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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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deno-postgres is a lightweight PostgreSQL driver for Deno focused on user experience. It provides abstractions for most common operations such as typed queries, prepared statements, connection pools and transactions.

import { Client } from "";

const client = new Client({
  user: "user",
  database: "test",
  hostname: "localhost",
  port: 5432,
await client.connect();

const array_result = await client.queryArray("SELECT ID, NAME FROM PEOPLE");
console.log(array_result.rows); // [[1, 'Carlos'], [2, 'John'], ...]

const object_result = await client.queryObject("SELECT ID, NAME FROM PEOPLE");
console.log(object_result.rows); // [{id: 1, name: 'Carlos'}, {id: 2, name: 'John'}, ...]

await client.end();

Connection Management

Connecting to DB

import { Client } from "";

let config;

// You can use the connection interface to set the connection properties
config = {
  applicationName: "my_custom_app",
  database: "test",
  hostname: "localhost",
  password: "password",
  port: 5432,
  user: "user",
  tls: {
    enforce: false,

// Alternatively you can use a connection string
config =

const client = new Client(config);
await client.connect();
await client.end();

The values required to connect to the database can be read directly from environmental variables, given the case that the user doesn’t provide them while initializing the client. The only requirement for this variables to be read is for Deno to be run with --allow-env permissions

The env variables that the client will recognize are taken from libpq to keep consistency with other PostgreSQL clients out there (see

// PGUSER=user PGPASSWORD=admin PGDATABASE=test deno run --allow-net --allow-env --unstable database.js
import { Client } from "";

const client = new Client();
await client.connect();
await client.end();

SSL/TLS connection

Using a database that supports TLS is quite simple. After providing your connection parameters, the client will check if the database accepts encrypted connections and will attempt to connect with the parameters provided. If the connection is succesful, the following transactions will be carried over TLS.

However, if the connection fails for whatever reason the user can choose to terminate the connection or to attempt to connect using a non-encrypted one. This behavior can be defined using the connection parameter tls.enforce (not available if using a connection string).

If set to true, the driver will fail inmediately if no TLS connection can be established. If set to false the driver will attempt to connect without encryption after TLS connection has failed, but will display a warning containing the reason why the TLS connection failed. This is the default configuration.

Sadly, stablishing a TLS connection in the way Postgres requires it isn’t possible without the Deno.startTls API, which is currently marked as unstable. This is a situation that will be solved once this API is stabilized, however I don’t have an estimated time of when that might happen.


Clients are the most basic block for establishing communication with your database. They provide abstractions over queries, transactions and connection management. In deno-postgres, similar clients such as the transaction and pool client inherit it’s functionality from the basic client, so the available methods will be very similar across implementations.

You can create a new client by providing the required connection parameters:

const client = new Client(connection_parameters);
await client.connect();
await client.queryArray`UPDATE MY_TABLE SET MY_FIELD = 0`;
await client.end();

The basic client does not provide any concurrency features, meaning that in order to execute two queries simultaneously, you would need to create two different clients that can communicate with your database without conflicting with each other.

const client_1 = new Client(connection_parameters);
await client_1.connect();
// Even if operations are not awaited, they will be executed in the order they were
// scheduled
client_1.queryArray`UPDATE MY_TABLE SET MY_FIELD = 0`;
client_1.queryArray`DELETE FROM MY_TABLE`;

const client_2 = new Client(connection_parameters);
await client_2.connect();
// `client_2` will execute it's queries in parallel to `client_1`
const { rows: result } = await client_2.queryArray`SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE`;

await client_1.end();
await client_2.end();

Ending a client will cause it to destroy it’s connection with the database, forcing you to reconnect in order to execute operations again. In Postgres, connections are a synonym for session, which means that temporal operations such as the creation of temporal tables or the use of the PG_TEMP schema will not be persisted after your connection is terminated.


For stronger management and scalability, you can use pools:

const dbPool = new Pool({
  database: "database",
  hostname: "hostname",
  password: "password",
  port: 5432,
  user: "user",

const client = await dbPool.connect(); // 19 connections are still available
await client.queryArray`UPDATE X SET Y = 'Z'`;
await client.release(); // This connection is now available for use again

The number of pools is up to you, but a pool of 20 is good for small applications, this can differ based on how active your application is. Increase or decrease where necessary.

Clients vs connection pools

Each pool eagerly creates as many connections as requested, allowing you to execute several queries concurrently. This also improves performance, since creating a whole new connection for each query can be an expensive operation, making pools stand out from clients when dealing with concurrent, reusable connections.

// Open 4 connections at once
const pool = new Pool(db_params, 4);

// This connections are already open, so there will be no overhead here
const pool_client_1 = await pool.connect();
const pool_client_2 = await pool.connect();
const pool_client_3 = await pool.connect();
const pool_client_4 = await pool.connect();

// Each one of these will have to open a new connection and they won't be
// reusable after the client is closed
const client_1 = new Client(db_params);
await client_1.connect();
const client_2 = new Client(db_params);
await client_2.connect();
const client_3 = new Client(db_params);
await client_3.connect();
const client_4 = new Client(db_params);
await client_4.connect();

Lazy pools

Another good option is to create such connections on demand and have them available after creation. That way, one of the available connections will be used instead of creating a new one. You can do this by indicating the pool to start each connection lazily.

const pool = new Pool(db_params, 4, true); // `true` indicates lazy connections

// A new connection is created when requested
const client_1 = await pool.connect();

// No new connection is created, previously initialized one is available
const client_2 = await pool.connect();

// A new connection is created because all the other ones are in use
const client_3 = await pool.connect();

await client_2.release();
await client_3.release();

Pools made simple

The following example is a simple abstraction over pools that allow you to execute one query and release the used client after returning the result in a single function call

async function runQuery(query: string) {
  const client = await pool.connect();
  const result = await client.queryObject(query);
  return result;

await runQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM users"); // [{id: 1, name: 'Carlos'}, {id: 2, name: 'John'}, ...]
await runQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM users WHERE id = '1'"); // [{id: 1, name: 'Carlos'}, {id: 2, name: 'John'}, ...]



Simple query

const result = await client.queryArray("SELECT ID, NAME FROM PEOPLE");

Prepared statement

  const result = await client.queryArray(

  // equivalent using QueryConfig interface
  const result = await client.queryArray({
    args: [10, 20],

Prepared statement with template strings

  const result = await client.queryArray

  const min = 10;
  const max = 20;
  const result = await client.queryObject
Why use template strings?

Template string queries get executed as prepared statements, which protects your SQL against injection to a certain degree (see

Also, they are easier to write and read than plain SQL queries and are more compact than using the QueryOptions interface

For example, template strings can turn the following:

await client.queryObject({
  args: [10, 20],

Into a much more readable:

await client.queryObject

However, a limitation of template strings is that you can’t pass any parameters provided by the QueryOptions interface, so the only options you have available are really text and args to execute your query

Generic Parameters

Both the queryArray and queryObject functions have a generic implementation that allow users to type the result of the query

  const array_result = await client.queryArray<[number, string]>(
  // [number, string]
  const person = array_result.rows[0];

  const array_result = await client.queryArray<[number, string]>
  // [number, string]
  const person = array_result.rows[0];

  const object_result = await client.queryObject<{ id: number; name: string }>(
  // {id: number, name: string}
  const person = object_result.rows[0];

  const object_result = await client.queryObject<{ id: number; name: string }>
  // {id: number, name: string}
  const person = object_result.rows[0];

Object query

The queryObject function allows you to return the results of the executed query as a set objects, allowing easy management with interface like types.

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

const result = await client.queryObject<User>(

// User[]
const users = result.rows;

However, the actual values of the query are determined by the aliases given to those columns inside the query, so executing something like the following will result in a totally different result to the one the user might expect

const result = await client.queryObject(

const users = result.rows; // [{id: 1, substr: 'Ca'}, {id: 2, substr: 'Jo'}, ...]

To deal with this issue, it’s recommended to provide a field list that maps to the expected properties we want in the resulting object

const result = await client.queryObject(
    fields: ["id", "name"],

const users = result.rows; // [{id: 1, name: 'Ca'}, {id: 2, name: 'Jo'}, ...]

Don’t use TypeScript generics to map these properties, this generics only exist at compile time and won’t affect the final outcome of the query

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

const result = await client.queryObject<User>(

const users = result.rows; // TypeScript says this will be User[]
console.log(rows); // [{id: 1, substr: 'Ca'}, {id: 2, substr: 'Jo'}, ...]

// Don't trust TypeScript :)

Other aspects to take into account when using the fields argument:

  • The fields will be matched in the order they were declared
  • The fields will override any alias in the query
  • These field properties must be unique (case insensitive), otherwise the query will throw before execution
  • The fields must match the number of fields returned on the query, otherwise the query will throw on execution
  // This will throw because the property id is duplicated
  await client.queryObject(
      text: "SELECT ID, SUBSTR(NAME, 0, 2) FROM PEOPLE",
      fields: ["id", "ID"],

  // This will throw because the returned number of columns don't match the
  // number of defined ones in the function call
  await client.queryObject(
      text: "SELECT ID, SUBSTR(NAME, 0, 2) FROM PEOPLE",
      fields: ["id", "name", "something_else"],


A lot of effort was put into abstracting Transactions in the library, and the final result is an API that is both simple to use and offers all of the options and features that you would get by executing SQL statements, plus and extra layer of abstraction that helps you catch mistakes ahead of time.

Creating a transaction

Both simple clients and connection pools are capable of creating transactions, and they work in a similar fashion internally.

const transaction = my_client.createTransaction("transaction_1", {
  isolation_level: "repeatable_read",

await transaction.begin();
// Safe operations that can be rolled back if the result is not the expected
await transaction.queryArray`UPDATE TABLE X SET Y = 1`;
// All changes are saved
await transaction.commit();

Transaction operations vs client operations

Transaction locks

Due to how SQL transactions work, everytime you begin a transaction all queries you do in your session will run inside that transaction context. This is a problem for query execution since it might cause queries that are meant to do persistent changes to the database to live inside this context, making them susceptible to be rolled back unintentionally. We will call this kind of queries unsafe operations.

Everytime you create a transaction the client you use will get a lock, with the purpose of blocking any external queries from running while a transaction takes course, effectively avoiding all unsafe operations.

const transaction = my_client.createTransaction("transaction_1");

await transaction.begin();
await transaction.queryArray`UPDATE TABLE X SET Y = 1`;
// Oops, the client is locked out, this operation will throw
await my_client.queryArray`DELETE TABLE X`;
// Client is released after the transaction ends
await transaction.commit();

// Operations in the main client can now be executed normally
await client.queryArray`DELETE TABLE X`;

For this very reason however, if you are using transactions in an application with concurrent access like an API, it is recommended that you don’t use the Client API at all. If you do so, the client will be blocked from executing other queries until the transaction has finished. Instead of that, use a connection pool, that way all your operations will be executed in a different context without locking the main client.

const client_1 = await pool.connect();
const client_2 = await pool.connect();

const transaction = client_1.createTransaction("transaction_1");

await transaction.begin();
await transaction.queryArray`UPDATE TABLE X SET Y = 1`;
// Code that is meant to be executed concurrently, will run normally
await client_2.queryArray`DELETE TABLE Z`;
await transaction.commit();

await client_1.release();
await client_2.release();
Transaction errors

When you are inside a Transaction block in PostgreSQL, reaching an error is terminal for the transaction. Executing the following in PostgreSQL will cause all changes to be undone and the transaction to become unusable until it has ended.


SELECT []; -- Syntax error, transaction will abort
SELECT ID FROM MY_TABLE; -- Will attempt to execute, but will fail cause transaction was aborted

COMMIT; -- Transaction will end, but no changes to MY_TABLE will be made

However, due to how JavaScript works we can handle this kinds of errors in a more fashionable way. All failed queries inside a transaction will automatically end it and release the main client.

 * This function will return a boolean regarding the transaction completion status
function executeMyTransaction() {
  try {
    const transaction = client.createTransaction("abortable");
    await transaction.begin();

    await transaction.queryArray`UPDATE MY_TABLE SET NAME = 'Nicolas'`;
    await transaction.queryArray`SELECT []`; // Error will be thrown, transaction will be aborted
    await transaction.queryArray`SELECT ID FROM MY_TABLE`; // Won't even attempt to execute

    await transaction.commit(); // Don't even need it, transaction was already ended
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

  return true;

This limits only to database related errors though, regular errors won’t end the connection and may allow the user to execute a different code path. This is specially good for ahead of time validation errors such as the ones found in the rollback and savepoint features.

const transaction = client.createTransaction("abortable");
await transaction.begin();

let savepoint;
  // Oops, savepoints can't start with a number
  // Validation error, transaction won't be ended
  savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("1");
  // We validate the error was not related to transaction execution
  if(!(e instance of TransactionError)){
    // We create a good savepoint we can use
    savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("a_valid_name");
    throw e;

// Transaction is still open and good to go
await transaction.queryArray`UPDATE MY_TABLE SET NAME = 'Nicolas'`;
await transaction.rollback(savepoint); // Undo changes after the savepoint creation

await transaction.commit();

Transaction options

PostgreSQL provides many options to customize the behavior of transactions, such as isolation level, read modes and startup snapshot. All this options can be set by passing a second argument to the startTransaction method

const transaction = client.createTransaction("ts_1", {
  isolation_level: "serializable",
  read_only: true,
  snapshot: "snapshot_code",
Isolation Level

Setting an isolation level protects your transaction from operations that took place after the transaction had begun.

The following is a demonstration. A sensible transaction that loads a table with some very important test results and the students that passed said test. This is a long running operation, and in the meanwhile someone is tasked to cleanup the results from the tests table because it’s taking too much space in the database.

If the transaction were to be executed as it follows, the test results would be lost before the graduated students could be extracted from the original table, causing a mismatch in the data.

const client_1 = await pool.connect();
const client_2 = await pool.connect();

const transaction = client_1.createTransaction("transaction_1");

await transaction.begin();

await transaction.queryArray

// This operation takes several minutes
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO TEST_RESULTS
  WHERE TEST_TYPE = 'final_test'`;

// A third party, whose task is to clean up the test results
// executes this query while the operation above still takes place
await client_2.queryArray`DELETE FROM TESTS WHERE TEST_TYPE = 'final_test'`;

// Test information is gone, no data will be loaded into the graduated students table
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO GRADUATED_STUDENTS
  WHERE TEST_TYPE = 'final_test'
  AND GRADE >= 3.0`;

await transaction.commit();

await client_1.release();
await client_2.release();

In order to ensure scenarios like the above don’t happen, Postgres provides the following levels of transaction isolation:

  • Read committed: This is the normal behavior of a transaction. External changes to the database will be visible inside the transaction once they are committed.

  • Repeatable read: This isolates the transaction in a way that any external changes to the data we are reading won’t be visible inside the transaction until it has finished

    const client_1 = await pool.connect();
    const client_2 = await pool.connect();
    const transaction = await client_1.createTransaction("isolated_transaction", {
      isolation_level: "repeatable_read",
    await transaction.begin();
    // This locks the current value of IMPORTANT_TABLE
    // Up to this point, all other external changes will be included
    const { rows: query_1 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ password: string }>
    const password_1 = rows[0].password;
    // Concurrent operation executed by a different user in a different part of the code
    await client_2.queryArray
      `UPDATE IMPORTANT_TABLE SET PASSWORD = 'something_else' WHERE ID = ${the_same_id}`;
    const { rows: query_2 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ password: string }>
    const password_2 = rows[0].password;
    // Database state is not updated while the transaction is ongoing
    assertEquals(password_1, password_2);
    // Transaction finishes, changes executed outside the transaction are now visible
    await transaction.commit();
    await client_1.release();
    await client_2.release();
  • Serializable: Just like the repeatable read mode, all external changes won’t be visible until the transaction has finished. However this also prevents the current transaction from making persistent changes if the data they were reading at the beginning of the transaction has been modified (recommended)

    const client_1 = await pool.connect();
    const client_2 = await pool.connect();
    const transaction = await client_1.createTransaction("isolated_transaction", {
      isolation_level: "serializable",
    await transaction.begin();
    // This locks the current value of IMPORTANT_TABLE
    // Up to this point, all other external changes will be included
    await transaction.queryObject<{ password: string }>
    // Concurrent operation executed by a different user in a different part of the code
    await client_2.queryArray
      `UPDATE IMPORTANT_TABLE SET PASSWORD = 'something_else' WHERE ID = ${the_same_id}`;
    // This statement will throw
    // Target was modified outside of the transaction
    // User may not be aware of the changes
    await transaction.queryArray
      `UPDATE IMPORTANT_TABLE SET PASSWORD = 'shiny_new_password' WHERE ID = ${the_same_id}`;
    // Transaction is aborted, no need to end it
    await client_1.release();
    await client_2.release();
Read modes

In many cases, and specially when allowing third parties to access data inside your database it might be a good choice to prevent queries from modifying the database in the course of the transaction. You can revoke this write privileges by setting read_only: true in the transaction options. The default for all transactions will be to enable write permission.

const transaction = await client.createTransaction("my_transaction", {
  read_only: true,

One of the most interesting features that Postgres transactions have it’s the ability to share starting point snapshots between them. For example, if you initialized a repeatable read transaction before a particularly sensible change in the database, and you would like to start several transactions with that same before-the-change state you can do the following:

const snapshot = await ongoing_transaction.getSnapshot();

const new_transaction = client.createTransaction("new_transaction", {
  isolation_level: "repeatable_read",
// new_transaction now shares the same starting state that ongoing_transaction had

Transaction features


Committing a transaction will persist all changes made inside it, releasing the client from which the transaction spawned and allowing for normal operations to take place.

const transaction = client.createTransaction("successful_transaction");
await transaction.begin();
await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DELETE_ME`;
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
await transaction.commit(); // All changes are persisted, client is released

However, what if we intended to commit the previous changes without ending the transaction? The commit method provides a chain option that allows us to continue in the transaction after the changes have been persisted as demonstrated here:

const transaction = client.createTransaction("successful_transaction");
await transaction.begin();

await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DELETE_ME`;
await transaction.commit({ chain: true }); // Changes are committed

// Still inside the transaction
// Rolling back or aborting here won't affect the previous operation
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
await transaction.commit(); // Changes are committed, client is released

Savepoints are a powerful feature that allows us to keep track of transaction operations, and if we want to, undo said specific changes without having to reset the whole transaction.

const transaction = client.createTransaction("successful_transaction");
await transaction.begin();

await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DONT_DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("before_delete");

await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`; // Oops, I didn't mean that
await transaction.rollback(savepoint); // Truncate is undone, insert is still applied

// Transaction goes on as usual
await transaction.commit();

A savepoint can also have multiple positions inside a transaction, and we can accomplish that by using the update method of a savepoint.

await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DONT_DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("before_delete");

await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`;
await savepoint.update(savepoint); // If I rollback savepoint now, it won't undo the truncate

However, if we wanted to undo one of these updates we could use the release method in the savepoint to undo the last update and access the previous point of that savepoint.

await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DONT_DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("before_delete");

await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`;
await savepoint.update(savepoint); // Actually, I didn't meant this

await savepoint.release(); // The savepoint is again the first one we set
await transaction.rollback(savepoint); // Truncate gets undone

A rollback allows the user to end the transaction without persisting the changes made to the database, preventing that way any unwanted operation to take place.

const transaction = client.createTransaction("rolled_back_transaction");
await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`; // Oops, wrong table
await transaction.rollback(); // No changes are applied, transaction ends

You can also localize those changes to be undone using the savepoint feature as explained above in the Savepoint documentation.

const transaction = client.createTransaction(
await transaction.savepoint("undo");
await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`; // Oops, wrong table
await transaction.rollback("undo"); // Truncate is rolled back, transaction continues
await transaction.end();

If we intended to rollback all changes but still continue in the current transaction, we can use the chain option in a similar fashion to how we would do it in the commit method.

const transaction = client.createTransaction("rolled_back_transaction");
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DONT_DELETE_ME VALUES (1)`;
await transaction.queryArray`TRUNCATE TABLE DONT_DELETE_ME`;
await transaction.rollback({ chain: true }); // All changes get undone
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO DONT_DELETE_ME VALUES (2)`; // Still inside the transaction
await transaction.end();