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Parser combinators library designed for Deno, but also works on browsers and Node.js.
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import type { IParser, Result } from "./core.ts";import { ErrorKind } from "./error.ts";
/** * Parse a specified byte. * * byte(10)(Uint8Array.of(10)).output === 10; * byte(10)(Uint8Array.of(11)).ok === false; * * @param byte 8-bit unsigned integer */export function byte<B extends number>( byte: B,): IParser<B, ErrorKind.Byte, Uint8Array> { function parse<C>( input: Uint8Array, context: C = Object.create(null), ): Result<Uint8Array, B, ErrorKind.Byte, C> { if (input[0] === parse.byte) { return { ok: true, input: input.subarray(1), output: parse.byte, context, }; } else { return { ok: false, input, error: ErrorKind.Byte, context, }; } } parse.byte = byte;
return parse;}
/** * Parse any single byte. * * anyByte()(Uint8Array.of(10)).output === 10; */export function anyByte(): IParser<number, ErrorKind.AnyByte, Uint8Array> { return <C>( input: Uint8Array, context: C = Object.create(null), ): Result<Uint8Array, number, ErrorKind.AnyByte, C> => { if (input.length === 0) { return { ok: false, input, error: ErrorKind.AnyByte, context, }; } else { return { ok: true, input: input.subarray(1), output: input[0], context, }; } };}
/** * Parse a specified slice of bytes. * * const parser = slice(Uint8Array.of(13, 10)); * parser(Uint8Array.of(13, 10)).output; // ==> Uint8Array [13, 10] * parser(Uint8Array.of(13, 13)).ok === false; * * @param slice slice of 8-bit unsigned integers */export function slice( slice: Uint8Array,): IParser<Uint8Array, ErrorKind.Slice, Uint8Array> { function parse<C>( input: Uint8Array, context: C = Object.create(null), ): Result<Uint8Array, Uint8Array, ErrorKind.Slice, C> { const { slice } = parse; const max = slice.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { if (slice[i] !== input[i]) { return { ok: false, input, error: ErrorKind.Slice, context, }; } }
return { ok: true, input: input.slice(max), output: slice, context, }; } parse.slice = slice;
return parse;}