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Server framework for Deno
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import { React } from '../dependencies.ts';import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals } from '../dev-dependencies.ts';import * as bang from '../lib/bang.ts';import pogo from '../main.ts';
const { test } = Deno;
test('server.route() HTML response for string', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); let called = false; server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { called = true; return 'hi'; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(called, true); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, 'hi');});
test('server.route() HTML response for JSX', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); let called = false; server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { called = true; return <p>Supports JSX</p>; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(called, true); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, '<p>Supports JSX</p>');});
test('server.route() returns Uint8Array', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); let called = false; server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { called = true; return new TextEncoder().encode('Hello'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(called, true); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.has('content-type'), false); assertEquals(response.body, new TextEncoder().encode('Hello'));});
test('server.route() JSON response for plain object', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); let called = false; server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { called = true; return { foo : 'bar' }; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(called, true); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ foo : 'bar' }));});
test('server.route() JSON response for boolean', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/false', handler() { return false; } }); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/true', handler() { return true; } }); const responseFalse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/false' }); const responseTrue = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/true' }); assertStrictEquals(responseFalse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseFalse.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseFalse.body, JSON.stringify(false)); assertStrictEquals(responseTrue.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseTrue.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseTrue.body, JSON.stringify(true));});
test('server.route() JSON response for number', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/zero', handler() { return 0; } }); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/one', handler() { return 1; } }); const responseZero = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/zero' }); const responseOne = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/one' }); assertStrictEquals(responseZero.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseZero.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseZero.body, JSON.stringify(0)); assertStrictEquals(responseOne.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseOne.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseOne.body, JSON.stringify(1));});
test('server.route() empty response for null', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { return null; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.has('content-type'), false); assertStrictEquals(response.body, '');});
test('server.route() error response for undefined', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { return undefined; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 500); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Internal Server Error', message : 'Internal Server Error', status : 500 }));});
test('server.route() with dynamic path', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/users/{userId}', handler(request) { return request.params; } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/users/123' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ userId : '123' }));});
test('server.route() can be chained', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server .route({ method : 'GET', path : '/a', handler() { return 'a'; } }) .route({ method : 'GET', path : '/b', handler() { return 'b'; } }); const responseA = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/a' }); const responseB = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/b' }); assertStrictEquals(responseA.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseA.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseA.body, 'a'); assertStrictEquals(responseB.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseB.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseB.body, 'b');});
test('server.route() array of routes', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route([ { method : 'GET', path : '/a', handler() { return 'a'; } }, { method : 'GET', path : '/b', handler() { return 'b'; } } ]); const responseA = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/a' }); const responseB = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/b' }); assertStrictEquals(responseA.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseA.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseA.body, 'a'); assertStrictEquals(responseB.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(responseB.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(responseB.body, 'b');});
test('server.route() array of methods', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : ['GET', 'POST'], path : '/hello', handler(request) { return 'Hi, ' + request.method; } }); const getResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/hello' }); const postResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'POST', url : '/hello' }); const putResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'PUT', url : '/hello' }); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.body, 'Hi, GET'); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.body, 'Hi, POST'); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.status, 404); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Not Found', message : 'Not Found', status : 404 }));});
test('server.route() wildcard method', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : '*', path : '/hello', handler(request) { return 'Hi, ' + request.method; } }); const getResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/hello' }); const postResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'POST', url : '/hello' }); const putResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'PUT', url : '/hello' }); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(getResponse.body, 'Hi, GET'); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(postResponse.body, 'Hi, POST'); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(putResponse.body, 'Hi, PUT');});
test('server.route() handler returns Error', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { return new Error('Crazyyy'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 500); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Internal Server Error', message : 'Internal Server Error', status : 500 }));});
test('server.route() handler throws Error', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { throw new Error('Crazyyy'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 500); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Internal Server Error', message : 'Internal Server Error', status : 500 }));});
test('server.route() handler returns bang.badRequest()', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { return bang.badRequest('Crazyyy'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 400); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Bad Request', message : 'Crazyyy', status : 400 }));});
test('server.route() handler throws bang.badRequest()', async () => { const server = pogo.server(); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/', handler() { throw bang.badRequest('Crazyyy'); } }); const response = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); assertStrictEquals(response.status, 400); assertStrictEquals(response.headers.get('content-type'), 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(response.body, JSON.stringify({ error : 'Bad Request', message : 'Crazyyy', status : 400 }));});
test('server catchAll option', async () => { const server = pogo.server({ catchAll(request, h) { return h.response('Custom fallback, ' + request.method).code(418); } }); server.route({ method : 'GET', path : '/hello', handler(request) { return 'Hi, ' + request.method; } }); const getHelloResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/hello' }); const getRootResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/' }); const getVoidResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'GET', url : '/void' }); const postVoidResponse = await server.inject({ method : 'POST', url : '/void' }); assertStrictEquals(getHelloResponse.status, 200); assertStrictEquals(getHelloResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(getHelloResponse.body, 'Hi, GET'); assertStrictEquals(getRootResponse.status, 418); assertStrictEquals(getRootResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(getRootResponse.body, 'Custom fallback, GET'); assertStrictEquals(getVoidResponse.status, 418); assertStrictEquals(getVoidResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(getVoidResponse.body, 'Custom fallback, GET'); assertStrictEquals(postVoidResponse.status, 418); assertStrictEquals(postVoidResponse.headers.get('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); assertStrictEquals(postVoidResponse.body, 'Custom fallback, POST');});