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import type { Registry } from '';import type { HexString } from '';
import { isString, isU8a, u8aToU8a } from '';
import { MetadataVersioned } from './MetadataVersioned.ts';
const EMPTY_METADATA = new Uint8Array([0x6d, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 9]);
const VERSION_IDX = EMPTY_METADATA.length - 1;
/** @internal */function decodeU8a (registry: Registry, u8a: Uint8Array): MetadataVersioned | Uint8Array { if (u8a.length === 0) { return EMPTY_METADATA; } else if (u8a[VERSION_IDX] === 9) { // This is an f-ing hack as a follow-up to another ugly hack // // when we fail on V9, try to re-parse it as v10... try { return new MetadataVersioned(registry, u8a); } catch { u8a[VERSION_IDX] = 10;
return u8a; } }
return u8a;}
/** * @name Metadata * @description * The versioned runtime metadata as a decoded structure */export class Metadata extends MetadataVersioned { constructor (registry: Registry, value?: Uint8Array | HexString | Map<string, unknown> | Record<string, unknown>) { // const timeStart =
super( registry, isU8a(value) || isString(value) ? decodeU8a(registry, u8aToU8a(value)) : value );
// console.log('Metadata', `${( - timeStart).toFixed(2)}ms`) }}