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import type { Codec, CodecClass, Registry } from '../types/index.ts';
import { u8aToHex } from '';
/** @internal */function formatFailure (registry: Registry, fn: 'decodeU8a' | 'decodeU8aStruct' | 'decodeU8aVec', _result: unknown[], { message }: Error, u8a: Uint8Array, i: number, count: number, Type: CodecClass, key?: string): string { let type = '';
try { type = `: ${new Type(registry).toRawType()}`; } catch { // ignore }
// This is extra debugging info (we most-probably want this in in some way, shape or form, // but at this point not quite sure how to include and format it (it can be quite massive) // console.error(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
return `${fn}: failed at ${u8aToHex(u8a.subarray(0, 16))}${key ? ` on ${key}` : ''} (index ${i + 1}/${count})${type}:: ${message}`;}
/** * @internal * * Given an u8a, and an array of Type constructors, decode the u8a against the * types, and return an array of decoded values. * * @param u8a - The u8a to decode. * @param result - The result array (will be returned with values pushed) * @param types - The array of CodecClass to decode the U8a against. */export function decodeU8a <T extends Codec = Codec> (registry: Registry, result: T[], u8a: Uint8Array, [Types, keys]: [CodecClass<T>[], string[]]): [T[], number] { const count = result.length; let offset = 0; let i = 0;
try { while (i < count) { const value = new Types[i](registry, u8a.subarray(offset));
offset += value.initialU8aLength || value.encodedLength; result[i] = value; i++; } } catch (error) { throw new Error(formatFailure(registry, 'decodeU8a', result, error as Error, u8a.subarray(offset), i, count, Types[i], keys[i])); }
return [result, offset];}
/** * @internal * * Split from decodeU8a since this is specialized to zip returns ... while we duplicate, this * is all on the hot-path, so it is not great, however there is (some) method behind the madness */export function decodeU8aStruct (registry: Registry, result: [string, Codec][], u8a: Uint8Array, [Types, keys]: [CodecClass[], string[]]): [[string, Codec][], number] { const count = result.length; let offset = 0; let i = 0;
try { while (i < count) { const value = new Types[i](registry, u8a.subarray(offset));
offset += value.initialU8aLength || value.encodedLength; result[i] = [keys[i], value]; i++; } } catch (error) { throw new Error(formatFailure(registry, 'decodeU8aStruct', result, error as Error, u8a.subarray(offset), i, count, Types[i], keys[i])); }
return [result, offset];}
/** * @internal * * Split from decodeU8a since this is specialized to 1 instance ... while we duplicate, this * is all on the hot-path, so it is not great, however there is (some) method behind the madness */export function decodeU8aVec <T extends Codec = Codec> (registry: Registry, result: unknown[], u8a: Uint8Array, startAt: number, Type: CodecClass<T>): [number, number] { const count = result.length; let offset = startAt; let i = 0;
try { while (i < count) { const value = new Type(registry, u8a.subarray(offset));
offset += value.initialU8aLength || value.encodedLength; result[i] = value; i++; } } catch (error) { throw new Error(formatFailure(registry, 'decodeU8aVec', result, error as Error, u8a.subarray(offset), i, count, Type)); }
return [offset, offset - startAt];}