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Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno
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import { spawn } from ''
await exec('psql', ['-c', 'alter system set ssl=on'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'create user postgres_js_test'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'alter system set password_encryption=md5'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'select pg_reload_conf()'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'create user postgres_js_test_md5 with password \'postgres_js_test_md5\''])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'alter system set password_encryption=\'scram-sha-256\''])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'select pg_reload_conf()'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'create user postgres_js_test_scram with password \'postgres_js_test_scram\''])
await exec('dropdb', ['postgres_js_test'])await exec('createdb', ['postgres_js_test'])await exec('psql', ['-c', 'grant all on database postgres_js_test to postgres_js_test'])
function ignore(cmd, args) { const { stderr } = spawnSync(cmd, args, { stdio: 'pipe', encoding: 'utf8' }) if (stderr && !stderr.includes('already exists') && !stderr.includes('does not exist')) throw stderr}
export async function exec(cmd, args) { // eslint-disable-line let stderr = '' const cp = await spawn(cmd, args, { stdio: 'pipe', encoding: 'utf8' }) // eslint-disable-line cp.stderr.on('data', x => stderr += x) await new Promise(x => cp.on('exit', x)) if (stderr && !stderr.includes('already exists') && !stderr.includes('does not exist')) throw new Error(stderr)}