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📦 Zero-config web application packager for Deno
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import { CommonOptions } from "";import { build, denoPlugin, exists, parseJsonC, resolve, stop, toFileUrl,} from "./deps.ts";
export async function bundleByEsbuild( path: string,): Promise<string> { const importMapFile = getImportMap(); let importMapURL: URL | undefined; if (importMapFile) { importMapURL = toFileUrl(resolve(importMapFile)); }
// @NekoMaru76: option tsconfig in esbuild's build doesn't work, so I did this let jsx: CommonOptions["jsx"]; let jsxFactory: CommonOptions["jsxFactory"]; let jsxFragment: CommonOptions["jsxFragment"]; let jsxDev: CommonOptions["jsxDev"]; let jsxImportSource: CommonOptions["jsxImportSource"];
const tsconfigFile = await getTsconfig();
if (tsconfigFile) { const config = <{ compilerOptions: { jsx: CommonOptions["jsx"]; jsxFactory: CommonOptions["jsxFactory"]; jsxFragmentFactory: CommonOptions["jsxFragment"]; jsxDev: CommonOptions["jsxDev"]; jsxImportSource: CommonOptions["jsxImportSource"]; }; }> parseJsonC(await Deno.readTextFile(tsconfigFile));
if ( config && typeof config === "object" && config.compilerOptions && typeof config.compilerOptions === "object" ) { jsx = config.compilerOptions.jsx; jsxDev = config.compilerOptions.jsxDev; jsxFactory = config.compilerOptions.jsxFactory; jsxFragment = config.compilerOptions.jsxFragmentFactory; jsxImportSource = config.compilerOptions.jsxImportSource; } }
const bundle = await build({ entryPoints: [toFileUrl(resolve(path)).href], plugins: [ denoPlugin({ importMapURL, }), ], bundle: true, write: false, jsx, jsxFactory, jsxDev, jsxFragment, jsxImportSource, });
return bundle.outputFiles![0].text;}
let _importMap: string | undefined;
export function setImportMap(importMap: string) { _importMap = importMap;}
export function getImportMap() { return _importMap;}
let _tsconfig: string | undefined;
export function setTsconfig(tsconfig: string) { _tsconfig = tsconfig;}
export async function getTsconfig() { if (!_tsconfig) { if ( await exists("./deno.json", { isReadable: true, isDirectory: false, }) ) { return "./deno.json"; } if ( await exists("./deno.jsonc", { isReadable: true, isDirectory: false, }) ) { return "./deno.jsonc"; } if ( await exists("./tsconfig.json", { isReadable: true, isDirectory: false, }) ) { return "./tsconfig.json"; } }
return _tsconfig;}