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/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
import type { Definitions } from '../../types/index.ts';
import { rpc } from './rpc.ts';import { runtime } from './runtime.ts';
export default { rpc, runtime, types: { AliveContractInfo: { trieId: 'TrieId', storageSize: 'u32', pairCount: 'u32', codeHash: 'CodeHash', rentAllowance: 'Balance', rentPaid: 'Balance', deductBlock: 'BlockNumber', lastWrite: 'Option<BlockNumber>', _reserved: 'Option<Null>' }, CodeHash: 'Hash', CodeSource: { _enum: { Upload: 'Bytes', Existing: 'Hash' } }, CodeUploadRequest: { origin: 'AccountId', code: 'Bytes', storageDepositLimit: 'Option<Balance>' }, CodeUploadResult: 'Result<CodeUploadResultValue, DispatchError>', CodeUploadResultValue: { codeHash: 'CodeHash', deposit: 'Balance' }, ContractCallRequest: { origin: 'AccountId', dest: 'AccountId', value: 'Balance', gasLimit: 'u64', storageDepositLimit: 'Option<Balance>', inputData: 'Bytes' }, ContractExecResultSuccessTo255: { status: 'u8', data: 'Raw' }, ContractExecResultTo255: { _enum: { Success: 'ContractExecResultSuccessTo255', Error: 'Null' } }, ContractExecResultSuccessTo260: { flags: 'ContractReturnFlags', data: 'Bytes', gasConsumed: 'u64' }, ContractExecResultTo260: { _enum: { Success: 'ContractExecResultSuccessTo260', Error: 'Null' } }, ContractExecResultOk: { flags: 'ContractReturnFlags', data: 'Bytes' }, ContractExecResultResult: 'Result<ContractExecResultOk, DispatchError>', ContractExecResultTo267: { gasConsumed: 'u64', debugMessage: 'Text', result: 'ContractExecResultResult' }, ContractExecResult: { gasConsumed: 'Weight', gasRequired: 'Weight', storageDeposit: 'StorageDeposit', debugMessage: 'Text', result: 'ContractExecResultResult' }, ContractExecResultU64: { gasConsumed: 'u64', gasRequired: 'u64', storageDeposit: 'StorageDeposit', debugMessage: 'Text', result: 'ContractExecResultResult' }, ContractInfo: { _enum: { Alive: 'AliveContractInfo', Tombstone: 'TombstoneContractInfo' } }, ContractCallFlags: { _set: { _bitLength: 32, ForwardInput: 0b0000_0001, CloneInput: 0b0000_0010, TailCall: 0b0000_0100, AllowReentry: 0b0000_1000 } }, ContractReturnFlags: { _set: { _bitLength: 32, Revert: 0x0000_0001 } }, ContractStorageKey: '[u8; 32]', DeletedContract: { pairCount: 'u32', trieId: 'TrieId' }, ExecReturnValue: { flags: 'ContractReturnFlags', data: 'Bytes' }, Gas: 'u64', HostFnWeightsTo264: { caller: 'Weight', address: 'Weight', gasLeft: 'Weight', balance: 'Weight', valueTransferred: 'Weight', minimumBalance: 'Weight', tombstoneDeposit: 'Weight', rentAllowance: 'Weight', blockNumber: 'Weight', now: 'Weight', weightToFee: 'Weight', gas: 'Weight', input: 'Weight', inputPerByte: 'Weight', return: 'Weight', returnPerByte: 'Weight', terminate: 'Weight', restoreTo: 'Weight', restoreToPerDelta: 'Weight', random: 'Weight', depositEvent: 'Weight', depositEventPerTopic: 'Weight', depositEventPerByte: 'Weight', setRentAllowance: 'Weight', setStorage: 'Weight', setStoragePerByte: 'Weight', clearStorage: 'Weight', getStorage: 'Weight', getStoragePerByte: 'Weight', transfer: 'Weight', call: 'Weight', callTransferSurcharge: 'Weight', callPerInputByte: 'Weight', callPerOutputByte: 'Weight', instantiate: 'Weight', instantiatePerInputByte: 'Weight', instantiatePerOutputByte: 'Weight', hashSha2256: 'Weight', hashSha2256PerByte: 'Weight', hashKeccak256: 'Weight', hashKeccak256PerByte: 'Weight', hashBlake2256: 'Weight', hashBlake2256PerByte: 'Weight', hashBlake2128: 'Weight', hashBlake2128PerByte: 'Weight' }, HostFnWeights: { caller: 'Weight', address: 'Weight', gasLeft: 'Weight', balance: 'Weight', valueTransferred: 'Weight', minimumBalance: 'Weight', tombstoneDeposit: 'Weight', rentAllowance: 'Weight', blockNumber: 'Weight', now: 'Weight', weightToFee: 'Weight', gas: 'Weight', input: 'Weight', inputPerByte: 'Weight', return: 'Weight', returnPerByte: 'Weight', terminate: 'Weight', terminatePerCodeByte: 'Weight', restoreTo: 'Weight', restoreToPerCallerCodeByte: 'Weight', restoreToPerTombstoneCodeByte: 'Weight', restoreToPerDelta: 'Weight', random: 'Weight', depositEvent: 'Weight', depositEventPerTopic: 'Weight', depositEventPerByte: 'Weight', setRentAllowance: 'Weight', setStorage: 'Weight', setStoragePerByte: 'Weight', clearStorage: 'Weight', getStorage: 'Weight', getStoragePerByte: 'Weight', transfer: 'Weight', call: 'Weight', callPerCodeByte: 'Weight', callTransferSurcharge: 'Weight', callPerInputByte: 'Weight', callPerOutputByte: 'Weight', instantiate: 'Weight', instantiatePerCodeByte: 'Weight', instantiatePerInputByte: 'Weight', instantiatePerOutputByte: 'Weight', instantiatePerSaltByte: 'Weight', hashSha2256: 'Weight', hashSha2256PerByte: 'Weight', hashKeccak256: 'Weight', hashKeccak256PerByte: 'Weight', hashBlake2256: 'Weight', hashBlake2256PerByte: 'Weight', hashBlake2128: 'Weight', hashBlake2128PerByte: 'Weight', rentParams: 'Weight' }, InstantiateRequestV1: { origin: 'AccountId', value: 'Balance', gasLimit: 'Gas', code: 'Bytes', data: 'Bytes', salt: 'Bytes' }, InstantiateRequestV2: { _fallback: 'InstantiateRequestV1', origin: 'AccountId', value: 'Balance', gasLimit: 'Gas', storageDepositLimit: 'Option<Balance>', code: 'Bytes', data: 'Bytes', salt: 'Bytes' }, InstantiateRequest: { _fallback: 'InstantiateRequestV2', origin: 'AccountId', value: 'Balance', gasLimit: 'Gas', storageDepositLimit: 'Option<Balance>', code: 'CodeSource', data: 'Bytes', salt: 'Bytes' }, ContractInstantiateResultTo267: 'Result<InstantiateReturnValueTo267, Null>', ContractInstantiateResultTo299: 'Result<InstantiateReturnValueOk, Null>', ContractInstantiateResult: { gasConsumed: 'WeightV2', gasRequired: 'WeightV2', storageDeposit: 'StorageDeposit', debugMessage: 'Text', result: 'InstantiateReturnValue' }, ContractInstantiateResultU64: { // only this one can fail, the current version (above) _should_ be correctly // versioned now, aka no more deprecated RPCs involved, only runtime calls _fallback: 'ContractInstantiateResultTo299', gasConsumed: 'u64', gasRequired: 'u64', storageDeposit: 'StorageDeposit', debugMessage: 'Text', result: 'InstantiateReturnValue' }, InstantiateReturnValueTo267: { result: 'ExecReturnValue', accountId: 'AccountId', rentProjection: 'Option<RentProjection>' }, InstantiateReturnValueOk: { result: 'ExecReturnValue', accountId: 'AccountId' }, InstantiateReturnValue: 'Result<InstantiateReturnValueOk, DispatchError>', InstructionWeights: { i64const: 'u32', i64load: 'u32', i64store: 'u32', select: 'u32', rIf: 'u32', br: 'u32', brIf: 'u32', brIable: 'u32', brIablePerEntry: 'u32', call: 'u32', callIndirect: 'u32', callIndirectPerParam: 'u32', localGet: 'u32', localSet: 'u32', local_tee: 'u32', globalGet: 'u32', globalSet: 'u32', memoryCurrent: 'u32', memoryGrow: 'u32', i64clz: 'u32', i64ctz: 'u32', i64popcnt: 'u32', i64eqz: 'u32', i64extendsi32: 'u32', i64extendui32: 'u32', i32wrapi64: 'u32', i64eq: 'u32', i64ne: 'u32', i64lts: 'u32', i64ltu: 'u32', i64gts: 'u32', i64gtu: 'u32', i64les: 'u32', i64leu: 'u32', i64ges: 'u32', i64geu: 'u32', i64add: 'u32', i64sub: 'u32', i64mul: 'u32', i64divs: 'u32', i64divu: 'u32', i64rems: 'u32', i64remu: 'u32', i64and: 'u32', i64or: 'u32', i64xor: 'u32', i64shl: 'u32', i64shrs: 'u32', i64shru: 'u32', i64rotl: 'u32', i64rotr: 'u32' }, LimitsTo264: { eventTopics: 'u32', stackHeight: 'u32', globals: 'u32', parameters: 'u32', memoryPages: 'u32', tableSize: 'u32', brTableSize: 'u32', subjectLen: 'u32', codeSize: 'u32' }, Limits: { eventTopics: 'u32', stackHeight: 'u32', globals: 'u32', parameters: 'u32', memoryPages: 'u32', tableSize: 'u32', brTableSize: 'u32', subjectLen: 'u32' }, PrefabWasmModule: { scheduleVersion: 'Compact<u32>', initial: 'Compact<u32>', maximum: 'Compact<u32>', refcount: 'Compact<u64>', _reserved: 'Option<Null>', code: 'Bytes', originalCodeLen: 'u32' }, RentProjection: { _enum: { EvictionAt: 'BlockNumber', NoEviction: 'Null' } }, ScheduleTo212: { version: 'u32', putCodePerByteCost: 'Gas', growMemCost: 'Gas', regularOpCost: 'Gas', returnDataPerByteCost: 'Gas', eventDataPerByteCost: 'Gas', eventPerTopicCost: 'Gas', eventBaseCost: 'Gas', sandboxDataReadCost: 'Gas', sandboxDataWriteCost: 'Gas', maxEventTopics: 'u32', maxStackHeight: 'u32', maxMemoryPages: 'u32', enablePrintln: 'bool', maxSubjectLen: 'u32' }, ScheduleTo258: { version: 'u32', putCodePerByteCost: 'Gas', growMemCost: 'Gas', regularOpCost: 'Gas', returnDataPerByteCost: 'Gas', eventDataPerByteCost: 'Gas', eventPerTopicCost: 'Gas', eventBaseCost: 'Gas', sandboxDataReadCost: 'Gas', sandboxDataWriteCost: 'Gas', transferCost: 'Gas', maxEventTopics: 'u32', maxStackHeight: 'u32', maxMemoryPages: 'u32', enablePrintln: 'bool', maxSubjectLen: 'u32' }, ScheduleTo264: { version: 'u32', enablePrintln: 'bool', limits: 'LimitsTo264', instructionWeights: 'InstructionWeights', hostFnWeights: 'HostFnWeightsTo264' }, Schedule: { version: 'u32', enablePrintln: 'bool', limits: 'Limits', instructionWeights: 'InstructionWeights', hostFnWeights: 'HostFnWeights' }, SeedOf: 'Hash', StorageDeposit: { _enum: { Refund: 'Balance', Charge: 'Balance' } }, TombstoneContractInfo: 'Hash', TrieId: 'Bytes' }} as Definitions;