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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { ensureDir } from "";import { copy } from "";import * as path from "";
export type CodeEntry = [filePath: string, data: Deno.Reader | Deno.ReaderSync];export type SyncCodeEntry = [filePath: string, data: Deno.ReaderSync];export type AsyncCodeEntry = [filePath: string, data: Deno.Reader];
export async function save( outDir: string, files: AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>,): Promise<void> { const asyncEntries: AsyncCodeEntry[] = []; for await (const codeEntry of files) { const [filePath, file] = codeEntry; const outPath = path.resolve(outDir, filePath); await ensureDir(path.dirname(outPath)); if ("readSync" in file) { const outFile = await Deno.create(outPath); await copy({ read: async (p) => file.readSync(p) }, outFile); outFile.close(); } else { asyncEntries.push(codeEntry as AsyncCodeEntry); } } await Promise.all( ([filePath, file]) => { const outPath = path.resolve(outDir, filePath); const outFile = await Deno.create(outPath); await copy(file, outFile); outFile.close(); }));}