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A static site generator powered by Deno + React
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-runexport { React, ReactDOM, ReactDOMServer } from './deps.ts';export { t, Trans } from './src/plugins/i18n.tsx';
import { fs } from './deps.ts';import { logger } from './src/utils/mod.ts';import Pagic from './src/Pagic.ts';export default Pagic;export * from './src/Pagic.ts';
import { Command } from '';import { Select } from '';import { Confirm } from '';
if (import.meta.main) { const build = new Command() .description('Build a static website') .option('--watch [watch:boolean]', 'Watch file changes to rebuild') .option('--serve [serve:boolean]', 'Start local service, preview static website') .option('--port <port:number>', 'Specify the local port of the service') .action((options: any) => { const pagic = new Pagic(options);; if (! && !options.serve) { pagic.on('buildFinish', () => Deno.exit(0)); } });
const init = new Command().description('Init pagic site/theme/plugin').action(async () => { const mode: string = await Select.prompt({ message: 'Init current dir as a', options: [ { name: 'site', value: 'site' }, { name: 'theme', value: 'theme' }, { name: 'plugin', value: 'plugin' }, ], });
const pagic = new Pagic(); switch (mode) { case 'site': if (await fs.exists('pagic.config.ts')) { logger.warn('pagic.config.ts already exists, exit'); return; } if (await fs.exists('pagic.config.tsx')) { logger.warn('pagic.config.tsx already exists, exit'); return; } await Deno.writeTextFile('pagic.config.ts', 'export default {};\n'); break; case 'theme': if (await fs.exists('mod.ts')) { const confirmed = await Confirm.prompt('mod.ts already exists, do you want to override it?'); if (!confirmed) { return; } } pagic.generateThemeMod(); break; default: logger.error(`Invalid mode ${mode}`); } });
await new Command().name('pagic').command('build', build).command('init', init).parse(Deno.args);}