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/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
import type { Definitions } from '../../types/index.ts';
import { objectSpread } from '';
import { runtime } from './runtime.ts';
const numberTypes = { Fixed64: 'Int<64, Fixed64>', FixedI64: 'Int<64, FixedI64>', FixedU64: 'UInt<64, FixedU64>', Fixed128: 'Int<128, Fixed128>', FixedI128: 'Int<128, FixedI128>', FixedU128: 'UInt<128, FixedU128>', I32F32: 'Int<64, I32F32>', U32F32: 'UInt<64, U32F32>', PerU16: 'UInt<16, PerU16>', Perbill: 'UInt<32, Perbill>', Percent: 'UInt<8, Percent>', Permill: 'UInt<32, Permill>', Perquintill: 'UInt<64, Perquintill>'};
export const knownOrigins: Record<string, string> = { // // (1) Defaults from Substrate // Council: 'CollectiveOrigin', System: 'SystemOrigin', TechnicalCommittee: 'CollectiveOrigin', // // (2) Defaults from Polkadot // Xcm: 'XcmOrigin', XcmPallet: 'XcmOrigin', // // (3) Defaults from Acala // Authority: 'AuthorityOrigin', GeneralCouncil: 'CollectiveOrigin'};
export default { rpc: {}, runtime, types: objectSpread({}, numberTypes, { AccountId: 'AccountId32', AccountId20: 'GenericEthereumAccountId', AccountId32: 'GenericAccountId32', AccountId33: 'GenericAccountId33', AccountIdOf: 'AccountId', AccountIndex: 'GenericAccountIndex', Address: 'MultiAddress', AssetId: 'u32', Balance: 'UInt<128, Balance>', BalanceOf: 'Balance', Block: 'GenericBlock', BlockNumber: 'u32', BlockNumberFor: 'BlockNumber', BlockNumberOf: 'BlockNumber', Call: 'GenericCall', CallHash: 'Hash', CallHashOf: 'CallHash', ChangesTrieConfiguration: { digestInterval: 'u32', digestLevels: 'u32' }, ChangesTrieSignal: { _enum: { NewConfiguration: 'Option<ChangesTrieConfiguration>' } }, ConsensusEngineId: 'GenericConsensusEngineId', CodecHash: 'Hash', CrateVersion: { major: 'u16', minor: 'u8', patch: 'u8' }, Digest: { logs: 'Vec<DigestItem>' }, DigestItem: { _enum: { Other: 'Bytes', // 0 AuthoritiesChange: 'Vec<AuthorityId>', // 1 ChangesTrieRoot: 'Hash', // 2 SealV0: 'SealV0', // 3 Consensus: 'Consensus', // 4 Seal: 'Seal', // 5 PreRuntime: 'PreRuntime', // 6 ChangesTrieSignal: 'ChangesTrieSignal', // 7 RuntimeEnvironmentUpdated: 'Null' // 8 } }, ExtrinsicsWeight: { normal: 'Weight', operational: 'Weight' }, H32: '[u8; 4; H32]', H64: '[u8; 8; H64]', H128: '[u8; 16; H128]', H160: '[u8; 20; H160]', H256: '[u8; 32; H256]', H512: '[u8; 64; H512]', H1024: '[u8; 128; H1024]', H2048: '[u8; 256; H2048]', Hash: 'H256', Header: { parentHash: 'Hash', number: 'Compact<BlockNumber>', stateRoot: 'Hash', extrinsicsRoot: 'Hash', digest: 'Digest' }, HeaderPartial: { parentHash: 'Hash', // since we only parse JSON with this, having non-compact works number: 'BlockNumber' }, IndicesLookupSource: 'GenericLookupSource', Index: 'u32', Justification: '(ConsensusEngineId, EncodedJustification)', EncodedJustification: 'Bytes', Justifications: 'Vec<Justification>', KeyValue: '(StorageKey, StorageData)', KeyTypeId: 'u32', LockIdentifier: '[u8; 8]', LookupSource: 'MultiAddress', LookupTarget: 'AccountId', ModuleId: 'LockIdentifier', MultiAddress: 'GenericMultiAddress', MultiSigner: { _enum: { Ed25519: '[u8; 32]', Sr25519: '[u8; 32]', Ecdsa: '[u8; 33]' } }, Moment: 'UInt<64, Moment>', OpaqueCall: 'Bytes', Origin: 'DoNotConstruct<Origin>', OriginCaller: { _enum: { // this should be dynamically built from the actual modules, based on index System: 'SystemOrigin' } }, PalletId: 'LockIdentifier', PalletsOrigin: 'OriginCaller', PalletVersion: { major: 'u16', minor: 'u8', patch: 'u8' }, Pays: { _enum: ['Yes', 'No'] }, Phantom: 'Null', PhantomData: 'Null', Releases: { _enum: ['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6', 'V7', 'V8', 'V9', 'V10'] }, RuntimeCall: 'Call', RuntimeEvent: 'Event', RuntimeDbWeight: { read: 'Weight', write: 'Weight' }, SignedBlock: 'SignedBlockWithJustifications', SignedBlockWithJustification: { block: 'Block', justification: 'Option<EncodedJustification>' }, SignedBlockWithJustifications: { block: 'Block', justifications: 'Option<Justifications>' }, Slot: 'u64', SlotDuration: 'u64', StorageData: 'Bytes', StorageInfo: { palletName: 'Bytes', storage_name: 'Bytes', prefix: 'Bytes', maxValues: 'Option<u32>', maxSize: 'Option<u32>' }, StorageProof: { trieNodes: 'Vec<Bytes>' }, TransactionPriority: 'u64', TransactionLongevity: 'u64', TransactionTag: 'Bytes', TransactionInfo: { _alias: { dataSize: 'size' }, chunkRoot: 'H256', contentHash: 'H256', dataSize: 'u32', blockChunks: 'u32' }, TransactionStorageProof: { chunk: 'Vec<u8>', proof: 'Vec<Vec<u8>>' }, ValidatorId: 'AccountId', ValidatorIdOf: 'ValidatorId', WeightV0: 'u32', WeightV1: 'u64', WeightV2: { refTime: 'Compact<u64>', proofSize: 'Compact<u64>' }, Weight: 'WeightV2', WeightMultiplier: 'Fixed64',
// digest PreRuntime: '(ConsensusEngineId, Bytes)', SealV0: '(u64, Signature)', Seal: '(ConsensusEngineId, Bytes)', Consensus: '(ConsensusEngineId, Bytes)' })} as Definitions;