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Specify font formats as keywords in CSS
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// node(postcss-value-parser)import valueParser from '';
const keywords = [ 'woff', 'truetype', 'opentype', 'woff2', 'embedded-opentype', 'collection', 'svg',];
function postcssFontFormatKeywords({ preserve = false } = {}) { return { postcssPlugin: 'postcss-font-format-keywords', AtRule: { 'font-face'(atRule) { if ( !== 'font-face') return; // case-sensitive
atRule.walkDecls('src', (decl) => { if (!decl.value.includes('format(')) return; // skip useless parsing
const val = valueParser(decl.value);
val.walk((node) => { if (node.type !== 'function' || node.value !== 'format') return;
node.nodes.forEach((child) => { if (child.type !== 'word' || !keywords.includes(child.value)) { return; }
child.value = valueParser.stringify({ type: 'string', value: child.value, quote: '"', }); }); });
if (preserve) { decl.cloneBefore({ value: val.toString() }); } else { decl.value = val.toString(); } }); }, }, };}
postcssFontFormatKeywords.postcss = true;
export default postcssFontFormatKeywords;