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const originCache = new Map() , originStackCache = new Map() , originError = Symbol('OriginError')
export const CLOSE = {}export class Query extends Promise { constructor(strings, args, handler, canceller, options = {}) { let resolve , reject
super((a, b) => { resolve = a reject = b })
this.tagged = Array.isArray(strings.raw) this.strings = strings this.args = args this.handler = handler this.canceller = canceller this.options = options
this.state = null this.statement = null
this.resolve = x => ( = false, resolve(x)) this.reject = x => ( = false, reject(x)) = false this.cancelled = null this.executed = false this.signature = ''
this[originError] = this.handler.debug ? new Error() : this.tagged && cachedError(this.strings) }
get origin() { return this.handler.debug ? this[originError].stack : this.tagged ? originStackCache.has(this.strings) ? originStackCache.get(this.strings) : originStackCache.set(this.strings, this[originError].stack).get(this.strings) : '' }
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Promise }
cancel() { return this.canceller && (this.canceller(this), this.canceller = null) }
async readable() { this.options.simple = true this.options.prepare = false this.streaming = true return this }
async writable() { this.options.simple = true this.options.prepare = false this.streaming = true return this }
cursor(rows = 1, fn) { this.options.simple = false if (typeof rows === 'function') { fn = rows rows = 1 }
this.cursorRows = rows
if (typeof fn === 'function') return (this.cursorFn = fn, this)
let prev return { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => ({ next: () => { if (this.executed && ! return { done: true }
prev && prev() const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.cursorFn = value => { resolve({ value, done: false }) return new Promise(r => prev = r) } this.resolve = () => ( = false, resolve({ done: true })) this.reject = x => ( = false, reject(x)) }) this.execute() return promise }, return() { prev && prev(CLOSE) return { done: true } } }) } }
describe() { this.onlyDescribe = true return this }
stream() { throw new Error('.stream has been renamed to .forEach') }
forEach(fn) { this.forEachFn = fn this.handle() return this }
raw() { this.isRaw = true return this }
values() { this.isRaw = 'values' return this }
async handle() { !this.executed && (this.executed = true) && await 1 && this.handler(this) }
execute() { this.handle() return this }
then() { this.handle() return super.then.apply(this, arguments) }
catch() { this.handle() return super.catch.apply(this, arguments) }
finally() { this.handle() return super.finally.apply(this, arguments) }}
function cachedError(xs) { if (originCache.has(xs)) return originCache.get(xs)
const x = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 4 originCache.set(xs, new Error()) Error.stackTraceLimit = x return originCache.get(xs)}