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Server framework for Deno
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import { assertStrictEquals } from '../dev-dependencies.ts';import pogo from '../main.ts';
const { test } = Deno;
test('response.code() set status code', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response('hi').code(418); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 418); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, 'hi');});
test('response.created() set status and location', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/no-location', handler(request, h) { return h.response('one').created(); } }); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/with-location', handler(request, h) { return h.response('two').created('/yay'); } }); const responseNoLocation = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/no-location' }); const responseWithLocation = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/with-location' }); assertStrictEquals(responseNoLocation.status, 201); assertStrictEquals(responseNoLocation.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseNoLocation.headers.has('location'), false); assertStrictEquals(responseNoLocation.body, 'one'); assertStrictEquals(responseWithLocation.status, 201); assertStrictEquals(responseWithLocation.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseWithLocation.headers.get('location'), '/yay'); assertStrictEquals(responseWithLocation.body, 'two');});
test('response.header() set custom header', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response('hi').header('x-dog', 'woof'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('x-dog'), 'woof'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, 'hi');});
test('response.location() set location header', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response('hi').location('/over-the-rainbow'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('location'), '/over-the-rainbow'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, 'hi');});
test('response.state() set cookie', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response('').state('sesh', 'nomnomnom'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('set-cookie'), 'sesh=nomnomnom; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, '');});
test('response.type() override default content-type handling', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response({ hello : 'world' }).type('weird/type'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'weird/type'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ hello : 'world' }));});
test('response.unstate() clear cookie', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler(request, h) { return h.response('').unstate('mwahaha'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('set-cookie'), 'mwahaha=; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, '');});