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import type { BlockNumber, DispatchError, DispatchInfo, EventRecord, ExtrinsicStatus, Hash } from '';import type { AnyJson, ISubmittableResult } from '';import type { SubmittableResultValue } from './types.ts';
const recordIdentity = (record: EventRecord) => record;
function filterAndApply <T> (events: EventRecord[], section: string, methods: string[], onFound: (record: EventRecord) => T): T[] { return events .filter(({ event }) => section === event.section && methods.includes(event.method) ) .map((record) => onFound(record));}
function getDispatchError ({ event: { data: [dispatchError] } }: EventRecord): DispatchError { return dispatchError as DispatchError;}
function getDispatchInfo ({ event: { data, method } }: EventRecord): DispatchInfo { return method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess' ? data[0] as DispatchInfo : data[1] as DispatchInfo;}
function extractError (events: EventRecord[] = []): DispatchError | undefined { return filterAndApply(events, 'system', ['ExtrinsicFailed'], getDispatchError)[0];}
function extractInfo (events: EventRecord[] = []): DispatchInfo | undefined { return filterAndApply(events, 'system', ['ExtrinsicFailed', 'ExtrinsicSuccess'], getDispatchInfo)[0];}
export class SubmittableResult implements ISubmittableResult { readonly dispatchError?: DispatchError | undefined;
readonly dispatchInfo?: DispatchInfo | undefined;
readonly internalError?: Error | undefined;
readonly events: EventRecord[];
readonly status: ExtrinsicStatus;
readonly txHash: Hash;
readonly txIndex?: number | undefined;
readonly blockNumber?: BlockNumber | undefined;
constructor ({ blockNumber, dispatchError, dispatchInfo, events, internalError, status, txHash, txIndex }: SubmittableResultValue) { this.dispatchError = dispatchError || extractError(events); this.dispatchInfo = dispatchInfo || extractInfo(events); = events || []; this.internalError = internalError; this.status = status; this.txHash = txHash; this.txIndex = txIndex; this.blockNumber = blockNumber; }
public get isCompleted (): boolean { return this.isError || this.status.isInBlock || this.status.isFinalized; }
public get isError (): boolean { return this.status.isDropped || this.status.isFinalityTimeout || this.status.isInvalid || this.status.isUsurped; }
public get isFinalized (): boolean { return this.status.isFinalized; }
public get isInBlock (): boolean { return this.status.isInBlock; }
public get isWarning (): boolean { return this.status.isRetracted; }
/** * @description Filters EventRecords for the specified method & section (there could be multiple) */ public filterRecords (section: string, method: string | string[]): EventRecord[] { return filterAndApply(, section, Array.isArray(method) ? method : [method], recordIdentity); }
/** * @description Finds an EventRecord for the specified method & section */ public findRecord (section: string, method: string | string[]): EventRecord | undefined { return this.filterRecords(section, method)[0]; }
/** * @description Creates a human representation of the output */ public toHuman (isExtended?: boolean): AnyJson { return { dispatchError: this.dispatchError?.toHuman(), dispatchInfo: this.dispatchInfo?.toHuman(), events: => e.toHuman(isExtended)), internalError: this.internalError?.message.toString(), status: this.status.toHuman(isExtended) }; }}