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📦 Zero-config web application packager for Deno
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import { join, relative, walk } from "./deps.ts";import { logger } from "./logger_util.ts";
export async function checkStaticDir(dir: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(dir); if (stat.isDirectory) {`Using "${dir}" as static directory`); return true; } else { logger.warn(`Error: "${dir}" is not directory`); return false; } } catch (e) { if ( === "NotFound") {`No static dir "${dir}"`); return false; } logger.error(e); return false; }}
type GenerateStaticAssetsOptions = { distPrefix: string;};
export async function* generateStaticAssets( dir: string, opts: GenerateStaticAssetsOptions,): AsyncIterable<File> { if (!await checkStaticDir(dir)) { return; }
for await (const entry of walk(dir)) { if (!entry.isDirectory) { yield createStaticAssetFromPath(entry.path, dir, opts.distPrefix); } }}
export async function* watchAndGenStaticAssets( dir: string, opts: GenerateStaticAssetsOptions,): AsyncIterable<File> { if (!await checkStaticDir(dir)) { return; }
for await (const entry of walk(dir)) { if (!entry.isDirectory) { yield createStaticAssetFromPath(entry.path, dir, opts.distPrefix); } }
for await (const e of Deno.watchFs(dir)) { for (const path of e.paths) { // TODO(kt3k): Make this concurrent try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); if (stat.isDirectory) { continue; } yield await createStaticAssetFromPath(path, dir, opts.distPrefix); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } }}
async function createStaticAssetFromPath( path: string, root: string, distPrefix: string,): Promise<File> { logger.debug("Reading", path); const bytes = await Deno.readFile(path); const webkitRelativePath = relative(root, path); return new File([bytes], join(distPrefix, webkitRelativePath), { lastModified: 0, });}