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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import * as schema from "../../core/schema/model.ts";import { CodeEntry } from "../index.ts";import genMessages, { Field } from "./messages.ts";import genServices from "./services.ts";import { sanitizeEnumName, sanitizeMessageName, toCamelCase,} from "./swift-protobuf/name.ts";
export type GenConfig = { messages: GenMessagesConfig; services: GenServicesConfig; customTypeMapping?: CustomTypeMapping;};export default function gen( schema: schema.Schema, config: GenConfig,) { const { messages, services, customTypeMapping } = config; const units = [{ schema, messages, services }]; return filterDuplicates(genAll({ units, customTypeMapping }));}
export interface GenUnit { schema: schema.Schema; messages: GenMessagesConfig; services: GenServicesConfig;}export interface GenAllConfig { units: GenUnit[]; customTypeMapping?: CustomTypeMapping;}async function* genAll(config: GenAllConfig) { const { units, customTypeMapping } = config; for await (const unit of units) { yield* genBuildUnit(unit, customTypeMapping); }}
async function* genBuildUnit( unit: GenUnit, _customTypeMapping?: CustomTypeMapping,): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const { schema } = unit; const messages = unit.messages; const services =; const customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping = { ..._customTypeMapping, }; yield* genMessages(schema, { customTypeMapping, messages, }); yield* genServices(schema, { customTypeMapping, services, });}
export interface CustomTypeMapping { [typePath: string]: { swiftType: string; };}
export interface GetFieldCodeFnConfig { filePath: string; field: Field;}export interface GetFieldCodeFn { (config: GetFieldCodeFnConfig): string | undefined;}export type GenRuntimeConfig = { iterRuntimeFiles: () => AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>; outDir: string; packageName?: undefined;} | { iterRuntimeFiles?: undefined; outDir?: undefined; packageName: string;};export interface GenMessagesConfig { outDir: string; typePaths?: `.${string}`[];}export interface GenServicesConfig { outDir: string; genTypes: ServiceType[]; servicePaths?: `.${string}`[];}export type ServiceType = "grpc" | "wrp";
export function toSwiftName(typePath: string) { return typePath.split(".").slice(1).map((fragment) => fragment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fragment.slice(1) ).join("_");}
interface GetSwiftFullNameConfig { schema: schema.Schema; typePath?: string;}/** * Returns SwiftFullName of typePath. * @example .package.example.Nested.Something.Message -> Package_Example_Nested.Something.Message */export function getSwiftFullName( config: { schema: schema.Schema; typePath: string },): string;export function getSwiftFullName( config: { schema: schema.Schema; typePath?: string },): string | undefined;export function getSwiftFullName( { schema, typePath }: GetSwiftFullNameConfig,): string | undefined { if (!typePath) return; const { parentTypePath, relativeTypePath } = getTypePath({ schema, typePath, }); const sanitizedRelativeTypeName = (() => { const relativeType = schema.types[typePath]; if (relativeType) { switch (relativeType.kind) { case "message": return sanitizeMessageName(toSwiftName(relativeTypePath)); case "enum": return sanitizeEnumName(toSwiftName(relativeTypePath)); } } return toSwiftName(relativeTypePath); })(); // @TODO(hyp3rflow): Sanitize only message name, not just package path. if (!parentTypePath) { const fragments = relativeTypePath.split(".").slice(1); const result =, index) => fragments.length === index + 1 ? fragment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fragment.slice(1) : toCamelCase(fragment, true) ).join("_"); if (typePath.startsWith(".google.protobuf")) { return "SwiftProtobuf." + result; } return result; } return getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath: parentTypePath }) + `.${sanitizedRelativeTypeName}`;}
interface GetTypePathConfig { schema: schema.Schema; typePath: string;}export function getTypePath( { schema, typePath }: GetTypePathConfig,): { parentTypePath?: string; relativeTypePath: string } { const fragments = typePath.split("."); const typeName = fragments.pop()!; const parentTypePath = fragments.join("."); if (Object.keys(schema.types).includes(parentTypePath)) { return { parentTypePath, relativeTypePath: "." + typeName }; } return { relativeTypePath: typePath };}
// @TODO(dups)
async function* filterDuplicates( codes: AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>,): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const filter = new Set<string>(); for await (const [filePath, data] of codes) { if (filter.has(filePath)) continue; filter.add(filePath); yield [filePath, data]; }}