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import type { AnyJson, Codec, CodecClass } from '';import type { TypeDef } from '';import type { EventMetadataLatest } from '../interfaces/metadata/index.ts';import type { EventId } from '../interfaces/system/index.ts';import type { IEvent, IEventData, InterfaceTypes, Registry } from '../types/index.ts';
import { Null, Struct, Tuple } from '';import { objectProperties, objectSpread } from '';
interface Decoded { DataType: CodecClass<Null> | CodecClass<GenericEventData>; value?: { index: Uint8Array; data: Uint8Array; }}
/** @internal */function decodeEvent (registry: Registry, value?: Uint8Array): Decoded { if (!value || !value.length) { return { DataType: Null }; }
const index = value.subarray(0, 2);
return { DataType: registry.findMetaEvent(index), value: { data: value.subarray(2), index } };}
/** * @name GenericEventData * @description * Wrapper for the actual data that forms part of an [[Event]] */export class GenericEventData extends Tuple implements IEventData { readonly #meta: EventMetadataLatest; readonly #method: string; readonly #names: string[] | null = null; readonly #section: string; readonly #typeDef: TypeDef[];
constructor (registry: Registry, value: Uint8Array, meta: EventMetadataLatest, section = '<unknown>', method = '<unknown>') { const fields = meta?.fields || [];
super(registry,{ type }) => registry.createLookupType(type) as keyof InterfaceTypes), value);
this.#meta = meta; this.#method = method; this.#section = section; this.#typeDef ={ type }) => registry.lookup.getTypeDef(type));
const names = fields .map(({ name }) => registry.lookup.sanitizeField(name)[0]) .filter((n): n is string => !!n);
if (names.length === fields.length) { this.#names = names;
objectProperties(this, names, (_, i) => this[i]); } }
/** * @description The wrapped [[EventMetadata]] */ public get meta (): EventMetadataLatest { return this.#meta; }
/** * @description The method as a string */ public get method (): string { return this.#method; }
/** * @description The field names (as available) */ public get names (): string[] | null { return this.#names; }
/** * @description The section as a string */ public get section (): string { return this.#section; }
/** * @description The [[TypeDef]] for this event */ public get typeDef (): TypeDef[] { return this.#typeDef; }
/** * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information */ public override toHuman (isExtended?: boolean): AnyJson { if (this.#names !== null) { const json: Record<string, AnyJson> = {};
for (let i = 0; i < this.#names.length; i++) { json[this.#names[i]] = this[i].toHuman(isExtended); }
return json; }
return super.toHuman(isExtended); }}
/** * @name GenericEvent * @description * A representation of a system event. These are generated via the [[Metadata]] interfaces and * specific to a specific Substrate runtime */export class GenericEvent extends Struct implements IEvent<Codec[]> { // Currently we _only_ decode from Uint8Array, since we expect it to // be used via EventRecord constructor (registry: Registry, _value?: Uint8Array) { const { DataType, value } = decodeEvent(registry, _value);
super(registry, { index: 'EventId', // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys data: DataType }, value); }
/** * @description The wrapped [[EventData]] */ public get data (): IEvent<Codec[]>['data'] { return this.getT('data'); }
/** * @description The [[EventId]], identifying the raw event */ public get index (): EventId { return this.getT('index'); }
/** * @description The [[EventMetadata]] with the documentation */ public get meta (): EventMetadataLatest { return; }
/** * @description The method string identifying the event */ public get method (): string { return; }
/** * @description The section string identifying the event */ public get section (): string { return; }
/** * @description The [[TypeDef]] for the event */ public get typeDef (): TypeDef[] { return; }
/** * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information */ public override toHuman (isExpanded?: boolean): Record<string, AnyJson> { return objectSpread( { method: this.method, section: this.section }, isExpanded ? { docs: => d.toString()) } : null, super.toHuman(isExpanded) ); }}