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📦 Zero-config web application packager in Deno
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import { resolve } from "./deps.ts";import { logger } from "./logger_util.ts";import { load } from "";import { denoPlugin } from "";
export async function bundleByEsbuild(path: string, wasmPath: string): Promise<string> { const { build } = await load(wasmPath);
const bundle = await build({ entryPoints: [resolve(path)], plugins: [denoPlugin()], bundle: true, });
return bundle.outputFiles![0].text;}
let usingSwcLogged = false;export async function bundleBySwc(path: string): Promise<string> { if (!usingSwcLogged) { logger.debug("Using swc bundler"); usingSwcLogged = true; } const res = await Deno.emit(path, { bundle: "classic", check: false, }); return res.files["deno:///bundle.js"];}