cave.setUpImageCacher(); } function newCanvas() { let can = document.createElement("canvas"); = "orbsCanvas" + Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999) + 1000); can.innerHTML = "Hmm, Looks like your browser does not support Canvas"; return can; } } startRenderCycle() { let cave = this.cave; this.onRender(this, this.scene); //TODO: use this = \/\/\/ //window.requestAnimationFrame() setInterval( () => updateScript( cave, this.canvasObj, this.loop, this.scene, this.updater, this.fps, this.antiAliasing, this.imaStore, this.cameraPos, this.canvasId, this.shader, this, this.onBeforeRender, this.onAfterRender, { callback: this.onKeyboardEvent, event: } ), 1000 / this.fps ); function updateScript( cave, canvasObj, loop, scene, update, fps, antiAliasing, imgStore, campos, canvasId, shader, renderer, beforeRender, afterRender, keyboardEvent ) { if (update === true) { loop({ fps: fps, screen: document.getElementById(canvasId), camera: campos, }); let response = cave.draw( scene, fps, antiAliasing, campos, imgStore, shader, renderer, canvasObj, beforeRender, afterRender, keyboardEvent ); if (response[0] === false) { alert(response[1]); console.alert(response[1]); } } } } zeroToCenter(is) { this.cave.zeroToCenter(is); } attachCanvas(can) { this.canvas = can; this.canvasId =; } addToImgCache(img, name) { //TODO: make image store seprate for each instance if (img.isImgObj == true) { this.imgStore[name] = img; } else { let image = new newOrbsImage(img, name); this.imgStore[name] = image; } } setRenderState(state) { this.renderState = state || still; if (this.renderState == still) { this.updater = false; } else if (this.renderState == update) { this.updater = true; } else { console.error("no proper given renderState.\noptions:( update | still )"); } } setSize(x, y) { this.canvas.width = x; this.canvas.height = y; } setBgColor(c) { this.bgColor = c; } setScene(scene) { this.scene = scene; } draw(scene) { this.tempScene = scene; } translateCamera(opts) { this.cameraPos = opts; } onLoop(fn) { this.loop = fn; } canvasAttactToDom(loc, pre) { if (pre == "prepend") { loc.prepend(this.canvas); } else if (pre == "append") { loc.append(this.canvas); } this.canvasObj = () => document.getElementById(; //TODO: touch, right, middle mouse btn event listers and keyboard document .getElementById(this.canvasId) .addEventListener("mouseleave", (e) => { = true; }); document .getElementById(this.canvasId) .addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { = e.offsetX - this.cameraPos.x; = e.offsetY - this.cameraPos.y; for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { if ( < this.scene.vScene[i].x + this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2 && > this.scene.vScene[i].x - this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2 && < this.scene.vScene[i].y + (this.scene.vScene[i].height || this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2) && > this.scene.vScene[i].y - (this.scene.vScene[i].height || this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2) ) { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.hover = true; } else { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.hover = false; } } if ( == down) { = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { if (this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.primaryBtn == down) { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.drag = true; } else { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.drag = false; } } } else if ( == up) { = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.drag = false; } } }); document .getElementById(this.canvasId) .addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => { this.mouseDown(); for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { if ( < this.scene.vScene[i].x + this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2 && > this.scene.vScene[i].x - this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2 && < this.scene.vScene[i].y + (this.scene.vScene[i].height || this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2) && > this.scene.vScene[i].y - (this.scene.vScene[i].height || this.scene.vScene[i].width / 2) ) { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.primaryBtn = down; } } }); document.getElementById(this.canvasId).addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => { this.mouseUp(); for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.vScene.length; i++) { this.scene.vScene[i].events.mouse.primaryBtn = up; } }); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { let key = ""; if (e.ctrlKey == true) { key += "Ctrl+"; } if (e.shiftKey == true) { key += "Shift+"; } if (e.altKey == true) { key += "Shift+"; } key += e.key .replaceAll(keys.left, left) .replaceAll(keys.right, right) .replaceAll(keys.up, up) .replaceAll(keys.down, down); = { key: e.key, ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, shiftKey: e.shiftKey, altKey: e.altKey, keysDown: down }; = key; }); document.body.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { = { key: "", ctrlKey: false, shiftKey: false, altKey: false, }; = ""; }); } mouseDown() { = down; } mouseUp() { = up; } shaderSet(shader) { this.shader = shader; } exportSelf() { return this; } on(ev, fn) { if (ev == "render") { this.onRender = fn; } if (ev == "beforeRender") { this.onBeforeRender = fn; } if (ev == "afterRender") { this.onAfterRender = fn; } if (ev == "mouseEvent") { this.onMouseEvent = fn; } if (ev == "keyboardEvent") { this.onKeyboardEvent = fn; } }}
// newOrbsObj class newOrbsObj { constructor(opts) { = || Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999) + 1000); this.type = opts.type || mesh; if (this.type == mesh) { this.drawType = opts.drawType; } this.drawType = opts.drawType || texture; if (this.type == line || this.type == customMesh) { this.drawType = null; } this.scripts = []; this.x = opts.x || 0; this.y = opts.y || 0; this.width = opts.width || 0; this.height = opts.height || 0; this.color = opts.color || "#000"; this.scale = opts.scale || 1; this.rotation = opts.rotation || 0; this.texture = null; if (opts.vars) { this.vars(opts.vars); } = { mouse: { hover: false, primaryBtn: up, drag: false, }, }; } _giveCodec() { return { type: this.type, drawType: this.drawType, x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.width, height: this.height, color: this.color, }; } attachScript(s) { this.scripts.push(s); } setVars(name, value) { this[name] = value; } vars(opts) { //TODO: set circle form width to radius and also in render for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(opts).length; i++) { this[Object.keys(opts)[i]] = opts[Object.keys(opts)[i]]; } } move(v) { let vect = v._giveVector(); this.x = this.x + vect[0] || this.x; this.y = this.y + vect[1] || this.y; this.scale = this.scale + vect[2] || this.scale; this.rotation = this.rotation + vect[3] || this.rotation; } setPos(v) { let vect = v._giveVector(); this.x = vect[0] || this.x; this.y = vect[1] || this.y; this.scale = vect[2] || this.scale; this.rotation = vect[3] || this.rotation; } getColide(side) { if (side == up || side == top) { if (this.collision.indexOf(up) > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (side == down || side == bottom) { if (this.collision.indexOf(down) > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (side == left) { if (this.collision.indexOf(left) > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (side == right) { if (this.collision.indexOf(right) > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (!side) { if (this.collision.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } } exportSelf() { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); }}

// extraFunc class newOrbsScriptComponent { constructor(sc) { this.script = sc || function () { return null; }; } attachScript(s) { this.script = s; } imports(im) { this.importScript = im; }}class Vector { constructor(x, y, scale, rotation) { this.isVectObj = true; this.x = x || null; this.y = y || null; this.scale = scale || null; this.rot = rotation || null; } _giveVector() { return [this.x, this.y, this.scale, this.rot]; }}class newOrbsImage { constructor(url, name) { this.isImgObj = true; let image = new Image(); image.src = url; this.img = image; = name; this.url = url; }}function keyEvent(key) { return key.split("+");}exports.ORBS = { setFullScreenGameCss: function () { document.body.setAttribute( "style", `padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100vh` ); }, _: function () { return [new newOrbsRenderer(), new newOrbsScene()]; }, keyEvent: keyEvent, renderer: newOrbsRenderer, scene: newOrbsScene, obj: newOrbsObj, scriptComponent: newOrbsScriptComponent, Vector: Vector, Sprite: newOrbsImage, Image: newOrbsImage, Texture: newOrbsImage,};
function array_move(arr, old_index, new_index) { if (new_index >= arr.length) { var k = new_index - arr.length + 1; while (k--) { arr.push(undefined); } } arr.splice(new_index, 0, arr.splice(old_index, 1)[0]); return arr; // for testing}function Vect(x, y, s, r) { return new Vector(x, y, s, r)}
//Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });})))