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A zero-dependency, minimal permission guard for Deno.
/** * A Deno permission name or a full permission descriptor. * * See * * @public */export type GuardGrant = Deno.PermissionName | Deno.PermissionDescriptor;
/** * Configuration for the guard. * * Use with the _guard()_ method. * * @public */export interface GuardOptions { /** * An optional list of Deno permission names or descriptors * that should be permitted by the guard */ granted?: GuardGrant[]; /** * An optional flag to determine whether the guard * should stop the process when permissions listed in the `granted` * array have not been granted. */ exitOnMissing?: boolean; /** * An optional flag to determine whether the guard should * stop the process when permissions not listed in the `granted` * array have been granted. */ exitOnExtra?: boolean; /** * An optional flag to determine whether the guard should * revoke top-level permissions not listed in the `granted` * array. */ revoke?: boolean; /** * An optional flag to determine the guard should log any * warnings or errors to the console. */ log?: boolean;}
/** * A permission descriptor merged with it's status. * * See * * @private */type PermissionDescriptorStatus = { state: Deno.PermissionState;} & Deno.PermissionDescriptor;
/** * A granted status for a permission. * * See: * * - * - * * @public */export const GRANTED: Deno.PermissionState = "granted";/** * A denied status for a permission. * * See: * * - * - * * @public */export const DENIED: Deno.PermissionState = "denied";/** * A prompt status for a permission. * * See: * * - * - * * @public */export const PROMPT: Deno.PermissionState = "prompt";
/** * The "powerful feature" "run" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const RUN: Deno.PermissionName = "run";/** * The "powerful feature" "read" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const READ: Deno.PermissionName = "read";/** * The "powerful feature" "write" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const WRITE: Deno.PermissionName = "write";/** * The "powerful feature" "net" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const NET: Deno.PermissionName = "net";/** * The "powerful feature" "env" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const ENV: Deno.PermissionName = "env";/** * The "powerful feature" "plugin" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const PLUGIN: Deno.PermissionName = "plugin";/** * The "powerful feature" "hrtime" which needs permission. * * See: * * - * - * * Note that the definition of `PermissionName` in the above spec is swapped * out for a set of Deno permissions which are not web-compatible. * * @public */export const HRTIME: Deno.PermissionName = "hrtime";
/** * A list of all top-level permissions as descriptors. * * @private */const topLevelPermissions: Deno.PermissionDescriptor[] = [ { name: RUN }, { name: READ }, { name: WRITE }, { name: NET }, { name: ENV }, { name: PLUGIN }, { name: HRTIME },];
/** * A map of top-level permissions to their flag. * * @private */const permissionNameToFlagMap: Map<Deno.PermissionName, string> = new Map({ name }) => [name, `--allow-${name}`]),);
/** * A list of top-level permissions that support an optional allowlist. * * @private */const permissionsWithAllowlists: Deno.PermissionName[] = [ ENV, READ, RUN, NET, WRITE,];
/** * Regex for matching HTTP/HTTPS protocols. * * @private */const HTTP_PROTOCOL = /^https?\:\/\//;
/** * Adds the current grant status to each the provided permission descriptors. * * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor[]} permissionDescriptors * @returns {Promise<PermissionDescriptorStatus[]>} The requested permission statuses. * @private */const getPermissionDescriptorStatus = ( permissionDescriptors: Deno.PermissionDescriptor[],): Promise< PermissionDescriptorStatus[]> => Promise.all( async ( permissionDescriptor: Deno.PermissionDescriptor, ): Promise<PermissionDescriptorStatus> => { const { state } = await Deno.permissions.query(permissionDescriptor);
return ({ ...permissionDescriptor, state, }); }, ));
/** * Handles the optional logging and process exiting for scenarios * in which insecure and ungranted top-level permissions have been set. * * @param {PermissionDescriptorStatus[]} permissions * @param {GuardOptions} options * @returns {void} * @private */const handleUngrantedTopLevelPermissions = ( permissions: PermissionDescriptorStatus[], options: GuardOptions,): void => { if (options.log) { for (const { name } of permissions) { console.warn( `permission-guard: warning: insecure top-level permission "${ permissionNameToFlagMap.get(name) }" has been provided`, ); } }
if (options.exitOnExtra) { if (options.log) { console.error( "permission-guard: exiting due to insecure top-level permissions", ); }
Deno.exit(1); }};
interface PermissionDescriptorLike { name?: string; state?: Deno.PermissionState; url?: string; host?: string; path?: string; command?: string; variable?: string;}
/** * Returns a permission's allowlist value if it exists, otherwise * an empty string ("") is returned. * * @param param * @returns {string} * @private */const getPermissionAllowlist = ( { url, host, path, command, variable }: PermissionDescriptorLike = {},): string => { if (command) return command; if (variable) return variable; if (url) return url.replace(HTTP_PROTOCOL, ""); if (host) return host.replace(HTTP_PROTOCOL, ""); if (path) return path;
return "";};
/** * Handles the optional logging and process exiting for scenarios * in which configured / required permissions are missing. * * @param {PermissionDescriptorStatus[]} permissions * @param {GuardOptions} options * @returns {void} * @private */const handleMissingGrantedPermissions = ( permissions: PermissionDescriptorStatus[], options: GuardOptions,): void => { if (options.log) { for (const { name, ...parameters } of permissions) { const permissionArgument = getPermissionAllowlist(parameters); console.warn( `permission-guard: warning: missing permission "${ permissionNameToFlagMap.get(name) }${permissionArgument ? `=${permissionArgument}` : ""}"`, ); } }
if (options.exitOnMissing) { if (options.log) { console.error( "permission-guard: exiting due to missing required permissions", ); } Deno.exit(1); }};
/** * Filters the provided permissions to those which support * an allowlist but have be left with top-level scope. * * @param {Deno.PermissionDescriptor[]} granted * @returns {Deno.PermissionDescriptor[]} * @private */const getUnscopedPermissions = ( granted: Deno.PermissionDescriptor[],): Deno.PermissionDescriptor[] => granted.filter(({ name, ...parameters }) => !getPermissionAllowlist(parameters) && permissionsWithAllowlists.includes(name) );
/** * Handles the optional logging of recommendations when a top-level permission * has been requested that supports allowlisting. * * @param {PermissionDescriptorStatus[]} permissions * @returns {void} * @private */const handleUnscopedPermissions = ( permissions: Deno.PermissionDescriptor[],): void => { for (const { name } of permissions) { const flag = permissionNameToFlagMap.get(name);
console.warn( `permission-guard: warning: insecure top-level permission "${flag}" has been provided. Consider using a scoped permission with allowlist instead "${flag}=<allow-${name}>"`, ); }};
/** * Provides a set of defences for your application. * * This is done by verifying: * * 1. No unnecessary permissions have been set at runtime. * 2. Requested / required permissions have been set at runtime. * * Optional configuration parameters for the guard include: * * - `granted` - a list of Deno permission names or descriptors * that should be permitted by the guard. Default: `[]`. * - `exitOnMissing` - a flag to determine whether the guard * should stop the process when permissions listed in the `granted` * array have not been granted. Default: `false`. * - `exitOnExtra` - a flag to determine whether the guard should * stop the process when permissions not listed in the `granted` * array have been granted. Default: `true`. * - `revoke` - flag to determine whether the guard should * revoke top-level permissions not listed in the `granted` * array. * - `log` - a flag to determine the guard should log any * warnings or errors to the console. Default: `false`. * * If the guard determines to stop the process, the exit code will * be `1`, i.e. `Deno.exit(1)`. * * As the Deno Permissions API is currently tagged as "unstable", this * method will currently only perform the above defenses if the process * is started with the `--unstable` flag. Once the API becomes stable, * this flag will no longer be required. If the flag is not provided, * guard will simply return as a no-op, so it is safe to use the guard * in applications that won't be passed the `--unstable` flag. * * @param {GuardOptions} options * @returns {Promise<void>} */export async function guard(options: GuardOptions = {}): Promise<void> { if (typeof Deno.permissions === "undefined") return;
const { granted = [], exitOnMissing = false, exitOnExtra = true, revoke = false, log = false, } = options;
const grantedDescriptors = => typeof permission === "string" ? { name: permission } : permission );
if (log) { const unscopedPermissions = getUnscopedPermissions(grantedDescriptors);
if (unscopedPermissions.length) { handleUnscopedPermissions(unscopedPermissions); } }
if (revoke) { const permissionsToRevoke = topLevelPermissions.filter( (permissionState) => !grantedDescriptors.some((grantedDescriptor) => === ), );
for (const permission of permissionsToRevoke) { Deno.permissions.revoke(permission); } }
const currentTopLevelPermissionStatus = await getPermissionDescriptorStatus( topLevelPermissions, );
const ungrantedTopLevelPermissions = currentTopLevelPermissionStatus.filter( (permissionState) => !grantedDescriptors.some((grantedDescriptor) => === && !getPermissionAllowlist(grantedDescriptor) ) && permissionState.state === GRANTED, );
if (ungrantedTopLevelPermissions.length) { handleUngrantedTopLevelPermissions( ungrantedTopLevelPermissions, { exitOnExtra, log }, ); }
const grantedPermissionStatus = await getPermissionDescriptorStatus( grantedDescriptors, );
const missingPermissions = grantedPermissionStatus.filter((permissionState) => permissionState.state !== GRANTED );
if (missingPermissions.length) { handleMissingGrantedPermissions(missingPermissions, { exitOnMissing, log }); }}