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Yet another simple Postgres SQL parser
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import { compile, keywords, Token } from '';import { sqlKeywords } from './keywords.ts';import { NodeLocation, PGComment } from './syntax/ast.ts';
// build keywordsconst keywordsMap: any = {};for (const k of sqlKeywords) { keywordsMap['kw_' + k.toLowerCase()] = k;}const caseInsensitiveKeywords = (map: any) => { const transform = keywords(map) return (text: string) => transform(text.toUpperCase())}

// build lexerexport const lexer = compile({ word: { match: /[eE](?!')[A-Za-z0-9_]*|[a-df-zA-DF-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/, type: caseInsensitiveKeywords(keywordsMap), value: x => x.toLowerCase(), }, wordQuoted: { match: /"(?:[^"\*]|"")+"/, type: () => 'quoted_word', value: x => x.substring(1, x.length - 1), }, string: { match: /'(?:[^']|\'\')*'/, value: x => { return x.substring(1, x.length - 1) .replace(/''/g, '\''); }, }, eString: { match: /\b(?:e|E)'(?:[^'\\]|[\r\n\s]|(?:\\\s)|(?:\\\n)|(?:\\.)|(?:\'\'))+'/, value: x => { return x.substring(2, x.length - 1) .replace(/''/g, '\'') .replace(/\\([\s\n])/g, (_, x) => x) .replace(/\\./g, m => JSON.parse('"' + m + '"')); }, }, qparam: { match: /\$\d+/, }, commentLine: /\-\-.*?$[\s\r\n]*/, commentFullOpen: /(?<!\/)\/\*/, commentFullClose: /\*\/[\s\r\n]*/, star: '*', comma: ',', space: { match: /[\s\t\n\v\f\r]+/, lineBreaks: true, }, int: /\-?\d+(?![\.\d])/, float: /\-?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.\d*))/, // word: /[a-zA-Z][A-Za-z0-9_\-]*/, lparen: '(', rparen: ')', lbracket: '[', rbracket: ']', semicolon: ';', dot: /\.(?!\d)/, op_cast: '::', op_plus: '+', op_eq: '=', op_neq: { match: /(?:!=)|(?:\<\>)/, value: () => '!=', }, op_minus: /(?<!\-)\-(?!\-)(?!\>)/, op_div: /(?<!\/)\/(?!\/)/, op_like: /(?<!\!)~~(?!\*)/, // ~~ =LIKE op_ilike: /(?<!\!)~~\*/, // ~~* =ILIKE op_not_like: /\!~~(?!\*)/, // !~~ =LIKE op_not_ilike: /\!~~\*/, // !~~* =ILIKE op_mod: '%', op_exp: '^', op_member: /\-\>(?!\>)/, op_membertext: '->>', op_additive: { // group other additive operators match: ['||', '-', '#-', '&&'], }, op_compare: { // group other comparison operators // ... to add: "IN" and "NOT IN" that are matched by keywords match: ['>', '>=', '<', '<=', '@>', '<@', '?', '?|', '?&', '#>>', '>>', '<<', '~'], }, ops_others: { // referenced as (any other operator) in // see also match: ['|', '&', '^', '#'], }, codeblock: { match: /\$\$(?:.|[\s\t\n\v\f\r])*?\$\$/s, lineBreaks: true, value: (x: string) => x.substring(2, x.length - 2), },}); = (next => () => { let tok: Token | undefined; let commentFull: { nested: number; offset: number; text: string; } | null = null;
while (tok = { // js regex can't be recursive, so we'll keep track of nested opens (/*) and closes (*/). if (tok.type === 'commentFullOpen') { if (commentFull === null) { // initial open - start collecting content commentFull = { nested: 0, offset: tok.offset, text: tok.text } continue; } commentFull.nested++; } if (commentFull != null) { // collect comment content commentFull.text += tok.text;
if (tok.type === 'commentFullClose') { if (commentFull.nested === 0) { // finish comment, if not nested comments?.push(makeComment(commentFull)) commentFull = null; continue; } commentFull.nested--; } continue; } if (tok.type === 'space') { continue; } if (tok.type === 'commentLine') { comments?.push(makeComment(tok)) continue; } break; }
if (trackingLoc && tok) { const start = tok.offset; const loc: NodeLocation = { start, end: start + tok.text.length, }; (tok as any)._location = loc; } return tok;})(;
export const lexerAny: any = lexer;
let comments: PGComment[] | null = null;
const makeComment = ({ offset, text }: { offset: number; text: string }): PGComment => ({ _location: { start: offset, end: offset + text.length }, comment: text,});
export function trackingComments<T>(act: () => T): { ast: T; comments: PGComment[] } { if (comments) { throw new Error('WAT ? Recursive comments tracking 🤔🤨 ?'); } try { comments = []; const ast = act(); return { comments, ast }; } finally { comments = null; }}
let trackingLoc = false;export function tracking<T>(act: () => T): T { if (trackingLoc) { return act(); } try { trackingLoc = true; return act(); } finally { trackingLoc = false; }}
export function track(xs: any, ret: any) { if (!trackingLoc || !ret || typeof ret !== 'object') { return ret; } const start = seek(xs, true); const end = seek(xs, false); if (!start || !end) { return ret; } if (start === end) { ret._location = start; } else { const loc: NodeLocation = { start: start.start, end: end.end, }; ret._location = loc; }
return ret;}
const literal = Symbol('_literal');const doubleQuotedSym = Symbol('_doublequoted');export function box(xs: any, value: any, doubleQuoted?: boolean) { if (!trackingLoc && !doubleQuoted) { return value; } return track(xs, { [literal]: value, [doubleQuotedSym]: doubleQuoted });}

function unwrapNoBox(e: any[]): any { if (Array.isArray(e) && e.length === 1) { e = unwrapNoBox(e[0]); } if (Array.isArray(e) && !e.length) { return null; } return e;}export function doubleQuoted(value: any) { const uw = unwrapNoBox(value); if (typeof value === 'object' && uw?.[doubleQuotedSym]) { return {doubleQuoted: true}; } return undefined;}export function unbox(value: any): any { if (typeof value === 'object') { return value?.[literal] ?? value; } return value;}

function seek(xs: any, start: boolean): NodeLocation | null { if (!xs) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(xs)) { const diff = start ? 1 : -1; for (let i = start ? 0 : xs.length - 1; i >= 0 && i < xs.length; i += diff) { const v = seek(xs[i], start); if (v) { return v; } } return null; } if (typeof xs !== 'object') { return null; } return xs._location;}