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Extend Deno world with PHP, by running commandline PHP interpreter in the background, to use both languages in single application.
<?phpclass DenoWorld implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable{ protected int $deno_inst_id;
public static function __callStatic($name, $args) { $class_name = get_called_class(); if ($class_name === __CLASS__) { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CALL, 0, '['.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($args)).']'); } else { $class_name = substr($class_name, 10); // cut DenoWorld\ prefix return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASSSTATIC_CALL, 0, '['.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($class_name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($args)).']'); } }
public function __construct() { $args = func_get_args(); $class_name = get_class($this); if (substr($class_name, 0, 10) !== "DenoWorld\\") { $this->deno_inst_id = $args[0]; } else { $class_name = substr($class_name, 10); // cut DenoWorld\ prefix $value = DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CONSTRUCT, 0, '['.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($class_name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($args)).']'); $this->deno_inst_id = (int)$value; } }
function __destruct() { DenoWorldMain::php_inst_destroyed($this->deno_inst_id); }
public function __get($name) { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_GET, $this->deno_inst_id, $name); }
public function __set($name, $value) { DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_SET, $this->deno_inst_id, '['.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($value)).']'); }
public function __call($name, $args) { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_CALL, $this->deno_inst_id, '['.DenoWorldMain::json_encode($name).','.DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($args)).']'); }
public function __invoke() { $args = func_get_args(); return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_INVOKE, $this->deno_inst_id, DenoWorldMain::json_encode(DenoWorldMain::serialize_insts($args))); }
public function __toString() { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_TO_STRING, $this->deno_inst_id); }
public function __isset($name) { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_ISSET, $this->deno_inst_id, $name); }
public function __unset($name) { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_UNSET, $this->deno_inst_id, $name); }
public function __debugInfo() { $props = json_decode(DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_PROPS, $this->deno_inst_id), true); $info = []; foreach ($props as $prop) { try { $val = $this->$prop; } catch (Throwable $e) { $val = '(Invalid)'; } $info[$prop] = $val; } return $info; }
public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { if ($offset === null) { if ($this instanceof Countable) { $offset = $this->count(); } if (!is_int($offset)) { throw new Exception("Cannot append to this object"); } } $this->$offset = $value; }
public function offsetExists($offset): bool { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_ISSET, $this->deno_inst_id, $offset); }
public function offsetUnset($offset): void { DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_UNSET, $this->deno_inst_id, $offset); }
public function offsetGet($offset): mixed { return DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_GET, $this->deno_inst_id, $offset); }
public function jsonSerialize(): mixed { return json_decode(DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_JSON_ENCODE, $this->deno_inst_id)); }}
class DenoWorldDefaultIterator implements Iterator{ private int $deno_inst_id; private DenoWorld $it; private $result;
public function __construct(int $deno_inst_id) { $this->deno_inst_id = $deno_inst_id; }
public function rewind(): void { $this->it = DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_GET_ITERATOR, $this->deno_inst_id); $this->result = $this->it->next(); }
public function valid(): bool { return !($this->result->done ?? true); }
public function current(): mixed { return $this->result->value[1] ?? null; }
public function key(): mixed { return $this->result->value[0] ?? null; }
public function next(): void { $this->result = $this->it->next(); }}
class DenoWorldIterator implements Iterator{ private int $deno_inst_id; private DenoWorld $it; private $result; private int $key = 0;
public function __construct(int $deno_inst_id) { $this->deno_inst_id = $deno_inst_id; }
public function rewind(): void { $this->it = DenoWorldMain::write_read(DenoWorldMain::RES_CLASS_GET_ITERATOR, $this->deno_inst_id); $this->result = $this->it->next(); $this->key = 0; }
public function valid(): bool { return !($this->result->done ?? true); }
public function current(): mixed { return $this->result->value ?? null; }
public function key(): mixed { return $this->key; }
public function next(): void { $this->result = $this->it->next(); $this->key++; }}
trait DenoWorldHasDefaultIterator{ public function getIterator(): Traversable {return new DenoWorldDefaultIterator($this->deno_inst_id);}}trait DenoWorldHasIterator{ public function getIterator(): Traversable {return new DenoWorldIterator($this->deno_inst_id);}}trait DenoWorldHasLength{ public function count(): int {return $this->length;}}trait DenoWorldHasSize{ public function count(): int {return $this->size;}}
/* RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR = 1; RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH = 2; RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE = 4; */class DenoWorld_0 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate {use DenoWorldHasDefaultIterator;}class DenoWorld_1 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR == 1 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate {use DenoWorldHasIterator;}class DenoWorld_2 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH == 2 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasDefaultIterator, DenoWorldHasLength;}class DenoWorld_3 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR | RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH == 3 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasIterator, DenoWorldHasLength;}class DenoWorld_4 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE == 4 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasDefaultIterator, DenoWorldHasSize;}class DenoWorld_5 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR | RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE == 5 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasIterator, DenoWorldHasSize;}class DenoWorld_6 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH | RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE == 6 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasDefaultIterator, DenoWorldHasLength;}class DenoWorld_7 // assume: RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR | RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH | RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE == 7 extends DenoWorld implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {use DenoWorldHasIterator, DenoWorldHasLength;}
class DenoWorldException extends Exception{ public function __construct($message=null, $code=null, $file=null, $line=null) { parent::__construct($message); if ($code !== null) $this->code = $code; if ($file) $this->file = $file; if ($line !== null) $this->line = $line; }}
class DenoWorldMain extends DenoWorld{ private const REC_DATA = 0; private const REC_CONST = 1; private const REC_GET = 2; private const REC_GET_THIS = 3; private const REC_SET = 4; private const REC_SET_INST = 5; private const REC_SET_PATH = 6; private const REC_SET_PATH_INST = 7; private const REC_UNSET = 8; private const REC_UNSET_PATH = 9; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_GET = 10; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_GET_THIS = 11; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET = 12; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_INST = 13; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_PATH = 14; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_PATH_INST = 15; private const REC_CLASSSTATIC_UNSET = 16; private const REC_CONSTRUCT = 17; private const REC_DESTRUCT = 18; private const REC_CLASS_GET = 19; private const REC_CLASS_GET_THIS = 20; private const REC_CLASS_SET = 21; private const REC_CLASS_SET_INST = 22; private const REC_CLASS_SET_PATH = 23; private const REC_CLASS_SET_PATH_INST = 24; private const REC_CLASS_UNSET = 25; private const REC_CLASS_UNSET_PATH = 26; private const REC_CLASS_CALL = 27; private const REC_CLASS_CALL_PATH = 28; private const REC_CLASS_INVOKE = 29; private const REC_CLASS_ITERATE_BEGIN = 30; private const REC_CLASS_ITERATE = 31; private const REC_POP_FRAME = 32; private const REC_N_OBJECTS = 33; private const REC_END_STDOUT = 34; private const REC_CALL = 35; private const REC_CALL_THIS = 36; private const REC_CALL_EVAL = 37; private const REC_CALL_EVAL_THIS = 38; private const REC_CALL_ECHO = 39; private const REC_CALL_INCLUDE = 40; private const REC_CALL_INCLUDE_ONCE = 41; private const REC_CALL_REQUIRE = 42; private const REC_CALL_REQUIRE_ONCE = 43;
public const RES_ERROR = 1; public const RES_GET_CLASS = 2; public const RES_CONSTRUCT = 3; public const RES_DESTRUCT = 4; public const RES_CLASS_GET = 5; public const RES_CLASS_SET = 6; public const RES_CLASS_CALL = 7; public const RES_CLASS_INVOKE = 8; public const RES_CLASS_GET_ITERATOR = 9; public const RES_CLASS_TO_STRING = 10; public const RES_CLASS_ISSET = 11; public const RES_CLASS_UNSET = 12; public const RES_CLASS_PROPS = 13; public const RES_CLASSSTATIC_CALL = 14; public const RES_CALL = 15; public const RES_JSON_ENCODE = 16;
private const RESTYPE_HAS_ITERATOR = 1; private const RESTYPE_HAS_LENGTH = 2; private const RESTYPE_HAS_SIZE = 4; private const RESTYPE_IS_STRING = 8; private const RESTYPE_IS_JSON = 16; private const RESTYPE_IS_ERROR = 32;
private static string $end_mark = ''; private static array $php_insts = []; // deno has handles to these objects private static array $php_insts_iters = []; private static string $php_insts_destroyed = ''; private static int $php_inst_id_enum = 0; private static $commands_io;
public static function error_handler($err_code, $err_msg, $file, $line) { $v = error_reporting(); if (($v & $err_code)) // if "@" operator was used: 1) on PHP7.4 error_reporting() returns zero; 2) on PHP8.0 error_reporting() returns previously set value with $err_code bits excluded { throw new DenoWorldException($err_msg, $err_code, $file, $line); } }
public static function load_class($class_name) { if (strpos($class_name, 'DenoWorld\\') === 0) { $class_name_2 = substr($class_name, 10); $type = self::write_read(self::RES_GET_CLASS, 0, $class_name_2); if (!($type & self::RESTYPE_IS_ERROR)) { $pos = strrpos($class_name, '\\'); $ns = substr($class_name, 0, $pos); $basename = substr($class_name, $pos+1); eval("namespace $ns; class $basename extends \\DenoWorld_$type {}"); } } }
public static function json_encode($value) { return json_encode($value, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); }
public static function php_inst_destroyed($deno_inst_id) { self::$php_insts_destroyed .= pack('llNl', -8, DenoWorldMain::RES_DESTRUCT, $deno_inst_id, 0); }
private static function write_result($result, $result_is_set) { if (!$result_is_set) { $data = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\0\0\0\0"; // undefined + 4-byte padding } else if ($result === null) { $data = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; // null + 4-byte padding } else { $data = self::json_encode(self::serialize_insts($result)); $len = strlen($data); $padding = (8 - ($len + 4)%8) % 8; $data = $padding===0 ? pack("l", $len).$data : pack("lx{$padding}", $len).$data; } if (strlen(self::$php_insts_destroyed)) { $data = self::$php_insts_destroyed.$data; self::$php_insts_destroyed = ''; } fwrite(self::$commands_io, $data); }
private static function write_exception(Throwable $e) { $data = self::json_encode([$e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString()]); $len = strlen($data); $padding = (8 - ($len + 4)%8) % 8; fwrite(self::$commands_io, $padding===0 ? pack("lll", -8-$len, self::RES_ERROR, 0).$data : pack("lllx{$padding}", -8-$len, self::RES_ERROR, 0).$data); }
public static function write_read($type, $deno_inst_id, $data='') { $len = strlen($data); $padding = (8 - ($len + 4)%8) % 8; fwrite(self::$commands_io, $padding===0 ? pack("llN", -8-$len, $type, $deno_inst_id).$data : pack("llNx{$padding}", -8-$len, $type, $deno_inst_id).$data); $data = self::events_q(); $pos = strpos($data, ' '); $type = (int)substr($data, 0, $pos); $data = substr($data, $pos+1); if ($type & self::RESTYPE_IS_ERROR) { throw new Exception($data); } if ($type & self::RESTYPE_IS_STRING) { return $data; } if ($type & self::RESTYPE_IS_JSON) { return json_decode($data, true); } $class = "DenoWorld_$type"; return new $class((int)$data); }
private static function get_reflection($class_name) { static $cache = []; if (!isset($cache[$class_name])) { $cache[$class_name] = new ReflectionClass($class_name); } return $cache[$class_name]; }
private static function has_static_property($class_name, $prop_name) { static $cache = []; if (!isset($cache[$class_name])) { $cache[$class_name] = array_keys(self::get_reflection($class_name)->getStaticProperties()); } return in_array($prop_name, $cache[$class_name]); }
private static function eval($code) { return eval($code); // eval in empty scope }
private static function follow_path(&$value, $path) { foreach ($path as $p) { if (is_array($value)) { if (array_key_exists($p, $value)) { $value = $value[$p]; continue; } } else if (is_object($value)) { if (isset($value->$p) or property_exists($value, $p)) { $value = $value->$p; continue; } } return false; } return true; }
private static function follow_path_set(&$value, array $path, $new_value) { $last = count($path) - 1; for ($i=0; $i<$last; $i++) { $p = $path[$i]; if (is_object($value)) { if (isset($value->$p)) { $value = &$value->$p; } else { $value->$p = new stdClass; $value = &$value->$p; } } else { if (is_array($value)) { $value = &$value[$p]; } else { $value = []; $value = &$value[$p]; } } } $p = $path[$last]; if (is_object($value)) { $value->$p = $new_value; // this can trigger __set() } else if (is_array($value)) { $value[$p] = $new_value; } else { $value = [$p => $new_value]; } }
private static function follow_path_unset(&$value, array $path, $last_p) { foreach ($path as $p) { if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value[$p])) { $value = &$value[$p]; continue; } } else if (is_object($value)) { if (isset($value->$p)) { $value = &$value->$p; continue; } } return false; } unset($value[$last_p]); }
private static function decode_value($data) { return strlen($data)==0 ? null : json_decode($data); }
private static function decode_ident_value($data, &$ident) { $pos = strpos($data, ' '); if ($pos === false) { $ident = $data; return null; } else { $ident = substr($data, 0, $pos); return json_decode(substr($data, $pos+1), true); } }
private static function decode_ident_ident($data, &$ident_a) { $pos = strpos($data, ' '); if ($pos === false) { $ident_a = $data; return null; } else { $ident_a = substr($data, 0, $pos); return substr($data, $pos+1); } }
private static function decode_ident_ident_ident($data, &$ident_a, &$ident_b) { $pos = strpos($data, ' '); $ident_a = substr($data, 0, $pos); $pos++; $pos_2 = strpos($data, ' ', $pos); $ident_b = substr($data, $pos, $pos_2-$pos); return substr($data, $pos_2+1); }
private static function decode_ident_ident_value($data, &$ident_a, &$ident_b) { $pos = strpos($data, ' '); $ident_a = substr($data, 0, $pos); $pos++; $pos_2 = strpos($data, ' ', $pos); if ($pos_2 === false) { $ident_b = substr($data, $pos); return null; } else { $ident_b = substr($data, $pos, $pos_2-$pos); return json_decode(substr($data, $pos_2+1), true); } }
private static function unserialize_insts($value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (count($value) == 1) { if (($php_inst_id = $value['PHP_WORLD_INST_ID'] ?? -1)>=0) { return self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]; } else if (($deno_inst_id = $value['DENO_WORLD_INST_ID'] ?? -1) >= 0) { return new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id); } } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = self::unserialize_insts($v); } } else if (is_object($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value->$k = self::unserialize_insts($v); } } return $value; }
public static function serialize_insts($value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = self::serialize_insts($v); } } else if (is_object($value)) { if ($value instanceof DenoWorld) { return ['DENO_WORLD_INST_ID' => $value->deno_inst_id]; } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value->$k = self::serialize_insts($v); } } return $value; }
private static function create_iterator($obj) { foreach ($obj as $value) { yield $value; } }
private static function iterate_begin($php_inst_id) { if (!isset(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id])) { throw new Exception("Object destroyed"); } $obj = self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]; if (!($obj instanceof Traversable)) { throw new Exception("Object is not iterable"); } $iter = self::create_iterator($obj); if (!$iter->valid()) { return [null, true]; } self::$php_insts_iters[$php_inst_id] = $iter; $value = $iter->current(); $iter->next(); return [$value, false]; }
private static function iterate($php_inst_id) { $iter = self::$php_insts_iters[$php_inst_id] ?? null; if (!$iter) { throw new Exception("Object destroyed"); } if (!$iter->valid()) { unset(self::$php_insts_iters[$php_inst_id]); return [null, true]; } $value = $iter->current(); $iter->next(); return [$value, false]; }
private static function events_q() { while (!feof(self::$commands_io)) { try { // 1. Read the request $len = fread(self::$commands_io, 8); if (strlen($len) != 8) { if ($len===false or strlen($len)==0 or $len=="\n" or $len=="\r" or $len=="\r\n") { continue; } return; // Fatal error } list('T' => $record_type, 'L' => $len) = unpack('NT/NL', $len); $padding = (8 - $len%8) % 8; $len += $padding; $data = ''; while ($len > 0) { $read = fread(self::$commands_io, $len); $len -= strlen($read); if ($len >= $padding) { $data .= $read; } else { $data .= substr($read, 0, $len-$padding); } }
// 2. Process the request $result = null; $result_is_set = false; switch ($record_type) { case self::REC_DATA: return $data; case self::REC_CONST: if (defined($data)) { $result = constant($data); $result_is_set = true; } break; case self::REC_GET: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); $result_is_set = array_key_exists($prop_name, $GLOBALS); if ($result_is_set) { $result = $GLOBALS[$prop_name]; if ($data !== null) { $result_is_set = self::follow_path($result, $data); } } break; case self::REC_GET_THIS: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); if (array_key_exists($prop_name, $GLOBALS)) { $result = $GLOBALS[$prop_name]; if ($data!==null and !self::follow_path($result, $data)) { throw new Exception('Value is not set'); } $class_name = is_object($result) ? ' '.get_class($result) : ''; self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $result; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++.$class_name; $result_is_set = true; break; } throw new Exception('Value is not set'); case self::REC_SET: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); $GLOBALS[$prop_name] = self::unserialize_insts($data); break; case self::REC_SET_INST: $deno_inst_id = self::decode_ident_ident($data, $prop_name); $GLOBALS[$prop_name] = new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id); break; case self::REC_SET_PATH: list($data, $result) = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); self::follow_path_set($GLOBALS[$prop_name], $data, self::unserialize_insts($result)); break; case self::REC_SET_PATH_INST: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $prop_name, $deno_inst_id); self::follow_path_set($GLOBALS[$prop_name], $data, new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id)); break; case self::REC_UNSET: unset($GLOBALS[$data]); break; case self::REC_UNSET_PATH: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); // $class_name is the first path element, and $prop_name is the last if ($data === null) { unset($GLOBALS[$class_name][$prop_name]); } else { self::follow_path_unset($GLOBALS[$class_name], $data, $prop_name); } break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_GET: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); try { $result = self::get_reflection($class_name)->getStaticPropertyValue($prop_name); $result_is_set = true; } catch (Throwable $e) { if (self::has_static_property($class_name, $prop_name)) { throw $e; } } if ($result_is_set and $data!==null) { $result_is_set = self::follow_path($result, $data); } break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_GET_THIS: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); $result = self::get_reflection($class_name)->getStaticPropertyValue($prop_name); if ($data!==null and !self::follow_path($result, $data)) { throw new Exception('Value is not set'); } $class_name = is_object($result) ? ' '.get_class($result) : ''; self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $result; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++.$class_name; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); self::get_reflection($class_name)->setStaticPropertyValue($prop_name, self::unserialize_insts($data)); break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_INST: $deno_inst_id = self::decode_ident_ident_ident($data, $class_name, $prop_name); self::get_reflection($class_name)->setStaticPropertyValue($prop_name, new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id)); break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_PATH: list($data, $result) = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); $result = self::unserialize_insts($result); eval('self::follow_path_set('.$class_name.'::$'.'{$prop_name}, $data, $result);'); break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_SET_PATH_INST: list($data, $deno_inst_id) = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); $deno_inst_id = new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id); eval('self::follow_path_set('.$class_name.'::$'.'{$prop_name}, $data, $deno_inst_id);'); break; case self::REC_CLASSSTATIC_UNSET: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $class_name, $prop_name); $value = array_pop($data); eval('self::follow_path_unset('.$class_name.'::$'.'{$prop_name}, $data, $value);'); $value = null; break; case self::REC_CONSTRUCT: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $class_name); $data = $data===null ? self::get_reflection($class_name)->newInstance() : self::get_reflection($class_name)->newInstanceArgs(self::unserialize_insts($data)); self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $data; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_DESTRUCT: unset(self::$php_insts[$data]); unset(self::$php_insts_iters[$data]); continue 2; case self::REC_CLASS_GET: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); $result = self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]; if (is_array($result)) { $result_is_set = array_key_exists($prop_name, $result); if ($result_is_set) { $result = $result[$prop_name]; if ($data !== null) { $result_is_set = self::follow_path($result, $data); } } } else { $result_is_set = isset($result->$prop_name) || property_exists($result, $prop_name); if ($result_is_set) { try { $result = $result->$prop_name; // can throw exception if class property deleted if ($data !== null) { $result_is_set = self::follow_path($result, $data); } } catch (Throwable $e) { $result_is_set = false; } } } break; case self::REC_CLASS_GET_THIS: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); $result = self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]; $result = $result->$prop_name; if ($data!==null and !self::follow_path($result, $data)) { throw new Exception('Value is not set'); } $class_name = is_object($result) ? ' '.get_class($result) : ''; self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $result; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++.$class_name; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASS_SET: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]->$prop_name = self::unserialize_insts($data); break; case self::REC_CLASS_SET_INST: $deno_inst_id = self::decode_ident_ident_ident($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]->$prop_name = new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id); break; case self::REC_CLASS_SET_PATH: list($data, $result) = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); self::follow_path_set(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]->$prop_name, $data, self::unserialize_insts($result)); break; case self::REC_CLASS_SET_PATH_INST: list($data, $deno_inst_id) = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); self::follow_path_set(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]->$prop_name, $data, new DenoWorld($deno_inst_id)); break; case self::REC_CLASS_UNSET: $prop_name = self::decode_ident_ident($data, $php_inst_id); unset(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]->$prop_name); break; case self::REC_CLASS_UNSET_PATH: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); self::follow_path_unset(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id], $data, $prop_name); break; case self::REC_CLASS_CALL: $data = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); $result = $data===null ? call_user_func([self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id], $prop_name]) : call_user_func_array([self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id], $prop_name], self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASS_CALL_PATH: list($data, $result) = self::decode_ident_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id, $prop_name); $value = self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]; self::follow_path($value, $data); $result = call_user_func_array([$value, $prop_name], self::unserialize_insts($result)); $value = null; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASS_INVOKE: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $php_inst_id); $result = $data===null ? self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]() : call_user_func_array(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id], self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASS_ITERATE_BEGIN: $result = self::iterate_begin($data); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CLASS_ITERATE: $result = self::iterate($data); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_POP_FRAME: foreach (self::$php_insts as $php_inst_id => $result) { if ($php_inst_id > $data) { unset(self::$php_insts[$php_inst_id]); unset(self::$php_insts_iters[$php_inst_id]); } } self::$php_inst_id_enum = $data + 1; continue 2; case self::REC_N_OBJECTS: $result = count(self::$php_insts); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_END_STDOUT: echo self::$end_mark; flush(); continue 2; case self::REC_CALL: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); $result = $data===null ? call_user_func($prop_name) : call_user_func_array($prop_name, self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_THIS: $data = self::decode_ident_value($data, $prop_name); $data = $data===null ? call_user_func($prop_name) : call_user_func_array($prop_name, self::unserialize_insts($data)); $class_name = is_object($data) ? ' '.get_class($data) : ''; self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $data; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++.$class_name; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_EVAL: $data = self::decode_value($data); $result = self::eval(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_EVAL_THIS: $data = self::decode_value($data); $data = self::eval(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $class_name = is_object($data) ? ' '.get_class($data) : ''; self::$php_insts[self::$php_inst_id_enum] = $data; $result = self::$php_inst_id_enum++.$class_name; $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_ECHO: $data = self::unserialize_insts(self::decode_value($data)); foreach ($data as $arg) { echo $arg; } break; case self::REC_CALL_INCLUDE: $data = self::decode_value($data); $result = include(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_INCLUDE_ONCE: $data = self::decode_value($data); $result = include_once(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_REQUIRE: $data = self::decode_value($data); $result = require(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; case self::REC_CALL_REQUIRE_ONCE: $data = self::decode_value($data); $result = require_once(self::unserialize_insts($data)); $result_is_set = true; break; }
// 3. Send the result self::write_result($result, $result_is_set); } catch (Throwable $e) { // 4. Error: send the exception self::write_exception($e); } fflush(self::$commands_io); } }
public static function main() { global $argc, $argv, $php, $globalThis, $window;
$php = new DenoWorld(0); $globalThis = new DenoWorld(1); $window = $globalThis;
// Install error handler, that converts E_ERROR to Exception $error_reporting = error_reporting(); // determine reporting level set by user set_error_handler('DenoWorldMain::error_handler', $error_reporting);
// Register class loader spl_autoload_register('DenoWorldMain::load_class');
// Read HELO, that is [key, end_mark, socket_name, init_php_file], and output the key back $data = explode(' ', php_sapi_name()=='cli' ? file_get_contents('php://stdin') : $_SERVER['DENO_WORLD_HELO'] ?? ''); if (count($data) != 4) { return; } unset($_SERVER['DENO_WORLD_HELO']); $commands_io = stream_socket_client(base64_decode($data[2]), $errno, $errstr); if ($commands_io === false) { error_log("stream_socket_client(): errno=$errno $errstr"); return; } self::$commands_io = $commands_io; stream_set_timeout($commands_io, 0x7FFF_FFFF); self::$end_mark = base64_decode($data[1]); self::write_result($data[0], true); if (strlen($data[3]) != 0) { $value = base64_decode($data[3]); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $value; try { chdir(dirname($value)); require $value; self::write_result(null, true); } catch (Throwable $e) { self::write_exception($e); } }
// Proceed self::events_q(); }}