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Parser combinators library which works on browsers, Deno and Node.js.
import { IParser, between, many0, many1, char, noneOfChars, escapedWith, digit, sepBy, string, trim, map, or, optional, choice, serial, lazy,} from '../src'
function jsonBoolean(): IParser<boolean> { return or( map(string('true'), () => true), map(string('false'), () => false) )}
function jsonNull(): IParser<null> { return map(string('null'), () => null)}
function jsonNumber(): IParser<number> { const sign = map(optional(char('-')), (s) => s ?? '') const digits = map(many1(digit()), (list) => list.join('')) const parts = serial( sign, digits, optional(map(serial(char('.'), digits), ([_, float]) => float)) )
return map(parts, ([sign, int, float]) => { if (float) { return Number.parseFloat(`${sign}${int}.${float}`) } else { return Number.parseInt(`${sign}${int}`) } })}
function jsonString(): IParser<string> { return map( between( char('"'), char('"'), many0( choice( noneOfChars('"', '\\'), escapedWith('\\', [ ['"', '"'], ['\\', '\\'], ['/', '/'], ['b', '\b'], ['f', '\f'], ['n', '\n'], ['r', '\r'], ['t', '\t'], ]) ) ) ), (chars) => chars.join('') )}
function jsonArray(): IParser<JsonValue[]> { return between( char('['), trim(char(']')), trim(sepBy(trim(char(',')), jsonValue())) )}
function jsonProperty(): IParser<[string, JsonValue]> { return map( serial(trim(jsonString()), trim(char(':')), jsonValue()), ([key, _, value]) => [key, value] )}
function jsonObject(): IParser<{ [x in string]: JsonValue }> { return map( between( char('{'), trim(char('}')), trim(sepBy(trim(char(',')), jsonProperty())) ), Object.fromEntries )}
type JsonValue = | string | number | boolean | null | { [x in string]: JsonValue } | JsonValue[]
export function jsonValue(): IParser<JsonValue> { return lazy(() => trim( choice( jsonBoolean(), jsonNull(), jsonString(), jsonObject(), jsonNumber(), jsonArray() ) ) )}