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import type { BN } from '../bn/index.ts';import type { ToBigInt, ToBn } from '../types.ts';
import { BigInt } from '';
import { _0n, _1n, _2pow53n, _sqrt2pow53n } from './consts.ts';import { nToBigInt } from './toBigInt.ts';
/** * @name nSqrt * @summary Calculates the integer square root of a bigint */export function nSqrt <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt> (value: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | string | number | null): bigint { const n = nToBigInt(value);
if (n < _0n) { throw new Error('square root of negative numbers is not supported'); }
// // shortcut <= 2^53 - 1 to use the JS utils if (n <= _2pow53n) { // ~~ is more performant that Math.floor return BigInt(~~Math.sqrt(Number(n))); }
// Use sqrt(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) as starting point. since we already know the // output will be larger than this, we expect this to be a safe start let x0 = _sqrt2pow53n;
while (true) { const x1 = ((n / x0) + x0) >> _1n;
if (x0 === x1 || (x0 === (x1 - _1n))) { return x0; }
x0 = x1; }}