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πŸ”Œ Deno FFI helper module
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/** * A record keyed by possible operating system identifiers */export type OsRecord<T> = { [os in typeof]: T };/** * A record keyed by possible system architecture identifiers */export type ArchRecord<T> = { [os in typeof]: T };/** * An optionally nested record of either an {@link OsRecord} or * {@link ArchRecord} containing either the generic T or the opposite record * type from the parent. That way we can query for the record entry of a target * keyed by both an architecture and operating system in the ordered entered in * this record. */export type NestedCrossRecord<T> = Partial< | OsRecord<T | Partial<ArchRecord<T>>> | ArchRecord<T | Partial<OsRecord<T>>>>;
/** * Where the plug cache is stored: * * | Option | Description | * | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | * | `deno` | The location of the default deno cache, this is the default option. | * | `cwd` | A `plug` folder in the current working directory. | * | `cache` | A `plug` folder in default cache directory for the current os. | * | `tmp` | A temporary `plug` prefixed folder in the default temporary directory for the current os. | * | string | A file path pointing to the folder where the plug cache should be stored. | * | URL | A file protocol URL pointing to the folder where the plug cache should be stored. | */export type CacheLocation = "deno" | "cwd" | "cache" | "tmp" | string | URL;
/** A setting that determines how the cache is handled for remote dependencies. * * | Option | Description | * | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | * | `use` | The cache will be used, meaning existing remote files will not be reloaded, this is the default option. | * | `only` | Only the cache will be re-used, and any remote files not in the cache will error. | * | `reloadAll` | Any cached modules will be ignored and their values will be fetched. | */export type CacheSetting = "use" | "only" | "reloadAll";
/** * Options for controlling how plug caches files */export interface CacheOptions { /** * The location where plug should cache the fetched file */ location?: CacheLocation; /** * The cache policy plug should use, see {@link CacheSetting} */ cache?: CacheSetting;}
/** * Options for using a single url as the source for either creating a * {@link NamedOptions named url} or using it simply as is if the platforms * extension is specified or no name is specified. */export interface URLOptions { /** * The url to either a dynamic library or its directory if {@link NamedOptions named} */ url: string | URL;}
/** * Options for fetching cross-platform urls. */export interface CrossOptions { /** * See {@link NestedCrossRecord}, basically a record optionally keyed by * either or operating-system and architecture letting us get the correct * url for fetching the right file for the platform. */ url: NestedCrossRecord<string | URL>;}
/** * Options used for automatically assembling an os and arch specific file name */export interface NamedOptions { /** * The base name of the library. * * ``` * libplug.x86_64.dll * ^^^^ * ``` */ name: string;
/** * A {@link OsRecord} containing the extensions for the respective * operating-systems. By default this is `.so` for linux, freebsd, netbsd, aix, solaris and illumos, `.dylib` for darwin * and `.dll` for windows. * * ``` * libplug.x86_64.dll * ^^^ * ``` */ extensions?: OsRecord<string>; /** * A {@link NestedCrossRecord} containing the prefixes for the respective * operating-systems and architectures. By default this is `lib` for all * architectures on linux, darwin, freebsd, netbsd, aix, solaris and illumos and empty for windows. * * ``` * libplug.x86_64.dll * ^^^ * ``` */ prefixes?: NestedCrossRecord<string>; /** * A {@link NestedCrossRecord} containing the suffixes for the respective * operating-systems and architectures. By default this is empty for all * architectures and operating-systems. An idea would be to use this to * automatically select the suffix for the correct architecture. * * ``` * libplug.x86_64.dll * ^^^^^^^ * ``` */ suffixes?: NestedCrossRecord<string>;}
/** * Options for fetching files (usually being dynamic libraries, but could * possibly also be other dependencies) using plug. This can be either a * string or an URL. All urls in plug can be either local or remote. If it is * not an string or URL it can be some combination of the following options: * * * {@link URLOptions} or {@link CrossOptions} for controlling the source url * * {@link NamedOptions} for automatically creating cross-platform binary names * * {@link CacheOptions} for controlling the cache behaviour */export type FetchOptions = | string | URL | ((((URLOptions | CrossOptions) & Partial<NamedOptions>)) & CacheOptions);