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import type { HexString } from '';import type { HashType } from './types.ts';
import { u8aEq, u8aToU8a } from '';
import { hasher } from './hasher.ts';import { secp256k1Recover } from './recover.ts';
/** * @name secp256k1Verify * @description Verifies the signature of `message`, using the supplied pair */export function secp256k1Verify (msgHash: HexString | Uint8Array | string, signature: HexString | Uint8Array | string, address: HexString | Uint8Array | string, hashType: HashType = 'blake2', onlyJs?: boolean): boolean { const sig = u8aToU8a(signature);
if (sig.length !== 65) { throw new Error(`Expected signature with 65 bytes, ${sig.length} found instead`); }
const publicKey = secp256k1Recover(hasher(hashType, msgHash), sig, sig[64], hashType, onlyJs); const signerAddr = hasher(hashType, publicKey, onlyJs); const inputAddr = u8aToU8a(address);
// for Ethereum (keccak) the last 20 bytes is the address return u8aEq(publicKey, inputAddr) || ( hashType === 'keccak' ? u8aEq(signerAddr.slice(-20), inputAddr.slice(-20)) : u8aEq(signerAddr, inputAddr) );}