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Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
Very Popular
import { Buffer } from ''import process from ''import { exec } from './bootstrap.js'
import { t, nt, ot } from './test.js' // eslint-disable-lineimport { net } from '../polyfills.js'import fs from ''import crypto from ''
import postgres from '../src/index.js'const delay = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
const rel = x => new URL(x, import.meta.url)const idle_timeout = 1
const login = { user: 'postgres_js_test'}
const login_md5 = { user: 'postgres_js_test_md5', pass: 'postgres_js_test_md5'}
const login_scram = { user: 'postgres_js_test_scram', pass: 'postgres_js_test_scram'}
const options = { db: 'postgres_js_test', user: login.user, pass: login.pass, idle_timeout, connect_timeout: 1, max: 1}
const sql = postgres(options)
t('Connects with no options', async() => { const sql = postgres({ max: 1 })
const result = (await sql`select 1 as x`)[0].x await sql.end()
return [1, result]})
t('Uses default database without slash', async() => { const sql = postgres('postgres://localhost') return [sql.options.user, sql.options.database]})
t('Uses default database with slash', async() => { const sql = postgres('postgres://localhost/') return [sql.options.user, sql.options.database]})
t('Result is array', async() => [true, Array.isArray(await sql`select 1`)])
t('Result has count', async() => [1, (await sql`select 1`).count])
t('Result has command', async() => ['SELECT', (await sql`select 1`).command])
t('Create table', async() => ['CREATE TABLE', (await sql`create table test(int int)`).command, await sql`drop table test`])
t('Drop table', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { await sql`create table test(int int)` return ['DROP TABLE', (await sql`drop table test`).command]})
t('null', async() => [null, (await sql`select ${ null } as x`)[0].x])
t('Integer', async() => ['1', (await sql`select ${ 1 } as x`)[0].x])
t('String', async() => ['hello', (await sql`select ${ 'hello' } as x`)[0].x])
t('Boolean false', async() => [false, (await sql`select ${ false } as x`)[0].x])
t('Boolean true', async() => [true, (await sql`select ${ true } as x`)[0].x])
t('Date', async() => { const now = new Date() return [0, now - (await sql`select ${ now } as x`)[0].x]})
t('Json', async() => { const x = (await sql`select ${ sql.json({ a: 'hello', b: 42 }) } as x`)[0].x return ['hello,42', [x.a, x.b].join()]})
t('implicit json', async() => { const x = (await sql`select ${ { a: 'hello', b: 42 } }::json as x`)[0].x return ['hello,42', [x.a, x.b].join()]})
t('implicit jsonb', async() => { const x = (await sql`select ${ { a: 'hello', b: 42 } }::jsonb as x`)[0].x return ['hello,42', [x.a, x.b].join()]})
t('Empty array', async() => [true, Array.isArray((await sql`select ${ sql.array([], 1009) } as x`)[0].x)])
t('String array', async() => ['123', (await sql`select ${ '{1,2,3}' }::int[] as x`)[0].x.join('')])
t('Array of Integer', async() => ['3', (await sql`select ${ sql.array([1, 2, 3]) } as x`)[0].x[2]])
t('Array of String', async() => ['c', (await sql`select ${ sql.array(['a', 'b', 'c']) } as x`)[0].x[2]])
t('Array of Date', async() => { const now = new Date() return [now.getTime(), (await sql`select ${ sql.array([now, now, now]) } as x`)[0].x[2].getTime()]})
t('Array of Box', async() => [ '(3,4),(1,2);(6,7),(4,5)', (await sql`select ${ '{(1,2),(3,4);(4,5),(6,7)}' }::box[] as x`)[0].x.join(';')])
t('Nested array n2', async() => ['4', (await sql`select ${ sql.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) } as x`)[0].x[1][1]])
t('Nested array n3', async() => ['6', (await sql`select ${ sql.array([[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]], [[5, 6]]]) } as x`)[0].x[2][0][1]])
t('Escape in arrays', async() => ['Hello "you",c:\\windows', (await sql`select ${ sql.array(['Hello "you"', 'c:\\windows']) } as x`)[0].x.join(',')])
t('Escapes', async() => { return ['hej"hej', Object.keys((await sql`select 1 as ${ sql('hej"hej') }`)[0])[0]]})
t('null for int', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` return [1, (await sql`insert into test values(${ null })`).count, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Throws on illegal transactions', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, max: 2, fetch_types: false }) const error = await sql`begin`.catch(e => e) return [ error.code, 'UNSAFE_TRANSACTION' ]})
t('Transaction throws', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` return ['22P02', await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql`insert into test values('hej')` }).catch(x => x.code), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction rolls back', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql`insert into test values('hej')` }).catch(() => { /* ignore */ }) return [0, (await sql`select a from test`).count, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction throws on uncaught savepoint', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)`
return ['fail', (await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql.savepoint(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(2)` throw new Error('fail') }) }).catch((err) => err.message)), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction throws on uncaught named savepoint', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)`
return ['fail', (await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql.savepoit('watpoint', async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(2)` throw new Error('fail') }) }).catch(() => 'fail')), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction succeeds on caught savepoint', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql.savepoint(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(2)` throw new Error('please rollback') }).catch(() => { /* ignore */ }) await sql`insert into test values(3)` })
return ['2', (await sql`select count(1) from test`)[0].count, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Savepoint returns Result', async() => { let result await sql.begin(async sql => { result = await sql.savepoint(sql => sql`select 1 as x` ) })
return [1, result[0].x]})
t('Prepared transaction', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)`
await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql.prepare('tx1') })
await sql`commit prepared 'tx1'`
return ['1', (await sql`select count(1) from test`)[0].count, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction requests are executed implicitly', async() => { const sql = postgres({ debug: true, idle_timeout: 1, fetch_types: false }) return [ 'testing', (await sql.begin(sql => [ sql`select set_config('postgres_js.test', 'testing', true)`, sql`select current_setting('postgres_js.test') as x` ]))[1][0].x ]})
t('Uncaught transaction request errors bubbles to transaction', async() => [ '42703', (await sql.begin(sql => [ sql`select wat`, sql`select current_setting('postgres_js.test') as x, ${ 1 } as a` ]).catch(e => e.code))])
t('Fragments in transactions', async() => [ true, (await sql.begin(sql => sql`select true as x where ${ sql`1=1` }`))[0].x])
t('Transaction rejects with rethrown error', async() => [ 'WAT', await sql.begin(async sql => { try { await sql`select exception` } catch (ex) { throw new Error('WAT') } }).catch(e => e.message)])
t('Parallel transactions', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` return ['11', (await Promise.all([ sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1`), sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1`) ])).map(x => x.count).join(''), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Many transactions at beginning of connection', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const xs = await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 100 }, () => sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1`))) return [100, xs.length]})
t('Transactions array', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)`
return ['11', (await sql.begin(sql => [ sql`select 1`.then(x => x), sql`select 1` ])).map(x => x.count).join(''), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transaction waits', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql.savepoint(async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(2)` throw new Error('please rollback') }).catch(() => { /* ignore */ }) await sql`insert into test values(3)` })
return ['11', (await Promise.all([ sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1`), sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1`) ])).map(x => x.count).join(''), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Helpers in Transaction', async() => { return ['1', (await sql.begin(async sql => await sql`select ${ sql({ x: 1 }) }` ))[0].x]})
t('Undefined values throws', async() => { let error
await sql` select ${ undefined } as x `.catch(x => error = x.code)
return ['UNDEFINED_VALUE', error]})
t('Transform undefined', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { undefined: null } }) return [null, (await sql`select ${ undefined } as x`)[0].x]})
t('Transform undefined in array', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { undefined: null } }) return [null, (await sql`select * from (values ${ sql([undefined, undefined]) }) as x(x, y)`)[0].y]})
t('Null sets to null', async() => [null, (await sql`select ${ null } as x`)[0].x])
t('Throw syntax error', async() => ['42601', (await sql`wat 1`.catch(x => x)).code])
t('Connect using uri', async() => [true, await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sql = postgres('postgres://' + login.user + ':' + (login.pass || '') + '@localhost:5432/' + options.db, { idle_timeout }) sql`select 1`.then(() => resolve(true), reject) })])
t('Options from uri with special characters in user and pass', async() => { const opt = postgres({ user: 'öla', pass: 'pass^word' }).options return [[opt.user, opt.pass].toString(), 'öla,pass^word']})
t('Fail with proper error on no host', async() => ['ECONNREFUSED', (await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sql = postgres('postgres://localhost:33333/' + options.db, { idle_timeout }) sql`select 1`.then(reject, resolve) })).code])
t('Connect using SSL', async() => [true, (await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { postgres({ ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }, idle_timeout })`select 1`.then(() => resolve(true), reject) }))])
t('Connect using SSL require', async() => [true, (await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { postgres({ ssl: 'require', idle_timeout })`select 1`.then(() => resolve(true), reject) }))])
t('Connect using SSL prefer', async() => { await exec('psql', ['-c', 'alter system set ssl=off']) await exec('psql', ['-c', 'select pg_reload_conf()'])
const sql = postgres({ ssl: 'prefer', idle_timeout })
return [ 1, (await sql`select 1 as x`)[0].x, await exec('psql', ['-c', 'alter system set ssl=on']), await exec('psql', ['-c', 'select pg_reload_conf()']) ]})
t('Reconnect using SSL', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { const sql = postgres({ ssl: 'require', idle_timeout: 0.1 })
await sql`select 1` await delay(200)
return [1, (await sql`select 1 as x`)[0].x]})
t('Login without password', async() => { return [true, (await postgres({ ...options, ...login })`select true as x`)[0].x]})
t('Login using MD5', async() => { return [true, (await postgres({ ...options, ...login_md5 })`select true as x`)[0].x]})
t('Login using scram-sha-256', async() => { return [true, (await postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram })`select true as x`)[0].x]})
t('Parallel connections using scram-sha-256', { timeout: 2}, async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram }) return [true, (await Promise.all([ sql`select true as x, pg_sleep(0.01)`, sql`select true as x, pg_sleep(0.01)`, sql`select true as x, pg_sleep(0.01)` ]))[0][0].x]})
t('Support dynamic password function', async() => { return [true, (await postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram, pass: () => 'postgres_js_test_scram' })`select true as x`)[0].x]})
t('Support dynamic async password function', async() => { return [true, (await postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram, pass: () => Promise.resolve('postgres_js_test_scram') })`select true as x`)[0].x]})
t('Point type', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, types: { point: { to: 600, from: [600], serialize: ([x, y]) => '(' + x + ',' + y + ')', parse: (x) => x.slice(1, -1).split(',').map(x => +x) } } })
await sql`create table test (x point)` await sql`insert into test (x) values (${ sql.types.point([10, 20]) })` return [20, (await sql`select x from test`)[0].x[1], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Point type array', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, types: { point: { to: 600, from: [600], serialize: ([x, y]) => '(' + x + ',' + y + ')', parse: (x) => x.slice(1, -1).split(',').map(x => +x) } } })
await sql`create table test (x point[])` await sql`insert into test (x) values (${ sql.array([sql.types.point([10, 20]), sql.types.point([20, 30])]) })` return [30, (await sql`select x from test`)[0].x[1][1], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('sql file', async() => [1, (await sql.file(rel('select.sql')))[0].x])
t('sql file has forEach', async() => { let result await sql .file(rel('select.sql'), { cache: false }) .forEach(({ x }) => result = x)
return [1, result]})
t('sql file throws', async() => ['ENOENT', (await sql.file(rel('selectomondo.sql')).catch(x => x.code))])
t('sql file cached', async() => { await sql.file(rel('select.sql')) await delay(20)
return [1, (await sql.file(rel('select.sql')))[0].x]})
t('Parameters in file', async() => { const result = await sql.file( rel('select-param.sql'), ['hello'] ) return ['hello', result[0].x]})
t('Connection ended promise', async() => { const sql = postgres(options)
await sql.end()
return [undefined, await sql.end()]})
t('Connection ended timeout', async() => { const sql = postgres(options)
await sql.end({ timeout: 10 })
return [undefined, await sql.end()]})
t('Connection ended error', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) await sql.end() return ['CONNECTION_ENDED', (await sql``.catch(x => x.code))]})
t('Connection end does not cancel query', async() => { const sql = postgres(options)
const promise = sql`select 1 as x`.execute()
await sql.end()
return [1, (await promise)[0].x]})
t('Connection destroyed', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) process.nextTick(() => sql.end({ timeout: 0 })) return ['CONNECTION_DESTROYED', await sql``.catch(x => x.code)]})
t('Connection destroyed with query before', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , error = sql`select pg_sleep(0.2)`.catch(err => err.code)
sql.end({ timeout: 0 }) return ['CONNECTION_DESTROYED', await error]})
t('transform column', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { column: x => x.split('').reverse().join('') } })
await sql`create table test (hello_world int)` await sql`insert into test values (1)` return ['dlrow_olleh', Object.keys((await sql`select * from test`)[0])[0], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('column toPascal', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { column: postgres.toPascal } })
await sql`create table test (hello_world int)` await sql`insert into test values (1)` return ['HelloWorld', Object.keys((await sql`select * from test`)[0])[0], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('column toCamel', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { column: postgres.toCamel } })
await sql`create table test (hello_world int)` await sql`insert into test values (1)` return ['helloWorld', Object.keys((await sql`select * from test`)[0])[0], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('column toKebab', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { column: postgres.toKebab } })
await sql`create table test (hello_world int)` await sql`insert into test values (1)` return ['hello-world', Object.keys((await sql`select * from test`)[0])[0], await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Transform nested json in arrays', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel }) return ['aBcD', (await sql`select '[{"a_b":1},{"c_d":2}]'::jsonb as x`)[0]'')]})
t('Transform deeply nested json object in arrays', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel }) return [ 'childObj_deeplyNestedObj_grandchildObj', (await sql` select '[{"nested_obj": {"child_obj": 2, "deeply_nested_obj": {"grandchild_obj": 3}}}]'::jsonb as x `)[0] => { let result for (const key in x) result = [...Object.keys(x[key]), ...Object.keys(x[key].deeplyNestedObj)] return result })[0] .join('_') ]})
t('Transform deeply nested json array in arrays', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel }) return [ 'childArray_deeplyNestedArray_grandchildArray', (await sql` select '[{"nested_array": [{"child_array": 2, "deeply_nested_array": [{"grandchild_array":3}]}]}]'::jsonb AS x `)[0] => { let result for (const key in x) result = [...Object.keys(x[key][0]), ...Object.keys(x[key][0].deeplyNestedArray[0])] return result })[0] .join('_') ]})
t('Bypass transform for json primitive', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel })
const x = ( await sql`select 'null'::json as a, 'false'::json as b, '"a"'::json as c, '1'::json as d` )[0]
return [ JSON.stringify({ a: null, b: false, c: 'a', d: 1 }), JSON.stringify(x) ]})
t('Bypass transform for jsonb primitive', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel })
const x = ( await sql`select 'null'::jsonb as a, 'false'::jsonb as b, '"a"'::jsonb as c, '1'::jsonb as d` )[0]
return [ JSON.stringify({ a: null, b: false, c: 'a', d: 1 }), JSON.stringify(x) ]})
t('unsafe', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` return [1, (await sql.unsafe('insert into test values ($1) returning *', [1]))[0].x, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('unsafe simple', async() => { return [1, (await sql.unsafe('select 1 as x'))[0].x]})
t('unsafe simple includes columns', async() => { return ['x', (await sql.unsafe('select 1 as x').values()).columns[0].name]})
t('unsafe describe', async() => { const q = 'insert into test values (1)' await sql`create table test(a int unique)` await sql.unsafe(q).describe() const x = await sql.unsafe(q).describe() return [ q, x.string, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('simple query using unsafe with multiple statements', async() => { return [ '1,2', (await sql.unsafe('select 1 as x;select 2 as x')).map(x => x[0].x).join() ]})
t('simple query using simple() with multiple statements', async() => { return [ '1,2', (await sql`select 1 as x;select 2 as x`.simple()).map(x => x[0].x).join() ]})
t('listen and notify', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const channel = 'hello' const result = await new Promise(async r => { await sql.listen(channel, r) sql.notify(channel, 'works') })
return [ 'works', result, sql.end() ]})
t('double listen', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , channel = 'hello'
let count = 0
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => sql.listen(channel, resolve) .then(() => sql.notify(channel, 'world')) .catch(reject) ).then(() => count++)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => sql.listen(channel, resolve) .then(() => sql.notify(channel, 'world')) .catch(reject) ).then(() => count++)
// for coverage sql.listen('weee', () => { /* noop */ }).then(sql.end)
return [2, count]})
t('multiple listeners work after a reconnect', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , xs = []
const s1 = await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push('1', x)) await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push('2', x)) await sql.notify('test', 'a') await delay(50) await sql`select pg_terminate_backend(${ })` await delay(200) await sql.notify('test', 'b') await delay(50) sql.end()
return ['1a2a1b2b', xs.join('')]})
t('listen and notify with weird name', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const channel = 'wat-;.ø.§' const result = await new Promise(async r => { const { unlisten } = await sql.listen(channel, r) sql.notify(channel, 'works') await delay(50) await unlisten() })
return [ 'works', result, sql.end() ]})
t('listen and notify with upper case', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const channel = 'withUpperChar' const result = await new Promise(async r => { await sql.listen(channel, r) sql.notify(channel, 'works') })
return [ 'works', result, sql.end() ]})
t('listen reconnects', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , resolvers = {} , a = new Promise(r => resolvers.a = r) , b = new Promise(r => resolvers.b = r)
let connects = 0
const { state: { pid } } = await sql.listen( 'test', x => x in resolvers && resolvers[x](), () => connects++ ) await sql.notify('test', 'a') await a await sql`select pg_terminate_backend(${ pid })` await delay(100) await sql.notify('test', 'b') await b sql.end() return [connects, 2]})
t('listen result reports correct connection state after reconnection', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , xs = []
const result = await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push(x)) const initialPid = await sql.notify('test', 'a') await sql`select pg_terminate_backend(${ initialPid })` await delay(50) sql.end()
return [ !== initialPid, true]})
t('unlisten removes subscription', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , xs = []
const { unlisten } = await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push(x)) await sql.notify('test', 'a') await delay(50) await unlisten() await sql.notify('test', 'b') await delay(50) sql.end()
return ['a', xs.join('')]})
t('listen after unlisten', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , xs = []
const { unlisten } = await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push(x)) await sql.notify('test', 'a') await delay(50) await unlisten() await sql.notify('test', 'b') await delay(50) await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push(x)) await sql.notify('test', 'c') await delay(50) sql.end()
return ['ac', xs.join('')]})
t('multiple listeners and unlisten one', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) , xs = []
await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push('1', x)) const s2 = await sql.listen('test', x => xs.push('2', x)) await sql.notify('test', 'a') await delay(50) await s2.unlisten() await sql.notify('test', 'b') await delay(50) sql.end()
return ['1a2a1b', xs.join('')]})
t('responds with server parameters (application_name)', async() => ['postgres.js', await new Promise((resolve, reject) => postgres({ ...options, onparameter: (k, v) => k === 'application_name' && resolve(v) })`select 1`.catch(reject))])
t('has server parameters', async() => { return ['postgres.js', (await sql`select 1`.then(() => sql.parameters.application_name))]})
t('big query body', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` return [50000, (await sql`insert into test ${ sql([...Array(50000).keys()].map(x => ({ x }))) }`).count, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Throws if more than 65534 parameters', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` return ['MAX_PARAMETERS_EXCEEDED', (await sql`insert into test ${ sql([...Array(65535).keys()].map(x => ({ x }))) }`.catch(e => e.code)), await sql`drop table test`]})
t('let postgres do implicit cast of unknown types', async() => { await sql`create table test (x timestamp with time zone)` const [{ x }] = await sql`insert into test values (${ new Date().toISOString() }) returning *` return [true, x instanceof Date, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('only allows one statement', async() => ['42601', await sql`select 1; select 2`.catch(e => e.code)])
t('await sql() throws not tagged error', async() => { let error try { await sql('select 1') } catch (e) { error = e.code } return ['NOT_TAGGED_CALL', error]})
t('sql().then throws not tagged error', async() => { let error try { sql('select 1').then(() => { /* noop */ }) } catch (e) { error = e.code } return ['NOT_TAGGED_CALL', error]})
t('sql().catch throws not tagged error', async() => { let error try { await sql('select 1') } catch (e) { error = e.code } return ['NOT_TAGGED_CALL', error]})
t('sql().finally throws not tagged error', async() => { let error try { sql('select 1').finally(() => { /* noop */ }) } catch (e) { error = e.code } return ['NOT_TAGGED_CALL', error]})
t('little bobby tables', async() => { const name = 'Robert\'); DROP TABLE students;--'
await sql`create table students (name text, age int)` await sql`insert into students (name) values (${ name })`
return [ name, (await sql`select name from students`)[0].name, await sql`drop table students` ]})
t('Connection errors are caught using begin()', { timeout: 2}, async() => { let error try { const sql = postgres({ host: 'localhost', port: 1 })
await sql.begin(async(sql) => { await sql`insert into test (label, value) values (${1}, ${2})` }) } catch (err) { error = err }
return [ true, error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' || error.message === 'Connection refused (os error 61)' ]})
t('dynamic table name', async() => { await sql`create table test(a int)` return [ 0, (await sql`select * from ${ sql('test') }`).count, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic schema name', async() => { await sql`create table test(a int)` return [ 0, (await sql`select * from ${ sql('public') }.test`).count, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic schema and table name', async() => { await sql`create table test(a int)` return [ 0, (await sql`select * from ${ sql('public.test') }`).count, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic column name', async() => { return ['!not_valid', Object.keys((await sql`select 1 as ${ sql('!not_valid') }`)[0])[0]]})
t('dynamic select as', async() => { return ['2', (await sql`select ${ sql({ a: 1, b: 2 }) }`)[0].b]})
t('dynamic select as pluck', async() => { return [undefined, (await sql`select ${ sql({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'a') }`)[0].b]})
t('dynamic insert', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` const x = { a: 42, b: 'the answer' }
return ['the answer', (await sql`insert into test ${ sql(x) } returning *`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('dynamic insert pluck', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` const x = { a: 42, b: 'the answer' }
return [null, (await sql`insert into test ${ sql(x, 'a') } returning *`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('dynamic in with empty array', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int)` await sql`insert into test values (1)` return [ (await sql`select * from test where null in ${ sql([]) }`).count, 0, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic in after insert', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` const [{ x }] = await sql` with x as ( insert into test values (1, 'hej') returning * ) select 1 in ${ sql([1, 2, 3]) } as x from x ` return [ true, x, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('array insert', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b int)` return [2, (await sql`insert into test (a, b) values ${ sql([1, 2]) } returning *`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('where parameters in()', async() => { await sql`create table test (x text)` await sql`insert into test values ('a')` return [ (await sql`select * from test where x in ${ sql(['a', 'b', 'c']) }`)[0].x, 'a', await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('where parameters in() values before', async() => { return [2, (await sql` with rows as ( select * from (values (1), (2), (3), (4)) as x(a) ) select * from rows where a in ${ sql([3, 4]) } `).count]})
t('dynamic multi row insert', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` const x = { a: 42, b: 'the answer' }
return [ 'the answer', (await sql`insert into test ${ sql([x, x]) } returning *`)[1].b, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic update', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` await sql`insert into test (a, b) values (17, 'wrong')`
return [ 'the answer', (await sql`update test set ${ sql({ a: 42, b: 'the answer' }) } returning *`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic update pluck', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` await sql`insert into test (a, b) values (17, 'wrong')`
return [ 'wrong', (await sql`update test set ${ sql({ a: 42, b: 'the answer' }, 'a') } returning *`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic select array', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` await sql`insert into test (a, b) values (42, 'yay')` return ['yay', (await sql`select ${ sql(['a', 'b']) } from test`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('dynamic returning array', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` return [ 'yay', (await sql`insert into test (a, b) values (42, 'yay') returning ${ sql(['a', 'b']) }`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('dynamic select args', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b text)` await sql`insert into test (a, b) values (42, 'yay')` return ['yay', (await sql`select ${ sql('a', 'b') } from test`)[0].b, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('dynamic values single row', async() => { const [{ b }] = await sql` select * from (values ${ sql(['a', 'b', 'c']) }) as x(a, b, c) `
return ['b', b]})
t('dynamic values multi row', async() => { const [, { b }] = await sql` select * from (values ${ sql([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c']]) }) as x(a, b, c) `
return ['b', b]})
t('connection parameters', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, connection: { 'some.var': 'yay' } })
return ['yay', (await sql`select current_setting('some.var') as x`)[0].x]})
t('Multiple queries', async() => { const sql = postgres(options)
return [4, (await Promise.all([ sql`select 1`, sql`select 2`, sql`select 3`, sql`select 4` ])).length]})
t('Multiple statements', async() => [2, await sql.unsafe(` select 1 as x; select 2 as a; `).then(([, [x]]) => x.a)])
t('throws correct error when authentication fails', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, ...login_md5, pass: 'wrong' }) return ['28P01', await sql`select 1`.catch(e => e.code)]})
t('notice', async() => { let notice const log = console.log // eslint-disable-line console.log = function(x) { // eslint-disable-line notice = x }
const sql = postgres(options)
await sql`create table if not exists users()` await sql`create table if not exists users()`
console.log = log // eslint-disable-line
return ['NOTICE', notice.severity]})
t('notice hook', async() => { let notice const sql = postgres({ ...options, onnotice: x => notice = x })
await sql`create table if not exists users()` await sql`create table if not exists users()`
return ['NOTICE', notice.severity]})
t('bytea serializes and parses', async() => { const buf = Buffer.from('wat')
await sql`create table test (x bytea)` await sql`insert into test values (${ buf })`
return [ buf.toString(), (await sql`select x from test`)[0].x.toString(), await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('forEach', async() => { let result await sql`select 1 as x`.forEach(({ x }) => result = x) return [1, result]})
t('forEach returns empty array', async() => { return [0, (await sql`select 1 as x`.forEach(() => { /* noop */ })).length]})
t('Cursor', async() => { const order = [] await sql`select 1 as x union select 2 as x`.cursor(async([x]) => { order.push(x.x + 'a') await delay(100) order.push(x.x + 'b') }) return ['1a1b2a2b', order.join('')]})
t('Unsafe cursor', async() => { const order = [] await sql.unsafe('select 1 as x union select 2 as x').cursor(async([x]) => { order.push(x.x + 'a') await delay(100) order.push(x.x + 'b') }) return ['1a1b2a2b', order.join('')]})
t('Cursor custom n', async() => { const order = [] await sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(10, async(x) => { order.push(x.length) }) return ['10,10', order.join(',')]})
t('Cursor custom with rest n', async() => { const order = [] await sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(11, async(x) => { order.push(x.length) }) return ['11,9', order.join(',')]})
t('Cursor custom with less results than batch size', async() => { const order = [] await sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(21, async(x) => { order.push(x.length) }) return ['20', order.join(',')]})
t('Cursor cancel', async() => { let result await sql`select * from generate_series(1,10) as x`.cursor(async([{ x }]) => { result = x return sql.CLOSE }) return [1, result]})
t('Cursor throw', async() => { const order = [] await sql`select 1 as x union select 2 as x`.cursor(async([x]) => { order.push(x.x + 'a') await delay(100) throw new Error('watty') }).catch(() => order.push('err')) return ['1aerr', order.join('')]})
t('Cursor error', async() => [ '42601', await sql`wat`.cursor(() => { /* noop */ }).catch((err) => err.code)])
t('Multiple Cursors', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { const result = [] await sql.begin(async sql => [ await sql`select 1 as cursor, x from generate_series(1,4) as x`.cursor(async([row]) => { result.push(row.x) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 20)) }), await sql`select 2 as cursor, x from generate_series(101,104) as x`.cursor(async([row]) => { result.push(row.x) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10)) }) ])
return ['1,2,3,4,101,102,103,104', result.join(',')]})
t('Cursor as async iterator', async() => { const order = [] for await (const [x] of sql`select generate_series(1,2) as x;`.cursor()) { order.push(x.x + 'a') await delay(10) order.push(x.x + 'b') }
return ['1a1b2a2b', order.join('')]})
t('Cursor as async iterator with break', async() => { const order = [] for await (const xs of sql`select generate_series(1,2) as x;`.cursor()) { order.push(xs[0].x + 'a') await delay(10) order.push(xs[0].x + 'b') break }
return ['1a1b', order.join('')]})
t('Async Iterator Unsafe cursor', async() => { const order = [] for await (const [x] of sql.unsafe('select 1 as x union select 2 as x').cursor()) { order.push(x.x + 'a') await delay(10) order.push(x.x + 'b') } return ['1a1b2a2b', order.join('')]})
t('Async Iterator Cursor custom n', async() => { const order = [] for await (const x of sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(10)) order.push(x.length)
return ['10,10', order.join(',')]})
t('Async Iterator Cursor custom with rest n', async() => { const order = [] for await (const x of sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(11)) order.push(x.length)
return ['11,9', order.join(',')]})
t('Async Iterator Cursor custom with less results than batch size', async() => { const order = [] for await (const x of sql`select * from generate_series(1,20)`.cursor(21)) order.push(x.length) return ['20', order.join(',')]})
t('Transform row', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { row: () => 1 } })
return [1, (await sql`select 'wat'`)[0]]})
t('Transform row forEach', async() => { let result const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { row: () => 1 } })
await sql`select 1`.forEach(x => result = x)
return [1, result]})
t('Transform value', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { value: () => 1 } })
return [1, (await sql`select 'wat' as x`)[0].x]})
t('Transform columns from', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.fromCamel }) await sql`create table test (a_test int, b_test text)` await sql`insert into test ${ sql([{ aTest: 1, bTest: 1 }]) }` await sql`update test set ${ sql({ aTest: 2, bTest: 2 }) }` return [ 2, (await sql`select ${ sql('aTest', 'bTest') } from test`)[0].a_test, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Transform columns to', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.toCamel }) await sql`create table test (a_test int, b_test text)` await sql`insert into test ${ sql([{ a_test: 1, b_test: 1 }]) }` await sql`update test set ${ sql({ a_test: 2, b_test: 2 }) }` return [ 2, (await sql`select a_test, b_test from test`)[0].aTest, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Transform columns from and to', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: postgres.camel }) await sql`create table test (a_test int, b_test text)` await sql`insert into test ${ sql([{ aTest: 1, bTest: 1 }]) }` await sql`update test set ${ sql({ aTest: 2, bTest: 2 }) }` return [ 2, (await sql`select ${ sql('aTest', 'bTest') } from test`)[0].aTest, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Transform columns from and to (legacy)', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { column: { to: postgres.fromCamel, from: postgres.toCamel } } }) await sql`create table test (a_test int, b_test text)` await sql`insert into test ${ sql([{ aTest: 1, bTest: 1 }]) }` await sql`update test set ${ sql({ aTest: 2, bTest: 2 }) }` return [ 2, (await sql`select ${ sql('aTest', 'bTest') } from test`)[0].aTest, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Unix socket', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, host: process.env.PGSOCKET || '/tmp' // eslint-disable-line })
return [1, (await sql`select 1 as x`)[0].x]})
t('Big result', async() => { return [100000, (await sql`select * from generate_series(1, 100000)`).count]})
t('Debug', async() => { let result const sql = postgres({ ...options, debug: (connection_id, str) => result = str })
await sql`select 1`
return ['select 1', result]})
t('bigint is returned as String', async() => [ 'string', typeof (await sql`select 9223372036854777 as x`)[0].x])
t('int is returned as Number', async() => [ 'number', typeof (await sql`select 123 as x`)[0].x])
t('numeric is returned as string', async() => [ 'string', typeof (await sql`select 1.2 as x`)[0].x])
t('Async stack trace', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, debug: false }) return [ parseInt(new Error().stack.split('\n')[1].match(':([0-9]+):')[1]) + 1, parseInt(await sql`error`.catch(x => x.stack.split('\n').pop().match(':([0-9]+):')[1])) ]})
t('Debug has long async stack trace', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, debug: true })
return [ 'watyo', await yo().catch(x => x.stack.match(/wat|yo/g).join('')) ]
function yo() { return wat() }
function wat() { return sql`error` }})
t('Error contains query string', async() => [ 'selec 1', (await sql`selec 1`.catch(err => err.query))])
t('Error contains query serialized parameters', async() => [ 1, (await sql`selec ${ 1 }`.catch(err => err.parameters[0]))])
t('Error contains query raw parameters', async() => [ 1, (await sql`selec ${ 1 }`.catch(err => err.args[0]))])
t('Query and parameters on errorare not enumerable if debug is not set', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, debug: false })
return [ false, (await sql`selec ${ 1 }`.catch(err => err.propertyIsEnumerable('parameters') || err.propertyIsEnumerable('query'))) ]})
t('Query and parameters are enumerable if debug is set', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, debug: true })
return [ true, (await sql`selec ${ 1 }`.catch(err => err.propertyIsEnumerable('parameters') && err.propertyIsEnumerable('query'))) ]})
t('connect_timeout', { timeout: 20 }, async() => { const connect_timeout = 0.2 const server = net.createServer() server.listen() const sql = postgres({ port: server.address().port, host: '', connect_timeout }) const start = let end await sql`select 1`.catch((e) => { if (e.code !== 'CONNECT_TIMEOUT') throw e end = }) server.close() return [connect_timeout, Math.floor((end - start) / 100) / 10]})
t('connect_timeout throws proper error', async() => [ 'CONNECT_TIMEOUT', await postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram, connect_timeout: 0.001 })`select 1`.catch(e => e.code)])
t('connect_timeout error message includes host:port', { timeout: 20 }, async() => { const connect_timeout = 0.2 const server = net.createServer() server.listen() const sql = postgres({ port: server.address().port, host: '', connect_timeout }) const port = server.address().port let err await sql`select 1`.catch((e) => { if (e.code !== 'CONNECT_TIMEOUT') throw e err = e.message }) server.close() return [['write CONNECT_TIMEOUT', port].join(''), err]})
t('requests works after single connect_timeout', async() => { let first = true
const sql = postgres({ ...options, ...login_scram, connect_timeout: { valueOf() { return first ? (first = false, 0.0001) : 1 } } })
return [ 'CONNECT_TIMEOUT,,1', [ await sql`select 1 as x`.then(() => 'success', x => x.code), await delay(10), (await sql`select 1 as x`)[0].x ].join(',') ]})
t('Postgres errors are of type PostgresError', async() => [true, (await sql`bad keyword`.catch(e => e)) instanceof sql.PostgresError])
t('Result has columns spec', async() => ['x', (await sql`select 1 as x`).columns[0].name])
t('forEach has result as second argument', async() => { let x await sql`select 1 as x`.forEach((_, result) => x = result) return ['x', x.columns[0].name]})
t('Result as arrays', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { row: x => Object.values(x) } })
return ['1,2', (await sql`select 1 as a, 2 as b`)[0].join(',')]})
t('Insert empty array', async() => { await sql`create table tester (ints int[])` return [ Array.isArray((await sql`insert into tester (ints) values (${ sql.array([]) }) returning *`)[0].ints), true, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Insert array in sql()', async() => { await sql`create table tester (ints int[])` return [ Array.isArray((await sql`insert into tester ${ sql({ ints: sql.array([]) }) } returning *`)[0].ints), true, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Automatically creates prepared statements', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const result = await sql`select * from pg_prepared_statements` return [true, result.some(x => =]})
t('no_prepare: true disables prepared statements (deprecated)', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, no_prepare: true }) const result = await sql`select * from pg_prepared_statements` return [false, result.some(x => =]})
t('prepare: false disables prepared statements', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, prepare: false }) const result = await sql`select * from pg_prepared_statements` return [false, result.some(x => =]})
t('prepare: true enables prepared statements', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, prepare: true }) const result = await sql`select * from pg_prepared_statements` return [true, result.some(x => =]})
t('prepares unsafe query when "prepare" option is true', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, prepare: true }) const result = await sql.unsafe('select * from pg_prepared_statements where name <> $1', ['bla'], { prepare: true }) return [true, result.some(x => =]})
t('does not prepare unsafe query by default', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, prepare: true }) const result = await sql.unsafe('select * from pg_prepared_statements where name <> $1', ['bla']) return [false, result.some(x => =]})
t('Recreate prepared statements on transformAssignedExpr error', { timeout: 1 }, async() => { const insert = () => sql`insert into test (name) values (${ '1' }) returning name` await sql`create table test (name text)` await insert() await sql`alter table test alter column name type int using name::integer` return [ 1, (await insert())[0].name, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Throws correct error when retrying in transactions', async() => { await sql`create table test(x int)` const error = await sql.begin(sql => sql`insert into test (x) values (${ false })`).catch(e => e) return [ error.code, '42804', sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Recreate prepared statements on RevalidateCachedQuery error', async() => { const select = () => sql`select name from test` await sql`create table test (name text)` await sql`insert into test values ('1')` await select() await sql`alter table test alter column name type int using name::integer` return [ 1, (await select())[0].name, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Properly throws routine error on not prepared statements', async() => { await sql`create table x (x text[])` const { routine } = await sql.unsafe(` insert into x(x) values (('a', 'b')) `).catch(e => e)
return ['transformAssignedExpr', routine, await sql`drop table x`]})
t('Properly throws routine error on not prepared statements in transaction', async() => { const { routine } = await sql.begin(sql => [ sql`create table x (x text[])`, sql`insert into x(x) values (('a', 'b'))` ]).catch(e => e)
return ['transformAssignedExpr', routine]})
t('Properly throws routine error on not prepared statements using file', async() => { const { routine } = await sql.unsafe(` create table x (x text[]); insert into x(x) values (('a', 'b')); `, { prepare: true }).catch(e => e)
return ['transformAssignedExpr', routine]})
t('Catches connection config errors', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, user: { toString: () => { throw new Error('wat') } }, database: 'prut' })
return [ 'wat', await sql`select 1`.catch((e) => e.message) ]})
t('Catches connection config errors with end', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, user: { toString: () => { throw new Error('wat') } }, database: 'prut' })
return [ 'wat', await sql`select 1`.catch((e) => e.message), await sql.end() ]})
t('Catches query format errors', async() => [ 'wat', await sql.unsafe({ toString: () => { throw new Error('wat') } }).catch((e) => e.message)])
t('Multiple hosts', { timeout: 1}, async() => { const s1 = postgres({ idle_timeout }) , s2 = postgres({ idle_timeout, port: 5433 }) , sql = postgres('postgres://localhost:5432,localhost:5433', { idle_timeout, max: 1 }) , result = []
const id1 = (await s1`select system_identifier as x from pg_control_system()`)[0].x const id2 = (await s2`select system_identifier as x from pg_control_system()`)[0].x
const x1 = await sql`select 1` result.push((await sql`select system_identifier as x from pg_control_system()`)[0].x) await s1`select pg_terminate_backend(${ }::int)` await delay(50)
const x2 = await sql`select 1` result.push((await sql`select system_identifier as x from pg_control_system()`)[0].x) await s2`select pg_terminate_backend(${ }::int)` await delay(50)
result.push((await sql`select system_identifier as x from pg_control_system()`)[0].x)
return [[id1, id2, id1].join(','), result.join(',')]})
t('Escaping supports schemas and tables', async() => { await sql`create schema a` await sql`create table a.b (c int)` await sql`insert into a.b (c) values (1)` return [ 1, (await sql`select ${ sql('a.b.c') } from a.b`)[0].c, await sql`drop table a.b`, await sql`drop schema a` ]})
t('Raw method returns rows as arrays', async() => { const [x] = await sql`select 1`.raw() return [ Array.isArray(x), true ]})
t('Raw method returns values unparsed as Buffer', async() => { const [[x]] = await sql`select 1`.raw() return [ x instanceof Uint8Array, true ]})
t('Array returns rows as arrays of columns', async() => { return [(await sql`select 1`.values())[0][0], 1]})
t('Copy read', async() => { const result = []
await sql`create table test (x int)` await sql`insert into test select * from generate_series(1,10)` const readable = await sql`copy test to stdout`.readable() readable.on('data', x => result.push(x)) await new Promise(r => readable.on('end', r))
return [ result.length, 10, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Copy write', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` const writable = await sql`copy test from stdin`.writable()
writable.write('1\n') writable.write('1\n') writable.end()
await new Promise(r => writable.on('finish', r))
return [ (await sql`select 1 from test`).length, 2, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Copy write as first', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` const first = postgres(options) const writable = await first`COPY test FROM STDIN WITH(FORMAT csv, HEADER false, DELIMITER ',')`.writable() writable.write('1\n') writable.write('1\n') writable.end()
await new Promise(r => writable.on('finish', r))
return [ (await sql`select 1 from test`).length, 2, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Copy from file', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int, y int, z int)` await new Promise(async r => fs .createReadStream(rel('copy.csv')) .pipe(await sql`copy test from stdin`.writable()) .on('finish', r) )
return [ JSON.stringify(await sql`select * from test`), '[{"x":1,"y":2,"z":3},{"x":4,"y":5,"z":6}]', await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Copy from works in transaction', async() => { await sql`create table test(x int)` const xs = await sql.begin(async sql => { (await sql`copy test from stdin`.writable()).end('1\n2') await delay(20) return sql`select 1 from test` })
return [ xs.length, 2, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Copy from abort', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const readable = fs.createReadStream(rel('copy.csv'))
await sql`create table test (x int, y int, z int)` await sql`TRUNCATE TABLE test`
const writable = await sql`COPY test FROM STDIN`.writable()
let aborted
readable .pipe(writable) .on('error', (err) => aborted = err)
writable.destroy(new Error('abort')) await sql.end()
return [ 'abort', aborted.message, await postgres(options)`drop table test` ]})
t('multiple queries before connect', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, max: 2 }) const xs = await Promise.all([ sql`select 1 as x`, sql`select 2 as x`, sql`select 3 as x`, sql`select 4 as x` ])
return [ '1,2,3,4', => x[0].x).join() ]})
t('subscribe', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { const sql = postgres({ database: 'postgres_js_test', publications: 'alltables' })
await sql.unsafe('create publication alltables for all tables')
const result = []
const { unsubscribe } = await sql.subscribe('*', (row, { command, old }) => { result.push(command,,, old &&, old && })
await sql` create table test ( id serial primary key, name text ) `
await sql`alter table test replica identity default` await sql`insert into test (name) values ('Murray')` await sql`update test set name = 'Rothbard'` await sql`update test set id = 2` await sql`delete from test` await sql`alter table test replica identity full` await sql`insert into test (name) values ('Murray')` await sql`update test set name = 'Rothbard'` await sql`delete from test` await delay(10) await unsubscribe() await sql`insert into test (name) values ('Oh noes')` await delay(10) return [ 'insert,Murray,1,,,update,Rothbard,1,,,update,Rothbard,2,,1,delete,,2,,,insert,Murray,2,,,update,Rothbard,2,Murray,2,delete,Rothbard,2,,', // eslint-disable-line result.join(','), await sql`drop table test`, await sql`drop publication alltables`, await sql.end() ]})
t('subscribe with transform', { timeout: 2 }, async() => { const sql = postgres({ transform: { column: { from: postgres.toCamel, to: postgres.fromCamel } }, database: 'postgres_js_test', publications: 'alltables' })
await sql.unsafe('create publication alltables for all tables')
const result = []
const { unsubscribe } = await sql.subscribe('*', (row, { command, old }) => result.push(command, row.nameInCamel ||, old && old.nameInCamel) )
await sql` create table test ( id serial primary key, name_in_camel text ) `
await sql`insert into test (name_in_camel) values ('Murray')` await sql`update test set name_in_camel = 'Rothbard'` await sql`delete from test` await sql`alter table test replica identity full` await sql`insert into test (name_in_camel) values ('Murray')` await sql`update test set name_in_camel = 'Rothbard'` await sql`delete from test` await delay(10) await unsubscribe() await sql`insert into test (name_in_camel) values ('Oh noes')` await delay(10) return [ 'insert,Murray,,update,Rothbard,,delete,1,,insert,Murray,,update,Rothbard,Murray,delete,Rothbard,', result.join(','), await sql`drop table test`, await sql`drop publication alltables`, await sql.end() ]})
t('subscribe reconnects and calls onsubscribe', { timeout: 4 }, async() => { const sql = postgres({ database: 'postgres_js_test', publications: 'alltables', fetch_types: false })
await sql.unsafe('create publication alltables for all tables')
const result = [] let onsubscribes = 0
const { unsubscribe, sql: subscribeSql } = await sql.subscribe( '*', (row, { command, old }) => result.push(command, ||, old &&, () => onsubscribes++ )
await sql` create table test ( id serial primary key, name text ) `
await sql`insert into test (name) values ('Murray')` await delay(10) await subscribeSql.close() await delay(500) await sql`delete from test` await delay(100) await unsubscribe() return [ '2insert,Murray,,delete,1,', onsubscribes + result.join(','), await sql`drop table test`, await sql`drop publication alltables`, await sql.end() ]})
t('Execute', async() => { const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, fetch_types: false, debug:(id, query) => resolve(query) }) sql`select 1`.execute() })
return [result, 'select 1']})
t('Cancel running query', async() => { const query = sql`select pg_sleep(2)` setTimeout(() => query.cancel(), 500) const error = await query.catch(x => x) return ['57014', error.code]})
t('Cancel piped query', { timeout: 5 }, async() => { await sql`select 1` const last = sql`select pg_sleep(1)`.execute() const query = sql`select pg_sleep(2) as dig` setTimeout(() => query.cancel(), 500) const error = await query.catch(x => x) await last return ['57014', error.code]})
t('Cancel queued query', async() => { const query = sql`select pg_sleep(2) as nej` const tx = sql.begin(sql => ( query.cancel(), sql`select pg_sleep(0.5) as hej, 'hejsa'` )) const error = await query.catch(x => x) await tx return ['57014', error.code]})
t('Fragments', async() => [ 1, (await sql` ${ sql`select` } 1 as x `)[0].x])
t('Result becomes array', async() => [ true, (await sql`select 1`).slice() instanceof Array])
t('Describe', async() => { const type = (await sql`select ${ 1 }::int as x`.describe()).types[0] return [23, type]})
t('Describe a statement', async() => { await sql`create table tester (name text, age int)` const r = await sql`select name, age from tester where name like $1 and age > $2`.describe() return [ '25,23/name:25,age:23', `${ r.types.join(',') }/${ => `${}:${c.type}`).join(',') }`, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Include table oid and column number in column details', async() => { await sql`create table tester (name text, age int)` const r = await sql`select name, age from tester where name like $1 and age > $2`.describe() const [{ oid }] = await sql`select oid from pg_class where relname = 'tester'`
return [ `table:${oid},number:1|table:${oid},number:2`, `${ => `table:${c.table},number:${c.number}`).join('|') }`, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Describe a statement without parameters', async() => { await sql`create table tester (name text, age int)` const r = await sql`select name, age from tester`.describe() return [ '0,2', `${ r.types.length },${ r.columns.length }`, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Describe a statement without columns', async() => { await sql`create table tester (name text, age int)` const r = await sql`insert into tester (name, age) values ($1, $2)`.describe() return [ '2,0', `${ r.types.length },${ r.columns.length }`, await sql`drop table tester` ]})
t('Large object', async() => { const file = rel('index.js') , md5 = crypto.createHash('md5').update(fs.readFileSync(file)).digest('hex')
const lo = await sql.largeObject() await new Promise(async r => fs.createReadStream(file).pipe(await lo.writable()).on('finish', r)) await
const out = crypto.createHash('md5') await new Promise(r => lo.readable().then(x => x.on('data', x => out.update(x)).on('end', r)))
return [ md5, out.digest('hex'), await lo.close() ]})
t('Catches type serialize errors', async() => { const sql = postgres({ idle_timeout, types: { text: { from: 25, to: 25, parse: x => x, serialize: () => { throw new Error('watSerialize') } } } })
return [ 'watSerialize', (await sql`select ${ 'wat' }`.catch(e => e.message)) ]})
t('Catches type parse errors', async() => { const sql = postgres({ idle_timeout, types: { text: { from: 25, to: 25, parse: () => { throw new Error('watParse') }, serialize: x => x } } })
return [ 'watParse', (await sql`select 'wat'`.catch(e => e.message)) ]})
t('Catches type serialize errors in transactions', async() => { const sql = postgres({ idle_timeout, types: { text: { from: 25, to: 25, parse: x => x, serialize: () => { throw new Error('watSerialize') } } } })
return [ 'watSerialize', (await sql.begin(sql => ( sql`select 1`, sql`select ${ 'wat' }` )).catch(e => e.message)) ]})
t('Catches type parse errors in transactions', async() => { const sql = postgres({ idle_timeout, types: { text: { from: 25, to: 25, parse: () => { throw new Error('watParse') }, serialize: x => x } } })
return [ 'watParse', (await sql.begin(sql => ( sql`select 1`, sql`select 'wat'` )).catch(e => e.message)) ]})
t('Prevent premature end of connection in transaction', async() => { const sql = postgres({ max_lifetime: 0.01, idle_timeout }) const result = await sql.begin(async sql => { await sql`select 1` await delay(20) await sql`select 1` return 'yay' })

return [ 'yay', result ]})
t('Ensure reconnect after max_lifetime with transactions', { timeout: 5 }, async() => { const sql = postgres({ max_lifetime: 0.01, idle_timeout, max: 1 })
let x = 0 while (x++ < 10) await sql.begin(sql => sql`select 1 as x`)
return [true, true]})

t('Ensure transactions throw if connection is closed dwhile there is no query', async() => { const sql = postgres(options) const x = await sql.begin(async() => { setTimeout(() => sql.end({ timeout: 0 }), 10) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200)) return sql`select 1` }).catch(x => x) return ['CONNECTION_CLOSED', x.code]})
t('Custom socket', {}, async() => { let result const sql = postgres({ socket: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const socket = new net.Socket() socket.connect(5432) socket.once('data', x => result = x[0]) socket.on('error', reject) socket.on('connect', () => resolve(socket)) }), idle_timeout })
await sql`select 1`
return [ result, 82 ]})
t('Ensure drain only dequeues if ready', async() => { const sql = postgres(options)
const res = await Promise.all([ sql.unsafe('SELECT 0+$1 --' + '.'.repeat(100000), [1]), sql.unsafe('SELECT 0+$1+$2+$3', [1, 2, 3]) ])
return [res.length, 2]})
t('Supports fragments as dynamic parameters', async() => { await sql`create table test (a int, b bool)` await sql`insert into test values(1, true)` await sql`insert into test ${ sql({ a: 2, b: sql`exists(select 1 from test where b = ${ true })` }) }`
return [ '1,t2,t', (await sql`select * from test`.raw()).join(''), await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Supports nested fragments with parameters', async() => { await sql`create table test ${ sql`(${ sql('a') } ${ sql`int` })` }` await sql`insert into test values(1)` return [ 1, (await sql`select a from test`)[0].a, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Supports multiple nested fragments with parameters', async() => { const [{ b }] = await sql`select * ${ sql`from ${ sql`(values (2, ${ 1 }::int)) as x(${ sql(['a', 'b']) })` }` }` return [ 1, b ]})
t('Supports arrays of fragments', async() => { const [{ x }] = await sql` ${ [sql`select`, sql`1`, sql`as`, sql`x`] } `
return [ 1, x ]})
t('Does not try rollback when commit errors', async() => { let notice = null const sql = postgres({ ...options, onnotice: x => notice = x }) await sql`create table test(x int constraint test_constraint unique deferrable initially deferred)`
await sql.begin('isolation level serializable', async sql => { await sql`insert into test values(1)` await sql`insert into test values(1)` }).catch(e => e)
return [ notice, null, await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Last keyword used even with duplicate keywords', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int)` await sql`insert into test values(1)` const [{ x }] = await sql` select 1 in (1) as x from test where x in ${ sql([1, 2]) } `
return [x, true, await sql`drop table test`]})
t('Insert array with null', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int[])` await sql`insert into test ${ sql({ x: [1, null, 3] }) }` return [ 1, (await sql`select x from test`)[0].x[0], await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Insert array with undefined throws', async() => { await sql`create table test (x int[])` return [ 'UNDEFINED_VALUE', await sql`insert into test ${ sql({ x: [1, undefined, 3] }) }`.catch(e => e.code), await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('Insert array with undefined transform', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, transform: { undefined: null } }) await sql`create table test (x int[])` await sql`insert into test ${ sql({ x: [1, undefined, 3] }) }` return [ 1, (await sql`select x from test`)[0].x[0], await sql`drop table test` ]})
t('concurrent cursors', async() => { const xs = []
await Promise.all([...Array(7)].map((x, i) => [ sql`select ${ i }::int as a, generate_series(1, 2) as x`.cursor(([x]) => xs.push(x.a + x.x)) ]).flat())
return ['12233445566778', xs.join('')]})
t('concurrent cursors multiple connections', async() => { const sql = postgres({ ...options, max: 2 }) const xs = []
await Promise.all([...Array(7)].map((x, i) => [ sql`select ${ i }::int as a, generate_series(1, 2) as x`.cursor(([x]) => xs.push(x.a + x.x)) ]).flat())
return ['12233445566778', xs.sort().join('')]})
t('reserve connection', async() => { const reserved = await sql.reserve()
setTimeout(() => reserved.release(), 510)
const xs = await Promise.all([ reserved`select 1 as x`.then(([{ x }]) => ({ time:, x })), sql`select 2 as x`.then(([{ x }]) => ({ time:, x })), reserved`select 3 as x`.then(([{ x }]) => ({ time:, x })) ])
if (xs[1].time - xs[2].time < 500) throw new Error('Wrong time')
return [ '123', => x.x).join('') ]})
t('arrays in reserved connection', async() => { const reserved = await sql.reserve() const [{ x }] = await reserved`select array[1, 2, 3] as x` reserved.release()
return [ '123', x.join('') ]})
;window.addEventListener("unload", () => Deno.exit(process.exitCode))