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import type { Registry } from '';import type { TypeDef } from '';
import { isNumber, isUndefined, objectSpread, stringify } from '';
import { TypeDefInfo } from '../types/index.ts';
type ToString = { toString: () => string };
const stringIdentity = <T extends ToString> (value: T): string => value.toString();
const INFO_WRAP = ['BTreeMap', 'BTreeSet', 'Compact', 'HashMap', 'Option', 'Result', 'Vec'];
export function paramsNotation <T extends ToString> (outer: string, inner?: T | T[], transform: (_: T) => string = stringIdentity): string { return `${outer}${ inner ? `<${(Array.isArray(inner) ? inner : [inner]).map(transform).join(', ')}>` : '' }`;}
function encodeWithParams (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef, outer: string): string { const { info, sub } = typeDef;
switch (info) { case TypeDefInfo.BTreeMap: case TypeDefInfo.BTreeSet: case TypeDefInfo.Compact: case TypeDefInfo.HashMap: case TypeDefInfo.Linkage: case TypeDefInfo.Option: case TypeDefInfo.Range: case TypeDefInfo.RangeInclusive: case TypeDefInfo.Result: case TypeDefInfo.Vec: case TypeDefInfo.WrapperKeepOpaque: case TypeDefInfo.WrapperOpaque: return paramsNotation(outer, sub, (p) => encodeTypeDef(registry, p)); }
throw new Error(`Unable to encode ${stringify(typeDef)} with params`);}
function encodeSubTypes (registry: Registry, sub: TypeDef[], asEnum?: boolean, extra?: Record<string, unknown>): string { const names ={ name }) => name);
if (!names.every((n) => !!n)) { throw new Error(`Subtypes does not have consistent names, ${names.join(', ')}`); }
const inner: Record<string, string> = objectSpread({}, extra);
for (let i = 0, count = sub.length; i < count; i++) { const def = sub[i];
inner[ as string] = encodeTypeDef(registry, def); }
return stringify( asEnum ? { _enum: inner } : inner );}
const encoders: Record<TypeDefInfo, (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => string> = { [TypeDefInfo.BTreeMap]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'BTreeMap'),
[TypeDefInfo.BTreeSet]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'BTreeSet'),
[TypeDefInfo.Compact]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Compact'),
[TypeDefInfo.DoNotConstruct]: (registry: Registry, { displayName, lookupIndex, lookupName }: TypeDef) => `DoNotConstruct<${lookupName || displayName || (isUndefined(lookupIndex) ? 'Unknown' : registry.createLookupType(lookupIndex))}>`,
[TypeDefInfo.Enum]: (registry: Registry, { sub }: TypeDef): string => { if (!Array.isArray(sub)) { throw new Error('Unable to encode Enum type'); }
// c-like enums have all Null entries // TODO We need to take the disciminant into account and auto-add empty entries return sub.every(({ type }) => type === 'Null') ? stringify({ _enum:{ name }, index) => `${name || `Empty${index}`}`) }) : encodeSubTypes(registry, sub, true); },
[TypeDefInfo.HashMap]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'HashMap'),
[TypeDefInfo.Int]: (_registry: Registry, { length = 32 }: TypeDef) => `Int<${length}>`,
[TypeDefInfo.Linkage]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Linkage'),
[TypeDefInfo.Null]: (_registry: Registry, _typeDef: TypeDef) => 'Null',
[TypeDefInfo.Option]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Option'),
[TypeDefInfo.Plain]: (_registry: Registry, { displayName, type }: TypeDef) => displayName || type,
[TypeDefInfo.Range]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Range'),
[TypeDefInfo.RangeInclusive]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'RangeInclusive'),
[TypeDefInfo.Result]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Result'),
[TypeDefInfo.Set]: (_registry: Registry, { length = 8, sub }: TypeDef): string => { if (!Array.isArray(sub)) { throw new Error('Unable to encode Set type'); }
return stringify({ _set: sub.reduce((all, { index, name }, count) => objectSpread(all, { [`${name || `Unknown${index || count}`}`]: index || count }), { _bitLength: length || 8 }) }); },
[TypeDefInfo.Si]: (_registry: Registry, { lookupName, type }: TypeDef) => lookupName || type,
[TypeDefInfo.Struct]: (registry: Registry, { alias, sub }: TypeDef): string => { if (!Array.isArray(sub)) { throw new Error('Unable to encode Struct type'); }
return encodeSubTypes(registry, sub, false, alias ? { _alias: [...alias.entries()].reduce<Record<string, string>>((all, [k, v]) => objectSpread(all, { [k]: v }), {} ) } : {} ); },
[TypeDefInfo.Tuple]: (registry: Registry, { sub }: TypeDef): string => { if (!Array.isArray(sub)) { throw new Error('Unable to encode Tuple type'); }
return `(${ => encodeTypeDef(registry, type)).join(',')})`; },
[TypeDefInfo.UInt]: (_registry: Registry, { length = 32 }: TypeDef) => `UInt<${length}>`,
[TypeDefInfo.Vec]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'Vec'),
[TypeDefInfo.VecFixed]: (_registry: Registry, { length, sub }: TypeDef): string => { if (!isNumber(length) || !sub || Array.isArray(sub)) { throw new Error('Unable to encode VecFixed type'); }
return `[${sub.type};${length}]`; },
[TypeDefInfo.WrapperKeepOpaque]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'WrapperKeepOpaque'),
[TypeDefInfo.WrapperOpaque]: (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef) => encodeWithParams(registry, typeDef, 'WrapperOpaque')};
function encodeType (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef, withLookup = true): string { return withLookup && typeDef.lookupName ? typeDef.lookupName : encoders[](registry, typeDef);}
export function encodeTypeDef (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef): string { // In the case of contracts we do have the unfortunate situation where the displayName would // refer to "Option" when it is an option. For these, string it out, only using when actually // not a top-level element to be used return (typeDef.displayName && !INFO_WRAP.some((i) => typeDef.displayName === i)) ? typeDef.displayName : encodeType(registry, typeDef);}
export function withTypeString (registry: Registry, typeDef: Omit<TypeDef, 'type'> & { type?: string }): TypeDef { return objectSpread({}, typeDef, { type: encodeType(registry, typeDef as TypeDef, false) });}