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import vendor from "./vendor.js";import Declaration from "./declaration.js";import Resolution from "./resolution.js";import Transition from "./transition.js";import Processor from "./processor.js";import Supports from "./supports.js";import Browsers from "./browsers.js";import Selector from "./selector.js";import AtRule from "./at-rule.js";import Value from "./value.js";import * as utils from "./utils.js";import hackFullscreen from "./hacks/fullscreen.js";import hackPlaceholder from "./hacks/placeholder.js";import hackPlaceholderShown from "./hacks/placeholder-shown.js";import hackFileSelectorButton from "./hacks/file-selector-button.js";import hackFlex from "./hacks/flex.js";import hackOrder from "./hacks/order.js";import hackFilter from "./hacks/filter.js";import hackGridEnd from "./hacks/grid-end.js";import hackAnimation from "./hacks/animation.js";import hackFlexFlow from "./hacks/flex-flow.js";import hackFlexGrow from "./hacks/flex-grow.js";import hackFlexWrap from "./hacks/flex-wrap.js";import hackGridArea from "./hacks/grid-area.js";import hackPlaceSelf from "./hacks/place-self.js";import hackGridStart from "./hacks/grid-start.js";import hackAlignSelf from "./hacks/align-self.js";import hackAppearance from "./hacks/appearance.js";import hackFlexBasis from "./hacks/flex-basis.js";import hackMaskBorder from "./hacks/mask-border.js";import hackMaskComposite from "./hacks/mask-composite.js";import hackAlignItems from "./hacks/align-items.js";import hackUserSelect from "./hacks/user-select.js";import hackFlexShrink from "./hacks/flex-shrink.js";import hackBreakProps from "./hacks/break-props.js";import hackWritingMode from "./hacks/writing-mode.js";import hackBorderImage from "./hacks/border-image.js";import hackAlignContent from "./hacks/align-content.js";import hackBorderRadius from "./hacks/border-radius.js";import hackBlockLogical from "./hacks/block-logical.js";import hackGridTemplate from "./hacks/grid-template.js";import hackInlineLogical from "./hacks/inline-logical.js";import hackGridRowAlign from "./hacks/grid-row-align.js";import hackTransformDecl from "./hacks/transform-decl.js";import hackFlexDirection from "./hacks/flex-direction.js";import hackImageRendering from "./hacks/image-rendering.js";import hackBackdropFilter from "./hacks/backdrop-filter.js";import hackBackgroundClip from "./hacks/background-clip.js";import hackTextDecoration from "./hacks/text-decoration.js";import hackJustifyContent from "./hacks/justify-content.js";import hackBackgroundSize from "./hacks/background-size.js";import hackGridRowColumn from "./hacks/grid-row-column.js";import hackGridRowsColumns from "./hacks/grid-rows-columns.js";import hackGridColumnAlign from "./hacks/grid-column-align.js";import hackPrintColorAdjust from "./hacks/print-color-adjust.js";import hackOverscrollBehavior from "./hacks/overscroll-behavior.js";import hackGridTemplateAreas from "./hacks/grid-template-areas.js";import hackTextEmphasisPosition from "./hacks/text-emphasis-position.js";import hackTextDecorationSkipInk from "./hacks/text-decoration-skip-ink.js";import hackGradient from "./hacks/gradient.js";import hackIntrinsic from "./hacks/intrinsic.js";import hackPixelated from "./hacks/pixelated.js";import hackImageSet from "./hacks/image-set.js";import hackCrossFade from "./hacks/cross-fade.js";import hackDisplayFlex from "./hacks/display-flex.js";import hackDisplayGrid from "./hacks/display-grid.js";import hackFilterValue from "./hacks/filter-value.js";import hackAutofill from "./hacks/autofill.js";
let declsCache = new Map();
class Prefixes { constructor(data, browsers, options = {}) { = data; this.browsers = browsers; this.options = options; [this.add, this.remove] = this.preprocess(; this.transition = new Transition(this); this.processor = new Processor(this); }
/** * Return clone instance to remove all prefixes */ cleaner() { if (this.cleanerCache) { return this.cleanerCache; }
if (this.browsers.selected.length) { let empty = new Browsers(, []); this.cleanerCache = new Prefixes(, empty, this.options); } else { return this; }
return this.cleanerCache; }
/** * Select prefixes from data, which is necessary for selected browsers */ select(list) { let selected = { add: {}, remove: {} };
for (let name in list) { let data = list[name]; let add = => { let params = i.split(" "); return { browser: `${params[0]} ${params[1]}`, note: params[2], }; });
let notes = add .filter((i) => i.note) .map((i) => `${this.browsers.prefix(i.browser)} ${i.note}`); notes = utils.uniq(notes);
add = add .filter((i) => this.browsers.isSelected(i.browser)) .map((i) => { let prefix = this.browsers.prefix(i.browser); if (i.note) { return `${prefix} ${i.note}`; } else { return prefix; } }); add = this.sort(utils.uniq(add));
if (this.options.flexbox === "no-2009") { add = add.filter((i) => !i.includes("2009")); }
let all = => this.browsers.prefix(i)); if (data.mistakes) { all = all.concat(data.mistakes); } all = all.concat(notes); all = utils.uniq(all);
if (add.length) { selected.add[name] = add; if (add.length < all.length) { selected.remove[name] = all.filter((i) => !add.includes(i)); } } else { selected.remove[name] = all; } }
return selected; }
/** * Sort vendor prefixes */ sort(prefixes) { return prefixes.sort((a, b) => { let aLength = utils.removeNote(a).length; let bLength = utils.removeNote(b).length;
if (aLength === bLength) { return b.length - a.length; } else { return bLength - aLength; } }); }
/** * Cache prefixes data to fast CSS processing */ preprocess(selected) { let add = { "selectors": [], "@supports": new Supports(Prefixes, this), }; for (let name in selected.add) { let prefixes = selected.add[name]; if (name === "@keyframes" || name === "@viewport") { add[name] = new AtRule(name, prefixes, this); } else if (name === "@resolution") { add[name] = new Resolution(name, prefixes, this); } else if ([name].selector) { add.selectors.push(Selector.load(name, prefixes, this)); } else { let props =[name].props;
if (props) { let value = Value.load(name, prefixes, this); for (let prop of props) { if (!add[prop]) { add[prop] = { values: [] }; } add[prop].values.push(value); } } else { let values = (add[name] && add[name].values) || []; add[name] = Declaration.load(name, prefixes, this); add[name].values = values; } } }
let remove = { selectors: [] }; for (let name in selected.remove) { let prefixes = selected.remove[name]; if ([name].selector) { let selector = Selector.load(name, prefixes); for (let prefix of prefixes) { remove.selectors.push(selector.old(prefix)); } } else if (name === "@keyframes" || name === "@viewport") { for (let prefix of prefixes) { let prefixed = `@${prefix}${name.slice(1)}`; remove[prefixed] = { remove: true }; } } else if (name === "@resolution") { remove[name] = new Resolution(name, prefixes, this); } else { let props =[name].props; if (props) { let value = Value.load(name, [], this); for (let prefix of prefixes) { let old = value.old(prefix); if (old) { for (let prop of props) { if (!remove[prop]) { remove[prop] = {}; } if (!remove[prop].values) { remove[prop].values = []; } remove[prop].values.push(old); } } } } else { for (let p of prefixes) { let olds = this.decl(name).old(name, p); if (name === "align-self") { let a = add[name] && add[name].prefixes; if (a) { if (p === "-webkit- 2009" && a.includes("-webkit-")) { continue; } else if (p === "-webkit-" && a.includes("-webkit- 2009")) { continue; } } } for (let prefixed of olds) { if (!remove[prefixed]) { remove[prefixed] = {}; } remove[prefixed].remove = true; } } } } }
return [add, remove]; }
/** * Declaration loader with caching */ decl(prop) { if (!declsCache.has(prop)) { declsCache.set(prop, Declaration.load(prop)); }
return declsCache.get(prop); }
/** * Return unprefixed version of property */ unprefixed(prop) { let value = this.normalize(vendor.unprefixed(prop)); if (value === "flex-direction") { value = "flex-flow"; } return value; }
/** * Normalize prefix for remover */ normalize(prop) { return this.decl(prop).normalize(prop); }
/** * Return prefixed version of property */ prefixed(prop, prefix) { prop = vendor.unprefixed(prop); return this.decl(prop).prefixed(prop, prefix); }
/** * Return values, which must be prefixed in selected property */ values(type, prop) { let data = this[type];
let global = data["*"] && data["*"].values; let values = data[prop] && data[prop].values;
if (global && values) { return utils.uniq(global.concat(values)); } else { return global || values || []; } }
/** * Group declaration by unprefixed property to check them */ group(decl) { let rule = decl.parent; let index = rule.index(decl); let { length } = rule.nodes; let unprefixed = this.unprefixed(decl.prop);
let checker = (step, callback) => { index += step; while (index >= 0 && index < length) { let other = rule.nodes[index]; if (other.type === "decl") { if (step === -1 && other.prop === unprefixed) { if (!Browsers.withPrefix(other.value)) { break; } }
if (this.unprefixed(other.prop) !== unprefixed) { break; } else if (callback(other) === true) { return true; }
if (step === +1 && other.prop === unprefixed) { if (!Browsers.withPrefix(other.value)) { break; } } }
index += step; } return false; };
return { up(callback) { return checker(-1, callback); }, down(callback) { return checker(+1, callback); }, }; }}
export default Prefixes;