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import type { HexString } from '';
import { u8aToU8a } from '';import { vrfVerify } from '';
const EMPTY_U8A = new Uint8Array();
/** * @name sr25519VrfVerify * @description Verify with sr25519 vrf verification */export function sr25519VrfVerify (message: HexString | Uint8Array | string, signOutput: HexString | string | Uint8Array, publicKey: HexString | Uint8Array | string, context: HexString | string | Uint8Array = EMPTY_U8A, extra: HexString | string | Uint8Array = EMPTY_U8A): boolean { const publicKeyU8a = u8aToU8a(publicKey); const proofU8a = u8aToU8a(signOutput);
if (publicKeyU8a.length !== 32) { throw new Error('Invalid publicKey, expected 32-bytes'); } else if (proofU8a.length !== 96) { throw new Error('Invalid vrfSign output, expected 96 bytes'); }
return vrfVerify(publicKeyU8a, u8aToU8a(context), u8aToU8a(message), u8aToU8a(extra), proofU8a);}