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import type { HexString } from '';import type { AnyString, AnyU8a, Inspect, IText, IU8a, Registry } from '../types/index.ts';
import { compactAddLength, compactFromU8aLim, compactToU8a, hexToU8a, isHex, isString, isU8a, stringToU8a, u8aToHex, u8aToString } from '';
import { Raw } from './Raw.ts';
const MAX_LENGTH = 128 * 1024;
/** @internal */function decodeText (value?: null | AnyString | AnyU8a | { toString: () => string }): [string, number] { if (isU8a(value)) { if (!value.length) { return ['', 0]; }
// for Raw, the internal buffer does not have an internal length // (the same applies in e.g. Bytes, where length is added at encoding-time) if (value instanceof Raw) { return [u8aToString(value), 0]; }
const [offset, length] = compactFromU8aLim(value); const total = offset + length;
if (length > MAX_LENGTH) { throw new Error(`Text: length ${length.toString()} exceeds ${MAX_LENGTH}`); } else if (total > value.length) { throw new Error(`Text: required length less than remainder, expected at least ${total}, found ${value.length}`); }
return [u8aToString(value.subarray(offset, total)), total]; } else if (isHex(value)) { return [u8aToString(hexToU8a(value)), 0]; }
return [value ? value.toString() : '', 0];}
/** * @name Text * @description * This is a string wrapper, along with the length. It is used both for strings as well * as items such as documentation. It simply extends the standard JS `String` built-in * object, inheriting all methods exposed from `String`. * @noInheritDoc */export class Text extends String implements IText { readonly registry: Registry;
public createdAtHash?: IU8a; public initialU8aLength?: number; public isStorageFallback?: boolean;
#override: string | null = null;
constructor (registry: Registry, value?: null | AnyString | AnyU8a | { toString: () => string }) { const [str, decodedLength] = decodeText(value);
this.registry = registry; this.initialU8aLength = decodedLength; }
/** * @description The length of the value when encoded as a Uint8Array */ public get encodedLength (): number { return this.toU8a().length; }
/** * @description returns a hash of the contents */ public get hash (): IU8a { return this.registry.hash(this.toU8a()); }
/** * @description Checks if the value is an empty value */ public get isEmpty (): boolean { return this.length === 0; }
/** * @description The length of the value */ public override get length (): number { // only included here since we ignore inherited docs return super.length; }
/** * @description Compares the value of the input to see if there is a match */ public eq (other?: unknown): boolean { return isString(other) ? this.toString() === other.toString() : false; }
/** * @description Returns a breakdown of the hex encoding for this Codec */ public inspect (): Inspect { const value = stringToU8a(super.toString());
return { outer: value.length ? [compactToU8a(value.length), value] : [compactToU8a(value.length)] }; }
/** * @description Set an override value for this */ public setOverride (override: string): void { this.#override = override; }
/** * @description Returns a hex string representation of the value */ public toHex (): HexString { // like with Vec<u8>, when we are encoding to hex, we don't actually add // the length prefix (it is already implied by the actual string length) return u8aToHex(this.toU8a(true)); }
/** * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information */ public toHuman (): string { return this.toJSON(); }
/** * @description Converts the Object to JSON, typically used for RPC transfers */ public toJSON (): string { return this.toString(); }
/** * @description Converts the value in a best-fit primitive form */ public toPrimitive (): string { return this.toJSON(); }
/** * @description Returns the base runtime type name for this instance */ public toRawType (): string { return 'Text'; }
/** * @description Returns the string representation of the value */ public override toString (): string { return this.#override || super.toString(); }
/** * @description Encodes the value as a Uint8Array as per the SCALE specifications * @param isBare true when the value has none of the type-specific prefixes (internal) */ public toU8a (isBare?: boolean): Uint8Array { // NOTE Here we use the super toString (we are not taking overrides into account, // rather encoding the original value the string was constructed with) const encoded = stringToU8a(super.toString());
return isBare ? encoded : compactAddLength(encoded); }}