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/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
import type { Definitions } from '../../types/index.ts';
export const AllConvictions = [ // 0.1x votes, unlocked. 'None', // 1x votes, locked for an enactment period following a successful vote. 'Locked1x', // 2x votes, locked for 2x enactment periods following a successful vote. 'Locked2x', // 3x votes, locked for 4x... 'Locked3x', // 4x votes, locked for 8x... 'Locked4x', // 5x votes, locked for 16x... 'Locked5x', // 6x votes, locked for 32x... 'Locked6x'];
export default { rpc: {}, types: { AccountVote: { _enum: { Standard: 'AccountVoteStandard', Split: 'AccountVoteSplit' } }, AccountVoteSplit: { aye: 'Balance', nay: 'Balance' }, AccountVoteStandard: { vote: 'Vote', balance: 'Balance' }, Conviction: { _enum: AllConvictions }, Delegations: { votes: 'Balance', capital: 'Balance' }, PreimageStatus: { _enum: { Missing: 'BlockNumber', Available: 'PreimageStatusAvailable' } }, PreimageStatusAvailable: { data: 'Bytes', provider: 'AccountId', deposit: 'Balance', since: 'BlockNumber', expiry: 'Option<BlockNumber>' }, PriorLock: '(BlockNumber, Balance)', PropIndex: 'u32', Proposal: 'Call', ProxyState: { _enum: { Open: 'AccountId', Active: 'AccountId' } }, ReferendumIndex: 'u32', ReferendumInfoTo239: { end: 'BlockNumber', proposalHash: 'Hash', threshold: 'VoteThreshold', delay: 'BlockNumber' }, ReferendumInfo: { _enum: { Ongoing: 'ReferendumStatus', Finished: 'ReferendumInfoFinished' } }, ReferendumInfoFinished: { approved: 'bool', end: 'BlockNumber' }, ReferendumStatus: { end: 'BlockNumber', proposalHash: 'Hash', threshold: 'VoteThreshold', delay: 'BlockNumber', tally: 'Tally' }, Tally: { ayes: 'Balance', nays: 'Balance', turnout: 'Balance' }, Voting: { _enum: { Direct: 'VotingDirect', Delegating: 'VotingDelegating' } }, VotingDirect: { votes: 'Vec<VotingDirectVote>', delegations: 'Delegations', prior: 'PriorLock' }, VotingDirectVote: '(ReferendumIndex, AccountVote)', VotingDelegating: { balance: 'Balance', target: 'AccountId', conviction: 'Conviction', delegations: 'Delegations', prior: 'PriorLock' } }} as Definitions;