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import type { Registry } from '';import type { MetadataLatest, StorageEntryMetadataLatest } from '../../../interfaces/index.ts';import type { Storage } from '../types.ts';
import { lazyMethod, lazyMethods, stringCamelCase } from '';
import { objectNameToCamel } from '../util.ts';import { createFunction, createKeyRaw, NO_RAW_ARGS } from './createFunction.ts';import { getStorage } from './getStorage.ts';import { createRuntimeFunction } from './util.ts';
const VERSION_NAME = 'palletVersion';const VERSION_KEY = ':__STORAGE_VERSION__:';const VERSION_DOCS = { docs: 'Returns the current pallet version from storage', type: 'u16' };
/** @internal */export function decorateStorage (registry: Registry, { pallets }: MetadataLatest, _metaVersion: number): Storage { const result: Storage = getStorage(registry);
for (let i = 0; i < pallets.length; i++) { const { name, storage } = pallets[i];
if (storage.isSome) { const section = stringCamelCase(name); const { items, prefix: _prefix } = storage.unwrap(); const prefix = _prefix.toString();
lazyMethod(result, section, () => lazyMethods( { palletVersion: createRuntimeFunction( { method: VERSION_NAME, prefix, section }, createKeyRaw(registry, { method: VERSION_KEY, prefix: name.toString() }, NO_RAW_ARGS), VERSION_DOCS )(registry) }, items, (meta: StorageEntryMetadataLatest) => createFunction(registry, { meta, method:, prefix, section }, {}), objectNameToCamel ) ); } }
return result;}