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type alias $.google.protobuf.FileOptions
import { type $ } from "";
const { FileOptions } = $.google.protobuf;
definition: { javaPackage?: string; javaOuterClassname?: string; optimizeFor?: OptimizeMode; javaMultipleFiles?: boolean; goPackage?: string; ccGenericServices?: boolean; javaGenericServices?: boolean; pyGenericServices?: boolean; javaGenerateEqualsAndHash?: boolean; deprecated?: boolean; javaStringCheckUtf8?: boolean; ccEnableArenas?: boolean; objcClassPrefix?: string; csharpNamespace?: string; swiftPrefix?: string; phpClassPrefix?: string; phpNamespace?: string; phpGenericServices?: boolean; phpMetadataNamespace?: string; rubyPackage?: string; features?: FeatureSet; uninterpretedOption: UninterpretedOption[]; }