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Parser combinators library designed for Deno, but also works on browsers and Node.js.
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import type { IParser, Result } from "./core.ts";import { ErrorKind } from "./error.ts";import { map } from "./combinator.ts";import { serial } from "./sequence.ts";
const positionCtxSymbol = Symbol("positionContext");
/** * Cursor position information. */export type Position = { /** Offset from the start of the source. It starts from 0. */ offset: number; /** Line number, which starts from 1. */ line: number; /** Column number, which starts from 0. */ column: number;};
type PositionContext = { [K in typeof positionCtxSymbol]: { position: Position; lastInput: string; };};
/** * Execute the embedded parser with a new "position context". * This parser is required if you're going to * use `position` parser or `spanned` parser. * * @param parser embedded parser */export function withPositionCtx<O, E, CtxIn, CtxOut>( parser: IParser<O, E, string, CtxIn, CtxOut>,): IParser< O, E, string, Omit<CtxIn, typeof positionCtxSymbol>, CtxOut & PositionContext> { function parse<C extends CtxIn>( input: string, context: C = Object.create(null), ): Result<string, O, E, C & CtxOut & PositionContext> { const positionCtx: PositionContext = { [positionCtxSymbol]: { position: { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 0, }, lastInput: input, }, };
return parse.parser(input, Object.assign(context, positionCtx)); } parse.parser = parser;
return parse;}
/** * Retrieve current position, stored as parser output. * * This parser requires "position context". */export function position(): IParser< Position, ErrorKind.MissingPositionContext, string, PositionContext> { return <C extends PositionContext>( input: string, context?: C, ): Result< string, Position, ErrorKind.MissingPositionContext, C > => { if (!context?.[positionCtxSymbol]) { return { ok: false, input, error: ErrorKind.MissingPositionContext, context: context!, }; }
const ctx = context[positionCtxSymbol]; const position = Object.assign({}, ctx.position);
const consumed = ctx.lastInput.slice( 0, ctx.lastInput.length - input.length, ); const offset = consumed.length; position.offset += offset;
const lines = consumed.split(/\r?\n/); if (lines.length === 1) { position.column += offset; } else { const lastIndex = lines.length - 1; position.line += lastIndex; position.column = lines[lastIndex].length; }
return { ok: true, input, output: position, context: Object.assign( {}, context, { [positionCtxSymbol]: { position, lastInput: input } }, ), }; };}
/** * Span contains the parsed value, * together with the start position and end position. */export type Span<T> = { /** Parsed value. */ value: T; /** Start position. (Inclusive) */ start: Position; /** End position. (Exclusive) */ end: Position;};
/** * Execute the embedded parser, * while remembering the start position and end postion. * * It will return a `Span<T>` wrapper type, if succeeds. * * This parser requires "position context". * * @param parser embedded parser */export function spanned<O, E, CtxIn, CtxOut>( parser: IParser<O, E, string, CtxIn, CtxOut>,): IParser< Span<O>, E | ErrorKind.MissingPositionContext, string, CtxIn & PositionContext, CtxOut> { return map( serial(position(), parser, position()), ([start, value, end]) => ({ value, start, end }), );}