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import type { EncryptedJsonEncoding } from './types.ts';
import { stringToU8a, u8aFixLength } from '';
import { naclDecrypt } from '../nacl/index.ts';import { scryptEncode, scryptFromU8a } from '../scrypt/index.ts';import { ENCODING, NONCE_LENGTH, SCRYPT_LENGTH } from './constants.ts';
export function jsonDecryptData (encrypted?: Uint8Array | null, passphrase?: string | null, encType: EncryptedJsonEncoding[] = ENCODING): Uint8Array { if (!encrypted) { throw new Error('No encrypted data available to decode'); } else if (encType.includes('xsalsa20-poly1305') && !passphrase) { throw new Error('Password required to decode encrypted data'); }
let encoded: Uint8Array | null = encrypted;
if (passphrase) { let password: Uint8Array;
if (encType.includes('scrypt')) { const { params, salt } = scryptFromU8a(encrypted);
password = scryptEncode(passphrase, salt, params).password; encrypted = encrypted.subarray(SCRYPT_LENGTH); } else { password = stringToU8a(passphrase); }
encoded = naclDecrypt( encrypted.subarray(NONCE_LENGTH), encrypted.subarray(0, NONCE_LENGTH), u8aFixLength(password, 256, true) ); }
if (!encoded) { throw new Error('Unable to decode using the supplied passphrase'); }
return encoded;}