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/* eslint-disable sort-keys */

import type { DefinitionsTypes } from '../../types/index.ts';
import { objectSpread } from '';
import { rpc } from './rpc.ts';import { runtime } from './runtime.ts';
const V0: DefinitionsTypes = { BlockV0: { header: 'EthHeader', transactions: 'Vec<TransactionV0>', ommers: 'Vec<EthHeader>' }, LegacyTransaction: { nonce: 'U256', gasPrice: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', action: 'EthTransactionAction', value: 'U256', input: 'Bytes', signature: 'EthTransactionSignature' }, TransactionV0: 'LegacyTransaction'};
const V1: DefinitionsTypes = { BlockV1: { header: 'EthHeader', transactions: 'Vec<TransactionV1>', ommers: 'Vec<EthHeader>' }, EIP2930Transaction: { chainId: 'u64', nonce: 'U256', gasPrice: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', action: 'EthTransactionAction', value: 'U256', input: 'Bytes', accessList: 'EthAccessList', oddYParity: 'bool', r: 'H256', s: 'H256' }, TransactionV1: { _enum: { Legacy: 'LegacyTransaction', EIP2930: 'EIP2930Transaction' } }};
const V2: DefinitionsTypes = { BlockV2: { header: 'EthHeader', transactions: 'Vec<TransactionV2>', ommers: 'Vec<EthHeader>' }, EIP1559Transaction: { chainId: 'u64', nonce: 'U256', maxPriorityFeePerGas: 'U256', maxFeePerGas: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', action: 'EthTransactionAction', value: 'U256', input: 'Bytes', accessList: 'EthAccessList', oddYParity: 'bool', r: 'H256', s: 'H256' }, TransactionV2: { _enum: { Legacy: 'LegacyTransaction', EIP2930: 'EIP2930Transaction', EIP1559: 'EIP1559Transaction' } }};
const types: DefinitionsTypes = objectSpread({}, V0, V1, V2, { EthereumAccountId: 'GenericEthereumAccountId', EthereumAddress: 'GenericEthereumAccountId', EthereumLookupSource: 'GenericEthereumLookupSource', EthereumSignature: '[u8; 65]', EthAccessListItem: { address: 'EthAddress', slots: 'Vec<H256>' }, EthAccessList: 'Vec<EthAccessListItem>', EthAccount: { address: 'EthAddress', balance: 'U256', nonce: 'U256', codeHash: 'H256', storageHash: 'H256', accountProof: 'Vec<Bytes>', storageProof: 'Vec<EthStorageProof>' }, EthAddress: 'H160', EthBlock: { header: 'EthHeader', transactions: 'Vec<EthTransaction>', ommers: 'Vec<EthHeader>' }, EthHeader: { parentHash: 'H256', ommersHash: 'H256', beneficiary: 'EthAddress', stateRoot: 'H256', transactionsRoot: 'H256', receiptsRoot: 'H256', logsBloom: 'EthBloom', difficulty: 'U256', number: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', gasUsed: 'U256', timestamp: 'u64', extraData: 'Bytes', mixMash: 'H256', nonce: 'H64' }, EthRichBlock: { _alias: { blockHash: 'hash', blockSize: 'size' }, blockHash: 'Option<H256>', parentHash: 'H256', sha3Uncles: 'H256', author: 'EthAddress', miner: 'EthAddress', stateRoot: 'H256', transactionsRoot: 'H256', receiptsRoot: 'H256', number: 'Option<U256>', gasUsed: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', extraData: 'Bytes', logsBloom: 'EthBloom', timestamp: 'U256', difficulty: 'U256', totalDifficulty: 'Option<U256>', sealFields: 'Vec<Bytes>', uncles: 'Vec<H256>', transactions: 'Vec<EthTransaction>', blockSize: 'Option<U256>' }, EthBloom: 'H2048', EthCallRequest: { from: 'Option<EthAddress>', to: 'Option<EthAddress>', gasPrice: 'Option<U256>', gas: 'Option<U256>', value: 'Option<U256>', data: 'Option<Bytes>', nonce: 'Option<U256>' }, EthFeeHistory: { oldestBlock: 'U256', baseFeePerGas: 'Vec<U256>', gasUsedRatio: 'Vec<f64>', reward: 'Option<Vec<Vec<U256>>>' }, EthFilter: { fromBlock: 'Option<BlockNumber>', toBlock: 'Option<BlockNumber>', blockHash: 'Option<H256>', address: 'Option<EthFilterAddress>', topics: 'Option<EthFilterTopic>' }, EthFilterAddress: { _enum: { Single: 'EthAddress', Multiple: 'Vec<EthAddress>', Null: 'Null' } }, EthFilterChanges: { _enum: { Logs: 'Vec<EthLog>', Hashes: 'Vec<H256>', Empty: 'Null' } }, EthFilterTopic: { _enum: { Single: 'EthFilterTopicInner', Multiple: 'Vec<EthFilterTopicInner>', Null: 'Null' } }, EthFilterTopicEntry: 'Option<H256>', EthFilterTopicInner: { _enum: { Single: 'EthFilterTopicEntry', Multiple: 'Vec<EthFilterTopicEntry>', Null: 'Null' } }, EthRichHeader: { _alias: { blockHash: 'hash', blockSize: 'size' }, blockHash: 'Option<H256>', parentHash: 'H256', sha3Uncles: 'H256', author: 'EthAddress', miner: 'EthAddress', stateRoot: 'H256', transactionsRoot: 'H256', receiptsRoot: 'H256', number: 'Option<U256>', gasUsed: 'U256', gasLimit: 'U256', extraData: 'Bytes', logsBloom: 'EthBloom', timestamp: 'U256', difficulty: 'U256', sealFields: 'Vec<Bytes>', blockSize: 'Option<U256>' }, EthLog: { address: 'EthAddress', topics: 'Vec<H256>', data: 'Bytes', blockHash: 'Option<H256>', blockNumber: 'Option<U256>', transactionHash: 'Option<H256>', transactionIndex: 'Option<U256>', logIndex: 'Option<U256>', transactionLogIndex: 'Option<U256>', removed: 'bool' }, EthReceipt: { transactionHash: 'Option<H256>', transactionIndex: 'Option<U256>', blockHash: 'Option<H256>', from: 'Option<EthAddress>', to: 'Option<EthAddress>', blockNumber: 'Option<U256>', cumulativeGasUsed: 'U256', gasUsed: 'Option<U256>', contractAddress: 'Option<EthAddress>', logs: 'Vec<EthLog>', root: 'Option<H256>', logsBloom: 'EthBloom', statusCode: 'Option<U64>' }, // not convinced, however the original commit matches, so... (maybe V3 is incorrect?) EthReceiptV0: 'EthReceipt', EthReceiptV3: 'EthReceipt', EthStorageProof: { key: 'U256', value: 'U256', proof: 'Vec<Bytes>' }, EthSubKind: { _enum: ['newHeads', 'logs', 'newPendingTransactions', 'syncing'] }, EthSubParams: { _enum: { None: 'Null', Logs: 'EthFilter' } }, EthSubResult: { _enum: { Header: 'EthRichHeader', Log: 'EthLog', TransactionHash: 'H256', SyncState: 'EthSyncStatus' } }, EthSyncInfo: { startingBlock: 'U256', currentBlock: 'U256', highestBlock: 'U256', warpChunksAmount: 'Option<U256>', warpChunksProcessed: 'Option<U256>' }, EthSyncStatus: { _enum: { Info: 'EthSyncInfo', None: 'Null' } }, EthTransaction: { hash: 'H256', nonce: 'U256', blockHash: 'Option<H256>', blockNumber: 'Option<U256>', transactionIndex: 'Option<U256>', from: 'H160', to: 'Option<H160>', value: 'U256', gasPrice: 'Option<U256>', maxFeePerGas: 'Option<U256>', maxPriorityFeePerGas: 'Option<U256>', gas: 'U256', input: 'Bytes', creates: 'Option<H160>', raw: 'Bytes', publicKey: 'Option<H512>', chainId: 'Option<U64>', standardV: 'U256', v: 'U256', r: 'U256', s: 'U256', accessList: 'Option<Vec<EthAccessListItem>>', transactionType: 'Option<U256>' }, EthTransactionSignature: { v: 'u64', r: 'H256', s: 'H256' }, EthTransactionAction: { _enum: { Call: 'H160', Create: 'Null' } }, EthTransactionCondition: { _enum: { block: 'u64', time: 'u64' } }, EthTransactionRequest: { from: 'Option<EthAddress>', to: 'Option<EthAddress>', gasPrice: 'Option<U256>', gas: 'Option<U256>', value: 'Option<U256>', data: 'Option<Bytes>', nonce: 'Option<U256>' }, EthTransactionStatus: { transactionHash: 'H256', transactionIndex: 'u32', from: 'EthAddress', to: 'Option<EthAddress>', contractAddress: 'Option<EthAddress>', logs: 'Vec<EthLog>', logsBloom: 'EthBloom' }, EthWork: { powHash: 'H256', seedHash: 'H256', target: 'H256', number: 'Option<u64>' }});
export default { rpc, runtime, types };