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import type { AnyU8a, CodecClass, Registry, U8aBitLength } from '../types/index.ts';
import { isU8a, u8aToU8a } from '';
import { Raw } from '../native/Raw.ts';
/** @internal */function decodeU8aFixed (value: AnyU8a, bitLength: U8aBitLength): [AnyU8a, number] { const u8a = u8aToU8a(value); const byteLength = bitLength / 8;
if (!u8a.length) { return [new Uint8Array(byteLength), 0]; }
if (isU8a(value) ? u8a.length < byteLength : u8a.length !== byteLength) { throw new Error(`Expected input with ${byteLength} bytes (${bitLength} bits), found ${u8a.length} bytes`); }
return [u8a.subarray(0, byteLength), byteLength];}
/** * @name U8aFixed * @description * A U8a that manages a a sequence of bytes up to the specified bitLength. Not meant * to be used directly, rather is should be subclassed with the specific lengths. */export class U8aFixed extends Raw { constructor (registry: Registry, value: AnyU8a = new Uint8Array(), bitLength: U8aBitLength = 256) { const [u8a, decodedLength] = decodeU8aFixed(value, bitLength);
super(registry, u8a, decodedLength); }
public static with (bitLength: U8aBitLength, typeName?: string): CodecClass<U8aFixed> { return class extends U8aFixed { constructor (registry: Registry, value?: AnyU8a) { super(registry, value, bitLength); }
public override toRawType (): string { return typeName || super.toRawType(); } }; }
/** * @description Returns the base runtime type name for this instance */ public override toRawType (): string { return `[u8;${this.length}]`; }}