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import type { HexString } from '';import type { EcdsaSignature, Ed25519Signature, ExtrinsicEra, ExtrinsicSignature, Sr25519Signature } from '../../interfaces/extrinsics/index.ts';import type { Address, Call } from '../../interfaces/runtime/index.ts';import type { ExtrinsicPayloadValue, ICompact, IExtrinsicSignature, IKeyringPair, INumber, Registry, SignatureOptions } from '../../types/index.ts';import type { ExtrinsicSignatureOptions } from '../types.ts';
import { Struct } from '';import { isU8a, isUndefined, objectProperties, objectSpread, stringify, u8aToHex } from '';
import { EMPTY_U8A, IMMORTAL_ERA } from '../constants.ts';import { GenericExtrinsicPayloadV4 } from './ExtrinsicPayload.ts';
const FAKE_SIGNATURE = new Uint8Array(256).fill(1);
function toAddress (registry: Registry, address: Address | Uint8Array | string): Address { return registry.createTypeUnsafe('Address', [isU8a(address) ? u8aToHex(address) : address]);}
/** * @name GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4 * @description * A container for the [[Signature]] associated with a specific [[Extrinsic]] */export class GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4 extends Struct implements IExtrinsicSignature { #signKeys: string[];
constructor (registry: Registry, value?: GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4 | Uint8Array, { isSigned }: ExtrinsicSignatureOptions = {}) { const signTypes = registry.getSignedExtensionTypes();
super( registry, objectSpread( // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys { signer: 'Address', signature: 'ExtrinsicSignature' }, signTypes ), GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4.decodeExtrinsicSignature(value, isSigned) );
this.#signKeys = Object.keys(signTypes);
objectProperties(this, this.#signKeys, (k) => this.get(k)); }
/** @internal */ public static decodeExtrinsicSignature (value?: GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4 | Uint8Array, isSigned = false): GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4 | Uint8Array { if (!value) { return EMPTY_U8A; } else if (value instanceof GenericExtrinsicSignatureV4) { return value; }
return isSigned ? value : EMPTY_U8A; }
/** * @description The length of the value when encoded as a Uint8Array */ public override get encodedLength (): number { return this.isSigned ? super.encodedLength : 0; }
/** * @description `true` if the signature is valid */ public get isSigned (): boolean { return !this.signature.isEmpty; }
/** * @description The [[ExtrinsicEra]] (mortal or immortal) this signature applies to */ public get era (): ExtrinsicEra { return this.getT('era'); }
/** * @description The [[Index]] for the signature */ public get nonce (): ICompact<INumber> { return this.getT('nonce'); }
/** * @description The actual [[EcdsaSignature]], [[Ed25519Signature]] or [[Sr25519Signature]] */ public get signature (): EcdsaSignature | Ed25519Signature | Sr25519Signature { // the second case here is when we don't have an enum signature, treat as raw return (this.multiSignature.value || this.multiSignature) as Sr25519Signature; }
/** * @description The raw [[ExtrinsicSignature]] */ public get multiSignature (): ExtrinsicSignature { return this.getT('signature'); }
/** * @description The [[Address]] that signed */ public get signer (): Address { return this.getT('signer'); }
/** * @description The [[Balance]] tip */ public get tip (): ICompact<INumber> { return this.getT('tip'); }
protected _injectSignature (signer: Address, signature: ExtrinsicSignature, payload: GenericExtrinsicPayloadV4): IExtrinsicSignature { // use the fields exposed to guide the getters for (let i = 0; i < this.#signKeys.length; i++) { const k = this.#signKeys[i]; const v = payload.get(k);
if (!isUndefined(v)) { this.set(k, v); } }
// additional fields (exposed in struct itself) this.set('signer', signer); this.set('signature', signature);
return this; }
/** * @description Adds a raw signature */ public addSignature (signer: Address | Uint8Array | string, signature: Uint8Array | HexString, payload: ExtrinsicPayloadValue | Uint8Array | HexString): IExtrinsicSignature { return this._injectSignature( toAddress(this.registry, signer), this.registry.createTypeUnsafe('ExtrinsicSignature', [signature]), new GenericExtrinsicPayloadV4(this.registry, payload) ); }
/** * @description Creates a payload from the supplied options */ public createPayload (method: Call, options: SignatureOptions): GenericExtrinsicPayloadV4 { const { era, runtimeVersion: { specVersion, transactionVersion } } = options;
return new GenericExtrinsicPayloadV4(this.registry, objectSpread<ExtrinsicPayloadValue>({}, options, { era: era || IMMORTAL_ERA, method: method.toHex(), specVersion, transactionVersion })); }
/** * @description Generate a payload and applies the signature from a keypair */ public sign (method: Call, account: IKeyringPair, options: SignatureOptions): IExtrinsicSignature { if (!account || !account.addressRaw) { throw new Error(`Expected a valid keypair for signing, found ${stringify(account)}`); }
const payload = this.createPayload(method, options);
return this._injectSignature( toAddress(this.registry, account.addressRaw), this.registry.createTypeUnsafe('ExtrinsicSignature', [payload.sign(account)]), payload ); }
/** * @description Generate a payload and applies a fake signature */ public signFake (method: Call, address: Address | Uint8Array | string, options: SignatureOptions): IExtrinsicSignature { if (!address) { throw new Error(`Expected a valid address for signing, found ${stringify(address)}`); }
const payload = this.createPayload(method, options);
return this._injectSignature( toAddress(this.registry, address), this.registry.createTypeUnsafe('ExtrinsicSignature', [FAKE_SIGNATURE]), payload ); }
/** * @description Encodes the value as a Uint8Array as per the SCALE specifications * @param isBare true when the value has none of the type-specific prefixes (internal) */ public override toU8a (isBare?: boolean): Uint8Array { return this.isSigned ? super.toU8a(isBare) : EMPTY_U8A; }}