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oson structured object notation
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{ "tasks": { "dev": "deno fmt && deno lint && deno task test && deno task check", "test": "bash -c 'echo *.test.ts' | xargs deno test", "check": "deno cache --check=all mod.ts", "coverage": "deno task test --coverage=./cov_profile && deno coverage --lcov --output=./coverage.lcov ./cov_profile", "report": "genhtml ./coverage.lcov --output-directory ./coverage/ && echo 'Point your browser to coverage/index.html to see the test coverage report.'", "bench": "deno bench --unstable mod.bench.ts", "build": "deno run --allow-run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write build.ts", "release": "[ -f npm/package.json ] && git push --tags && cd npm && npm publish || echo Missing build output!", "clean": "rm -rf cov_profile coverage npm coverage.lcov" }, "lint": { "files": { "exclude": ["npm", "arson"] } }, "fmt": { "files": { "exclude": ["npm", "arson"] }, "options": { "proseWrap": "preserve" } }}