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import type { HexString } from '';import type { AnyJson, BareOpts, Codec, CodecClass, Inspect, IStruct, IU8a, Registry } from '../types/index.ts';
import { isBoolean, isHex, isObject, isU8a, isUndefined, objectProperties, stringCamelCase, stringify, u8aConcatStrict, u8aToHex, u8aToU8a } from '';
import { compareMap, decodeU8aStruct, mapToTypeMap, typesToMap } from '../utils/index.ts';
type TypesDef<T = Codec> = Record<string, string | CodecClass<T>>;
type Definition = [CodecClass[], string[]];
interface Options { definition?: Definition; setDefinition?: (d: Definition) => Definition;}
function noopSetDefinition (d: Definition): Definition { return d;}
/** @internal */function decodeStructFromObject (registry: Registry, [Types, keys]: Definition, value: any, jsonMap: Map<string, string>): [Iterable<[string, Codec]>, number] { let jsonObj: Record<string, unknown> | undefined; const typeofArray = Array.isArray(value); const typeofMap = value instanceof Map;
if (!typeofArray && !typeofMap && !isObject(value)) { throw new Error(`Struct: Cannot decode value ${stringify(value)} (typeof ${typeof value}), expected an input object, map or array`); } else if (typeofArray && value.length !== keys.length) { throw new Error(`Struct: Unable to map ${stringify(value)} array to object with known keys ${keys.join(', ')}`); }
const raw = new Array<[string, Codec]>(keys.length);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const jsonKey = jsonMap.get(key) || key; const Type = Types[i]; let assign: unknown;
try { if (typeofArray) { assign = value[i] as unknown; } else if (typeofMap) { assign = jsonKey && value.get(jsonKey); } else { assign = jsonKey && value[jsonKey] as unknown;
if (isUndefined(assign)) { if (isUndefined(jsonObj)) { const entries = Object.entries(value);
jsonObj = {};
for (let e = 0; e < entries.length; e++) { jsonObj[stringCamelCase(entries[e][0])] = entries[e][1]; } }
assign = jsonKey && jsonObj[jsonKey]; } }
raw[i] = [ key, assign instanceof Type ? assign : new Type(registry, assign) ]; } catch (error) { let type =;
try { type = new Type(registry).toRawType(); } catch { // ignore }
throw new Error(`Struct: failed on ${jsonKey}: ${type}:: ${(error as Error).message}`); } }
return [raw, 0];}
/** * @name Struct * @description * A Struct defines an Object with key-value pairs - where the values are Codec values. It removes * a lot of repetition from the actual coding, define a structure type, pass it the key/Codec * values in the constructor and it manages the decoding. It is important that the constructor * values matches 100% to the order in th Rust code, i.e. don't go crazy and make it alphabetical, * it needs to decoded in the specific defined order. * @noInheritDoc */export class Struct< // The actual Class structure, i.e. key -> Class S extends TypesDef = TypesDef, // input values, mapped by key can be anything (construction) V extends { [K in keyof S]: any } = { [K in keyof S]: any }, // type names, mapped by key, name of Class in S E extends { [K in keyof S]: string } = { [K in keyof S]: string }> extends Map<keyof S, Codec> implements IStruct<keyof S> { readonly registry: Registry;
public createdAtHash?: IU8a; public initialU8aLength?: number; public isStorageFallback?: boolean;
readonly #jsonMap: Map<keyof S, string>; readonly #Types: Definition;
constructor (registry: Registry, Types: S, value?: V | Map<unknown, unknown> | unknown[] | HexString | null, jsonMap = new Map<string, string>(), { definition, setDefinition = noopSetDefinition }: Options = {}) { const typeMap = definition || setDefinition(mapToTypeMap(registry, Types)); const [decoded, decodedLength] = isU8a(value) || isHex(value) ? decodeU8aStruct(registry, new Array<[string, Codec]>(typeMap[0].length), u8aToU8a(value), typeMap) : value instanceof Struct ? [value as Iterable<[string, Codec]>, 0] : decodeStructFromObject(registry, typeMap, value || {}, jsonMap);
this.initialU8aLength = decodedLength; this.registry = registry; this.#jsonMap = jsonMap; this.#Types = typeMap; }
public static with<S extends TypesDef> (Types: S, jsonMap?: Map<string, string>): CodecClass<Struct<S>> { let definition: Definition | undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign const setDefinition = (d: Definition) => definition = d;
return class extends Struct<S> { static { const keys = Object.keys(Types);
objectProperties(this.prototype, keys, (k: string, _: number, self: Struct) => self.get(k) ); }
constructor (registry: Registry, value?: unknown) { super(registry, Types, value as HexString, jsonMap, { definition, setDefinition }); } }; }
/** * @description The available keys for this struct */ public get defKeys (): string[] { return this.#Types[1]; }
/** * @description Checks if the value is an empty value */ public get isEmpty (): boolean { for (const v of this.values()) { if (!v.isEmpty) { return false; } }
return true; }
/** * @description The length of the value when encoded as a Uint8Array */ public get encodedLength (): number { let total = 0;
for (const v of this.values()) { total += v.encodedLength; }
return total; }
/** * @description returns a hash of the contents */ public get hash (): IU8a { return this.registry.hash(this.toU8a()); }
/** * @description Returns the Type description of the structure */ public get Type (): E { const result: Record<string, string> = {}; const [Types, keys] = this.#Types;
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { result[keys[i]] = new Types[i](this.registry).toRawType(); }
return result as E; }
/** * @description Compares the value of the input to see if there is a match */ public eq (other?: unknown): boolean { return compareMap(this, other); }
/** * @description Returns a specific names entry in the structure * @param key The name of the entry to retrieve */ public override get (key: keyof S): Codec | undefined { return super.get(key); }
/** * @description Returns the values of a member at a specific index (Rather use get(name) for performance) */ public getAtIndex (index: number): Codec { return this.toArray()[index]; }
/** * @description Returns the a types value by name */ public getT <T> (key: string): T { return super.get(key) as unknown as T; }
/** * @description Returns a breakdown of the hex encoding for this Codec */ public inspect (isBare?: BareOpts): Inspect { const inner = new Array<Inspect>();
for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { inner.push({ ...v.inspect( !isBare || isBoolean(isBare) ? isBare : isBare[k] ), name: stringCamelCase(k as string) }); }
return { inner }; }
/** * @description Converts the Object to an standard JavaScript Array */ public toArray (): Codec[] { return [...this.values()]; }
/** * @description Returns a hex string representation of the value */ public toHex (): HexString { return u8aToHex(this.toU8a()); }
/** * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information */ public toHuman (isExtended?: boolean): Record<string, AnyJson> { const json: Record<string, AnyJson> = {};
for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { json[k as string] = v.toHuman(isExtended); }
return json; }
/** * @description Converts the Object to JSON, typically used for RPC transfers */ public toJSON (): Record<string, AnyJson> { const json: Record<string, AnyJson> = {};
for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { // Here we pull out the entry against the JSON mapping (if supplied) // since this representation goes over RPC and needs to be correct json[(this.#jsonMap.get(k) || k) as string] = v.toJSON(); }
return json; }
/** * @description Converts the value in a best-fit primitive form */ public toPrimitive (): Record<string, AnyJson> { const json: Record<string, AnyJson> = {};
for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { json[k as string] = v.toPrimitive(); }
return json; }
/** * @description Returns the base runtime type name for this instance */ public toRawType (): string { return stringify(typesToMap(this.registry, this.#Types)); }
/** * @description Returns the string representation of the value */ public override toString (): string { return stringify(this.toJSON()); }
/** * @description Encodes the value as a Uint8Array as per the SCALE specifications * @param isBare true when the value has none of the type-specific prefixes (internal) */ public toU8a (isBare?: BareOpts): Uint8Array { const encoded: Uint8Array[] = [];
for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { encoded.push( v.toU8a( !isBare || isBoolean(isBare) ? isBare : isBare[k] ) ); }
return u8aConcatStrict(encoded); }}